MIDLIFE ROCKS! ~ Discovering a whole new world of Midlife Bloggers #midlife #blogging #tribe


How can a whole world exist and a person have no idea about it? A couple of years ago I was going quietly about my fairly mundane life - the wheels were falling off all over the place and I was hanging on by the skin of my teeth. Midlife didn't look all that fabulous to me and I was wondering how to make sense of it all. I had always kept a journal, but I thought it might be nice to put some thoughts down somewhere to get them out of my head and into some sort of order.


English had always been my strong point in school but once I left, I never wrote anything much - other than letters to friends (pre-email - remember those days?) and a few paragraphs each week in the aforementioned journal. The idea of writing something anonymous and for my eyes only touched a chord and so I jumped into the shallow end of the blogging world and started googling what to do.

First up was a name - I'm not quite sure how I came up with Cresting The Hill but I liked the idea of being at the top after a long climb and pausing to enjoy a breather and take in the view. I didn't even think about reading the millions of "How To" posts on blogging - I just opened a little Blogger window and off I went - after all, it would only be something I was going to do for a few weeks/months and nobody else would ever see it........ how wrong I was!


I didn't have a profile pic back in those days - I used this one I found on Pinterest (I had no idea about copyright or anything else) it was a pretty picture and reflected how I wanted to be. I didn't connect to any social media because my friends might see what I was doing and laugh - of (even worse) feel sorry for my poor attempt at self expression.

I had the comments section turned off because nobody would be reading it and I didn't want to risk getting spam or horrible comments. I had no idea that the comments were the best part of blogging - it's where you meet people and connect - boy was I naive!


Then one day, a few months into my solitary venture, I think (if I remember correctly) I found a Midlife Community on Google+ and that lead me to Midlife Boulevard and the Women of Midlife and before I knew it, I was reading blogs by all these amazing midlife women. They were writers, cooks, DIYers, exercisers, blogging advisers, carers, and goodness knows what else. They were so positive and so immersed in this whole world of blogging - some asked me why I didn't have a comments section because they wanted to connect with what I was writing - I was blown away!

I started reading about finding your niche and finding your tribe - somehow I ended up finding both by default - this fantastic group of women who inspire me to be my best and to enjoy this stage of life with gusto and a good laugh. In the process I've also learned about HTML, SEO, copyright, blog hops, link-ups, guest posts, blogging awards, features, collaborations, and all sorts of interesting things


From there my little blog has just grown and flourished. I've tried lots of different things, I've written about my life, my family, my pets, my parents, my friends, my marriage, and lots more. The highs and lows of my life were on display for all to see - then I started a facebook page and my friends suddenly started reading my posts and telling me they enjoyed them - no judgement (a little curiosity as to why I would do it) but I think we can all see a little of ourselves in each other because we've shared similar journeys.


My poor husband has been dragged into this blogging thing by default as he listened to me wax lyrical about page views, fume and fuss over HTML coding, he helped me access and set up my banner picture and even took the photo that is now my profile pic on everything (for now). He is a little bemused about how a middle aged woman in country Western Australia could end up with friends all over the world. I must say I'm a little bemused by that myself at times! 

He doesn't read my blog all the time (I still think I'm the only one who does that) but he pops on occasionally so he can keep up with how much of our life I am exposing to the world. He tells me there will be nothing left to say at my funeral because it's all been written about here. Instead of a eulogy he's just going to give everyone a link to my blog and tell them to read the bits that interest them. Sounds like a great idea to me - I'm planning on there being glitter to sprinkle lavishly on my coffin, so it should be a light and bright ending to my time here on earth! Now I just need to sort out an effigy for the coffin lid so there's something for everyone to look at before they head home to log onto crestingthehill.com.au. I think there'll be a handout that looks something like this:


I can't begin to say how wonderful this blogging journey has been - it's coming up to two years since I started (December 2014) and I'm not sure how many more stories I have in my head to put on the screen, but as long as they keep jumping around in my brain, I'll keep throwing them out there. If I stop blogging then I'll need to take up knitting, or macrame or some other pastime and nothing is calling my name at the moment. Or I might even have to start a fitness regime - heaven help me!!

Next month I'm changing it up a bit - I'm going to have three different themes - Midlife Monday, Wind-back Wednesday and Five things Friday. Keeping it fresh and interesting is part of what keeps me going - I truly hope people will keep reading my stuff - and commenting and connecting. As my circle of blogging friends grows, so does my appreciation for this wonderful world I've tumbled into - a bit like Alice down the rabbit hole - and to quote Disney "it's a whole new world!"

MIDLIFE ROCKS! ~ Discovering a whole new world of Midlife Bloggers #midlife #blogging #tribe

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This post was shared at some of these great link parties


  1. Congratulations on approaching the two year mark for your blog! I am as well. Blogging is such an enjoyable experience with the added benefit of meeting and interacting with other wonderful people you might never have otherwise met. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks so much Shari - and you're right, it has been absolutely amazing for making connections and congrats on your nearly 2yrs too!

  2. Yes yes yes yes yes. After 15 years logging in one capacity or another – – back in 2001 we did not call it blogging :-) – – I swear the most important the biggest thing I've gained is what you say above: my tribe

    1. FIFTEEN years Carla! You are like the Blogging Queen! I don't think I have enough thoughts in my head to last 15 years but I'm glad I got to meet you and so many other inspiring women :)

  3. So many of the reflections I've been having about blogging at my one year mark. Interesting thoughts about how much of our lives to put out there and giving the link to our blog at our funeral. :) As long as our sharing helps and supports others on their journey it's well worth the ride.

    1. I think the more you share of yourself the easier it gets Mary Lou - and also finding that others reach out in return is the icing on the cake.

  4. Blogging is such a great way to explore, connect and process what we are experiencing and learning at this point in your life. And I do love your blog name!

    1. Thanks Kim - it just seems to fit what I write about. Reaching an age that I thought would be boring and finding it's actually really lovely - the view is great!

  5. I'm so glad to have found you. And that original picture...what a great image.

    1. Thanks Anna - it was a nice one to hide behind before I was brave enough to show the real 'me'.

  6. It's wonderful you found a new passion that has opened up so many doors for you ...so many of us never find that. Keep going!

    1. I was never a great believer in finding "your passion" Sheryl, but finding an interest that opens your world and connects you with so many fabulous people is wonderful!

  7. Congrats on nearing two years! You clearly have some dedicated readers, so keep it up!
    One of the best parts of blogging is definitely the folks you meet that you would never have otherwise. The world is much smaller (and warmer) thanks to blogs. So happy to have met you this way!

    1. Me too Lisa - there are so many of us and we all do our own "thing" in the blogosphere and connect and support and cheer each other on - I just love it!

  8. I loved your post. I could relate to so much of it. Keep up the good work and keep enjoying it.

    1. Thanks so much - I think it's something we all find as we reach out and connect - others reach right back and it's so wonderful :)

  9. I really loved this post, Leanne, how wonderful to be at almost two years with your blog! I really cherish the friends I've made through blogging! Your account of your husband giving everyone the link to your blog at your funeral just cracked me up! Congrats! from Terri Webster SChrandt at Second Wind Leisure.

    1. Thanks Terri - I think there are a lot of us who have shown our lives to each other (and anyone else who happened to be passing by). We encourage each other and that lets us really be ourselves - with all our different interests. It's lovely to have met you in the process!

  10. Very nice. Us older folks can keep up with the youngsters in the blog deal. I started by blog in 2012 when I was 43. I just take pics of stuff I see and post it. Nothing big. Thanks for posting and keep it going.

    1. Thanks so much - I think it's a part of the world wide web that we can express ourselves in without needing to be too cyber savvy - and we do have a lot to say and to share!

  11. Yeeesss , midlife does rock big time !!! Watching the 'next generation' turning 30 and panicking madly makes me giggle. They should know , how amazing life at 50 + can be. Great post Leanne (what else to expect here ?!) Really enjoyed and I am sure , you don't mind me sharing ;)

    1. Thanks so much Klaudia! I didn't realize how great being 50+ would be either - so glad I cottoned on before I missed all these amazing years and all the people I've connected with through blogging :)

  12. Woo-hoo for midlife bloggers! I totally fall into that category, but then I have a young child at the same time, so I get to straddle the line a bit more often on a daily basis. So happy you joined us at #FridayFrivolity this week!

  13. Our blogs are the same age Leanne. It's so funny to think that the words you write have meaning to others. It's a lovely though really. Keep doing what ya doing!

    Sally @ Life Loving


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.