am I paling into insignificance?

#midlife blog
            Kasha Grimes winning
             Mrs UK Global 2015
Just when I thought it was safe to rest on my laurels and embrace the ageing process, along comes a story on Kasha Grimes - who has just won Mrs UK Global Classic 2015. I didn't even know there was a competition out there for Classic Global midlifers, but apparently there are several!

I read 53 year old Kasha's triumphant victory story here and just kept staring at the perfection of this woman. She has rippling, long blonde hair, a flawless face without a laugh line in sight and she has gravity defying breasts and a wasp-like waistline (not to mention a flat stomach) to die for! I am in awe the fact that she is a successful business owner and still manages to find the time and enthusiasm to achieve such magnificence!

I'm a little worried that the pressure is on to reach similar pinnacles - no more relaxing back into the comfort of a little midline padding and not so pert boobs.....oh no that would be too easy! It seems that the Barbie mentality is fast encompassing midlife too! How on earth do I get a waistline and boobs like hers without keeping a plastic surgeon in business?

Then there is all the facebook and blogging vibe about embracing going grey. I'm happy for those who are blessed with grey hair to celebrate it and own it. It helps if you have a reasonable quantity of grey so there is something to work with - I just have strands of it here there and everywhere and will hold onto the hair colour for a little longer. The problem with all those 'embrace the grey' posts I read is that they are accompanied with photos of spectacularly gorgeous women who just happen to have grey/white hair. Case in point Yasmina Rossi:

#midlife blog
Yasmina Rossi in all her gorgeous-ness
This is a woman who is beyond beautiful, she is a model and has the face of a goddess - how on earth can I compare going grey with this icon of swishing, windswept wonder? My hair doesn't look like Yasmina's or Kasha's billowing locks, I am hard pressed to get it past shoulder length now days and forget luster and vibrancy. I keep my fringe to disguise my forehead lines - these women wouldn't know a forehead wrinkle if they tripped over one!

I tried googling "grey haired older women" looking for a realistic picture of a midlife woman with grey hair and 98.5% of the images were of paragons of gorgeous-ness. Where are the real women? Can we please not go down the path of unreal expectations for women into midlife as well? Could we leave those behind with the 20 and 30 year olds and settle for looking like women who have lived life without botox or the blessing of the beauty fairy. Can we just be happy with who we are and not start thinking that it's the norm to look like these women? Haven't we earned our right to not have to compete anymore?


  1. Yes Yes we have.
    I've stepped away and am no longer in the competition.

    1. I thought I did too Carla - but if these gorgeous women are upping the game - I refuse to play!

  2. I would drive myself bonkers if I stayed in the competition. Been there, done that. You are uniquely you are we are blessed with that!

    1. I agree Cathy - it's way too hard to try to fit into this unattainable echelon - I will settle for being unique - I like that description!

  3. Keep in mind that they have the best professionals and (professional airbrushers at their disposal. Be the best you you can be is what I always say!

    1. Good point Estelle - it would be a LOT of hard work to maintain that level of perfection - especially in your 50's - I'll give it a miss and work on being someone true to myself.

  4. Dear Leanne,
    First of all the first woman has got fake boobs! Second of all,I know how powerful photoshop is, and all the images on the internet are photoshoped. Because wrinkles and non-perfection doesn't sell. And beauty pageants at this (or any age) are just ridiculous. I think it's just best to stay out of competition:)

    1. Thank you for that Abby - I did think that amazing bosom might have been "enhanced" with some silicone! I just couldn't believe someone would feel the need to up the ante so much at this stage of life - when we should be giving ourselves a little room to breathe :)

  5. I have to admit that I never to compare myself in those ways. Being the best me is challenge enough!

    1. I never thought I would either Carol but these women are starting to pop up all over the place - at least we are mature enough to recognize our worth and not compete :)

  6. Yes we can compete only in what we choose. I always assume the pictures are photo shopped to perfection so in my mind all these women are not the same as when you would meet them in real life. Just too much energy to maintain unless your face and body is your source of income!

    1. It's way out of my league Haralee - and there has to be a bit of clever photography and a LOT of hard work and I'm way past putting that much effort in to try to look 30 :)

  7. Mmmm....what competition? I thought that was high school. So over it. Too busy to worry about it. When I see a woman who is obviously competing I feel sorry for her -- thinking how shallow her life must be.

    1. that's a really good way to look at it Carol - I had the whole high school thing in my head too - and I just can't be bothered!

  8. Yeah, I pretty much left any competition behind in high school as well. Actually, I was never very good at it to start with. Always happy just being staid, unglamorous me. Can't imagine the pressure on these women!

    1. I think unglamorous is the way to go Diane - a little bit of self love rather than dollops of silicone and botox :)

  9. I have so many things to do - none of which ever have or will include competing with air brushed pictures of other women.

    1. So true Kay - I am a bit gobsmacked at the amount of effort that would be involved and I just don't have the motivation or interest to put that sort of pressure on myself!

  10. Ok Leanne get a grip! Firstly, you are beautiful, secondly my hair stylist told me that sometimes woman of a certain age can't actually carry off grey hair and thirdly we don't have to look like Barbie Dolls. I would rather age gracefully and I think that someone who takes care with their appearance but is happy in their own skin will always be more attractive. Now are you feeling better? Read my comment YOU ARE NOT PALING INTO INSIGNIFICANCE! Thanks for sharing at #WednesdaysWisdom though so I could comment! Love your posts!

    1. Thanks Sue - I'm glad you're on my side! I am just astounded at how many of these gorgeous creatures are surfacing lately - I really don't want them to become the "norm"!

  11. It's only a competition if we believe that there is a prize, if we believe that beauty is a finite possession, given to only a chosen few.

    We are all beautiful, and by complimenting and supporting each other, we are not diminishing ourselves -- if anything, we are increasing the beauty in all of us.

    I believe it is important to celebrate all kinds of beauty in older women, to counteract the stereotype we are constantly fed that we become dry and unimportant as we age. I might not look like a model or a beauty queen, but I am still a vibrant, interesting, fascinating woman. These beautiful older women remind us we are all worthy of attention.

    1. that's so true Katie - i love the idea of being vibrant and fascinating - just not the idea that society is slowly increasing the age threshold for looking like a movie star! I want to be get older and more comfortable in my skin - not feel like I have to keep up with these fabulous icons. I guess it's about self esteem and growing in self acceptance so that it just washes over me :)


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.