At the beginning of the year I wrote a post on Embrace ~ My Word for 2016 and I thought I'd do a little update on how that's working for me. I read heaps of posts from other bloggers about the words they were choosing and their reasons why and I hoped that I'd chosen one that would give me some inspiration to keep moving forward.
So far 2016 has definitely been a year of embracing change and embracing good things.
- It has seen the birth of our first grandbaby - little Sophia May. She came into the world at the end of April and is proving to be a joy for her parents and for both sets of grandparents. I'd love to see more of her, but distance being what it is, we see her every few weeks and watching her grow and develop is such a joy.
- It has seen me change jobs for a second time in a 12 month period. I thought I was settled in my new job, then "got a better offer" (to quote the vernacular of the millenials of today). Basically when you get asked to come and work for someone who desperately needs you and who is willing to make it worth your while, it is certainly worth taking a leap of faith.
- It has seen my blog hit 200,000 views - I never dreamed that anyone other than me would read what I have to write - to have had so many people stop by, to have so many leave me a comment here or on facebook or by email, means the world to me. The friends I have made and the "tribe" of midlife bloggers I have discovered is beyond anything I could have ever envisaged.
- It has also seen the death of my father and the need to accept my relationship with him for what it was and to forgive him for his lack of fathering. It has meant acknowledging that it's okay to have someone who should have been close to me die and not to feel the sorrow that would be expected. It's okay to let that be the case.
- It has also seen me accept myself for who I am, it has allowed me to open myself up to others and to be honest about the ups and downs I've faced. It's given me opportunities to share the lessons I've learned and to encourage others who are in the middle of stuff I was dealing with a few years ago.
All in all 2016 has been a year of taking small risks - changing jobs, trying new hobbies, telling my story, blogging from my heart, deepening old friendships and building new ones. I've seen birth and death and I've seen life continuing on - running like a river through all the mountains and valleys of this life we have been given.
All in all 2016 has been a year of taking small risks - changing jobs, trying new hobbies, telling my story, blogging from my heart, deepening old friendships and building new ones. I've seen birth and death and I've seen life continuing on - running like a river through all the mountains and valleys of this life we have been given.
Embracing the journey and not fighting the process is how we grow. I can look back on the last eight months and see changes - many positive ones in particular and I can say without a doubt that I am Embracing 2016 with open arms.
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This has been a big year of change. Embracing it would be the only way to handle so much. You picked your word well this year....almost as if the word picked you v
ReplyDeleteMaybe it did pick me Jennifer - I kind of like that idea because it's about seeing things that happen in a positive light and being open to everything.
DeleteYour attitude is so healthy! And it HAS been a big year for you, mIssy. Good on you!
Thanks Carol - it's been a learning curve for me (I didn't come ready made with all that wisdom you have tucked away - that's why you're my hero!)
DeleteWhat a great word it is turning out to be for you because you are Embracing it all!
ReplyDeleteI hope so Haralee - it is certainly turning into an interesting year and embracing it seems like the best choice :)
Deleteyou DO have the best attitude.
Just slap it over the back of the head Carla and tell it to get over itself - then it might be ready for a hug :)
DeleteI love your beautiful honest "embracing" words of life. You are so right, all of the ups and the downs need embracing. Thanks for sharing..........
ReplyDeletethanks Ellen - if we don't embrace everything then it can knock the socks off us - it's easier to take it all in and enjoy the ride :)
DeleteWhat a wonderful attitude you have! We all need to "Embrace" life with your frame of mind.
ReplyDeleteI think that's what midlife is all about Mary - enjoying the stuff that comes our way and being grateful.
DeleteEmbrace is a great word and you do a great job embracing it. Congrats.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rebecca - it's such a positive word and it was nice to look back and see how it fits with the year so far.
DeleteLeanne, Embrace is such a good word...and one of my favorite. You're such a positive influence in the blogging community.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely thing to say Glenda - thank you so much :) xx
DeleteA great word Leanne and you have certainly experience many things in 2016! I wonder what your word for 2017 will be?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure yet Sue - I think we'll both be looking for our word when December comes around - it's good to have one and for it to inspire us to have an upbeat focus for the year ahead.
DeleteEmbrace is a great word and you are certainly living up to it. I hope you have lots of great things to embrace over the rest of the year!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Lois - the year is certainly not over yet and I'm sure there'll be lots still yet to come :)