Five Things Friday ~ 5 Requests for my Funeral

Five things Friday - 5 requests for my funeral


It might seem a little bit morbid to some, but I think about my funeral quite often. At random times it crops up in my mind and I think about how I'd like to leave this mortal coil - on my own terms. My husband thinks he'll get away with handing out a flyer with a link to my blog to save him having to do a eulogy.... understandable, but there are five other things I'd still like him to include.... He's so lucky to have such an organized wife!


None of those wooden monstrosities for me - I want bright and vibrant - or maybe soft and serene if I'm feeling mellow closer to the time. I found this one on a site from an Australian company called Life Art Coffins and it would be absolutely perfect. They're made of cardboard - so I'll be environmentally friendly as well as colourful.

Life Art coffin - love the fresh flowers!


It seems that Rosemary for Remembrance is the way to go with funerals today - everyone gets up and places a sprig on the coffin as they file past or a scattering of rose petals. Not for me, I want a pot of glitter - people can grab a handful to toss over me - I figure there'll be bits stuck to their fingers, clothes, face, shoes and goodness knows where else, for days and that will be a lasting memory of me.

nothing like a smattering of glitter


Nothing too dirge-y but still a bit sorrowful would be nice. I don't want any hymns sung because people seem to feel uncomfortable with singing these days (unless they've had a few drinks, or are driving with the windows up in their car). I'd probably use one of these as the soundtrack for Number 4 on my list. But both of them are lovely and evocative.


I went to a funeral a while ago where the slideshow was predominantly members of the family with the poor guy somewhere in the background. I want to be front and centre and looking my best - I might start choosing the pictures soon because I don't want any awful ones slipping into the mix. Of course I'd start with a really cute baby pic like this one (wasn't I adorable?!):

who can't resist a cute baby photo?


Nothing fancy food-wise, just some delicious nibblies supplied by a caterer ((hopefully they can do hot chips!) and in abundance. And while people are eating and drinking and chatting I'd love them to be smiling and thinking kindly of me. I hope I get to look down one last time and see my family and friends having a laugh as they remember the times we shared.

laughter and good food - what a combination!


Well, that's my wish list for my funeral - I wonder if anyone else ever thinks about what they'd like - or am I just a little bit nuts? 
5 things I'd like for my funeral

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  1. I think the ultimate in control-freak-hood is planning our own funerals. I've thought about it, too, and in your post, the best thing I saw was the coffin. I mean. Really. I love it.

    1. I loved it too Carol - so much better than a boring wooden one. And I will confess to an OCD streak!

  2. OOh, Leanne, I have a post I am writing about this same thing. Having just been to a family members funeral that lasted for 2 hours and 2 hours of sadness that went on and totally made me rethink how I want to go... Great post!

    1. Thanks Renee - I've been to a couple of funerals lately and it just seems so old and boring and sad. I know people need to express their sorrow, but I want them to smile too and to remember the good times and roll their eyes as they try to get the glitter off their fingers!

  3. Love those songs! And that coffin - awesome sauce! (And I never thought I would ever say that about a coffin!).

    1. It's an amazing coffin isn't it Kim - and there were so many designs to choose from - who'd have thought that coffins could be so much fun?!

  4. While we don't have this in Kerala (South India), I'd like to tell you of a tradition amongst certain communities in other parts of South India. There, the funeral procession heads on to the street with the deceased as the chief guest, sometimes seated (bound, of course) or just dressed in hie best and carried along... all around, people will be dancing and jumping in the street with music and flowers all over, even as traffic comes to a standstill. The idea behind it is to have the Gods hear that he's coming to them so that they welcome him with open arms in heaven :)

    1. I love that idea - I could see myself dressed up and heading up the party in my own chair Roshan! I hope I'd get to wear a tiara at the very least too :)

  5. Leanne, I don't think this is morbid at all. Why shouldn't we have the kind of funeral we want? I love the glitter and picking out your own photo. There are a LOT of bad photos of me out there so I feel like starting on this one right now!

    1. Phew - it's nice to know that I'm not crazy after all! And I really want to have a funeral that people enjoy attending when the time comes :)

  6. I LOVE the coffin and the glitter!!! Yay. And yeah, why not have cool music and great pics. It's just getting my act together that's the hard part! Love this post!

    1. Thanks Cathy - I think you could come up with a great voice-over for yours - then everyone would be smiling :)

  7. Wonderful! I want laughter. Lots of stories told and laughter.

    1. Who wouldn't want that Diane? I would hate mine to be a morbid affair.

  8. Of course I've crested the hill and am now on the descent. So we have decided to be cremated, and are in the process of making plans while we are still able. Thanks for the thoughts about music which I hadn't thought about. "The Way We Were" is definitely in the mix, and perhaps (lol if you want, but it was our song) "Strangers in the Night". "If Ever You Should Leave Me", also. Actually I'm torn between a party for friends and family, or no memorial service at all. I'd like my ashes spread in Lake Michigan or perhaps off the coast of Maine. Thanks for the ideas to ponder. TMI...?

    1. I'm happy to be cremated too Di - I thought they could mix glitter (the big glitzy variety) in with my ashes so they look pretty when they're scattered (and if the wind changes direction then everyone would be glittery!)

  9. I love this, Leanne! I might just have to borrow some of your ideas.

    1. Feel free Helene - my daughter and I thought we should take up funeral planning and make it like a party planning business - maybe I'll just toss ideas out there and hope I lift the whole funeral thing to a new level!

  10. I actually think we should plan our own funerals Leanne. I do like your coffin which has quite a bit of personality about it. But seriously, I've been thinking about this lately and I don't really want a funeral. I would like everyone to deal with their grief and then throw a huge party about 6 months later and remember me with fun and laughter and love. Probably throw some ABBA in there as well.

    1. Oh yes ABBA!! You can't have a going away party (or would that be a "gone away" party) without Dancing Queen! That coffin company had some beautiful designs and I could see you with a lovely scenic one Sue :)

  11. What an awesome, fun post! Might as well have a say in one of the big events of your life! I'm thinking of cremation and becoming a REEF.

    1. I'm sure fishes everywhere would be happy to visit your reef Tam - and if you add a little glitter to your ashes it would give the scuba divers a smile :)

  12. I don't think planning your funeral is morbid - I think it is quite practical. And I love the idea of a cardboard coffin - I would also have mine decorated with flowers. But it did get me thinking of my husband's developmentally disabled brother. Sadly, one day, we may be making decisions about his funeral. Shouldn't he have some input in it? I honestly hadn't thought of that up to now. The Unknown Journey Ahead

    1. I don't think it's morbid either - kind of forward planning taken to a new level really :) It would be awful to have a funeral that was nothing like your life - it should be a reflection of who you are and how you lived - not a sombre dull occasion (IMHO!)

  13. I love that this is so much more a celebration of life! Such great ideas!

    1. Exactly Lois! It's remembering all the fun and the relationships and the laughter and celebrating that part of my life - not just the dying bit at the end.

  14. I've thought about mine, too! I'm with Lois. It's a celebration of life.

    1. It's nice to know that I'm not the only forward planner Janie - and also that you're going to be celebrating too (and not mourning and black and sombre)

  15. I haven't given this a tremendous amount of thought, but I imagine cakies and Carpenters music will feature at my funeral because they are my 'things'. I like your ideas. Cute photo! Visiting via #FridayReflections

    1. Cakes and the Carpenters are two of my favourite things Ness - I think they're a perfect place to start x

  16. Well I liked your post. I love the coffin idea and the glitter. I love glitter. But practically, doing what you say is going to take so much pressure off who ever is left behind, they don't want to be making these sorts of decisions. Also they don't usually have much time to plan and think about it. Thumbs up Leanne.

    Bloggers Pit Stop

    1. I like that there's a practical component Kathleen - and not just me being OCD - it makes me feel a lot better! Bring on the glitter!

  17. This sounds like a unique funeral that will have people talking for a period of time. After dealing with funerals, I'm sure your family has an idea of what you want at yours.
    I personally don't see that expense is worth spending because it's not going to bring me back, and I don't want to see my family going into debt just to create a fancy ceremony that I physically couldn't enjoy to start with.

    Thank you for sharing this with us on the #FridayFriolity party. We hope to see you next Thursday at 9pm EST.

    1. I totally agree - give me a nice cardboard coffin, a bit of glitter and some nibblies and I think everyone will be happy - and not too expensive either :)

  18. That coffin is great. I have given a lot of thought to my funeral and wanted to prepay for it but my financial advisor nixed that idea for a few more years. A good friend of mine who passed planned her funeral party and she wanted it to be fun, not as much fun if she was still there but still fun. Before her passing, she was terminal, she would threaten us with taking our names off the list if we pissed her off. It was a great party!

    1. That's my kind of woman Haralee! And I know funerals are probably more "real" to you after all you've been through and I'm still glad you like the idea of a party :)

  19. I must confess - it's not really something I've ever thought of!!!

    1. Isn't it funny how we all think about different things Janet? Maybe I'll be putting funeral planning thoughts into your head now!

  20. Gd
    I also want last small slides movie about me


    proudtobespecial (blog)

    1. I think the slideshow is the best part of a funeral - it is full of so many happy memories of the person - and takes away some of the sadness.


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