Thank you, Leanne, for giving me this opportunity to reflect on the second half of my life. You have been an inspiration to me. I especially appreciate your warmth, generosity and kindness welcoming me into this community. I am honoured to be a guest on your blog today.
When Leanne asked me to share my thoughts on why the second half of my life is really great:
When Leanne asked me to share my thoughts on why the second half of my life is really great:
- My first thought was I am not worthy to be part of this inspirational series.
- My fear was I would not have anything significant to contribute.
- My fear was my writing is not perfect.
- My fear was I am not perfect.
Well, here I go again. Perfection has reared its ugly head. Not an uncommon feeling for many people. What have I learned by now? Feel the fear, and yet do it anyway.
Would you rather read a perfect story, or an interesting story?
The above Mantra has changed my life. I frequently refer back to this phrase when I am writing a story. I often need this reminder when I am living my life.
We had just returned home from an amazing one month Iceland adventure. I came upon a request for Iceland-inspired stories in the publication, “Iceland Naturally, The Icelander.” I sat down and wrote a story about our incredible journey through one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
How do I summarize the experience of a lifetime? How do I convey the intense emotions Iceland evokes? A daunting task. I was hesitant about submitting my story. I knew it was not a perfect story.
Self-doubt crept in. Fear crept in.
I hit ‘send’ anyway.
They published my story "How Do I Choose One Favourite Photo Of Iceland?" in July, 2018
This Iceland-inspired story gave me the courage to begin my blog Behind The Scenery. It was something I have always wanted to do. My life immediately changed. For the better. I am challenged and out of my comfort zone. Yet, this is when I feel most energized. This is when I feel truly alive.
I have the opportunity to be creative. I easily enter the flow state when I am writing. I am fully immersed and I lose time when I read blogs. This is a form of meditation for me.
I have the privilege of meeting smart, witty, passionate writers from around the world. I learn a great deal reading about your adventures and your parts of our planet. Your stories often resonate with me. I especially appreciate your candor when you share your vulnerabilities, your lessons and your wisdom. You are a kind, supportive, generous blogging community.
You inspire me to be a better person and a better writer.
I am not in denial as to how the second half of my life is significantly shorter than the first half. Even when I do the Math. Our time is always precious. Especially now.
Do I want fear to hold me back from embracing all the good that life offers? Do I want my imperfect self watching from the sidelines? Or, do I want to create a Story filled with new adventures, new challenges and new experiences.
I have made my choice. I choose an Interesting Story, not a Perfect Story
Do you find the goal of perfection has prevented you from saying “yes” to new challenges and new adventures? Have you ever been afraid, yet went ahead and did it anyway?
My mantra was inspired by Drew Houston, co-founder and CEO of DropBox, “Write an interesting story, not a perfect story.”
Meet Erica/Erika

I still consider myself relatively new to blogging. My first actual post was in August, 2018. A common thread in my stories is continual learning, evolving, recreating and gratitude. I pay attention and I look for the lessons. I love interacting with fellow bloggers and I am inspired every day reading their stories.
To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar and I'd love you to share this post by clicking on a share button before you go xx
This post was shared at some of these great link parties
Hello Erica lovely to see you here as part of Leanne's Midlife Symphony series. Fear can really hold us back can't it? I know that it is a constant with me and overcoming fears and limiting beliefs are certainly a WIP for me even at the age of 62! I agree though, perfection as held me back in many opportunities but now I just push the start button and go! Life is there to be lived, we are not perfect and there will always be things we can improve upon but why waste time waiting until everything is perfect before jumping into life. If we wait too long the opportunity has passed us by. It is lovely to get to know you more and count you in my circle of blogging friends whom I cherish. Thanks Leanne for the series and I smile each time I read the name - Midlife Symphony - now that is perfect! xx
ReplyDeleteWow, Sue, I am very touched by your kind comment. I have told you in the past how you inspire me in many ways. You have set the bar very high. I appreciate your candor and how you share your vulnerabilities. I am still in awe as to how our paths have crossed and we have found a supportive, safe tribe where we can share and continue to grow. I love how Leanne has pulled it all together with her generous, fun and informative Midlife Symphony Series. A perfect phrase! xx
DeleteHi Sue - I'm so pleased that Erica jumped in and offered to be a guest, isn't it amazing how we just click with some people? And you're so right about the perfection thing (as is Erica) it holds us back from so much and often we are our own worst critics. I'm getting braver at having a go and being less than perfect - just so I don't miss any opportunity that might be worth a shot.
DeleteHi Leanne, I am honoured to be a guest in your positive and inspirational Midlife Symphony Series! You have given me the opportunity to reflect on the best half of my life. I look forward to reading and learning about new perspectives and gems in this Series. Thank you for your kind, warm welcome! xx
ReplyDeleteI loved this post - and am always inspired by what you have to say...
DeleteHi Erica - I'm delighted to have you onboard and I know your post is going to resonate with a lot of the Midlife community who stops by here because we're all trying to get past the perfectionism bug that we've managed to pick up somewhere along the way! I'm hoping the 2nd half of my life will be more relaxed and less stressed by letting go of the need to always get things right before I even think about trying something new!
DeleteThanks for bringing us Erica's story (as an aside, you had me at Iceland!). I'm taking an interesting story over a perfect one every day - it's in the imperfections that we find the character and the texture...and our voices.
ReplyDeleteThank you always Joanne for your supportive and encouraging words. You are definitely one of the reasons why I am excited to wake up each morning. I enter a world of positivity and beauty with your words and your photos. Not only the photos that make me drool. xx
DeleteHi Jo - isn't it great how we can encourage each other and in doing so realize that we're not alone in figuring life out? I think Midlife has been outstanding in the way it's connected me to so many fantastic women who are rocking their "interesting stories" and encouraging each other to be brave enough to be less than perfect.
DeleteWow, Erica... I've learned something new about you and your blogging journey. I wasn't aware of your published article submission. What a perfect... ummm... interesting way to begin! I completely agree with you that the second half is pretty darn great and the blogging community is generous, supportive, and a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteI have told you before, Janis, how you were one of my firsts in the blogging community. You were on hiatus and yet you took the time to respond to me, and I was a total newcomer at the time. I was reluctant to contribute a story to Leanne's inspirational series and I realized I was back into a critical mode. I had to remind myself about the whole not needing or wanting and impossible to be perfect thing. The concept of perfection is paralyzing and does not allow me to move forward. You are right, how the second half is pretty darn great!xx
DeleteHi Janis - lovely to have you visiting and cheering Erica on - her post was spot on for my Midlife Symphony series - we're all doing life so well in our 50's and beyond and she was spot on with the need to stop perfectionism from holding us back from things we'd like to try. Imagine if she hadn't pressed publish?!!
DeleteHi Erika I enjoyed reading about your midlife symphony in blogging. I share your experience of fear before pressing send. I’ve also promised myself to feel it and then do it anyway. Leanne thanks for another great guest post
ReplyDeleteI love how you say this, Jennifer, “feel it and do it anyway.” This may be one of the keys to living a full life, in general. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
DeleteHi Jennifer - I'm so amazed at synchronicity - I just received your guest post in my email with the introduction that Erica had inspired you to stop re-reading it and to just send it as it is. And it's just right for what I was looking for - so win/win!
DeleteHi Erica/ Erika, Thank you for sharing your Iceland-inspired story and congrats on your published article and photo. Having been to Iceland, I agree that it needs to be experienced. I also agree that blogging is fun and our blogging community is supportive. I'm loving the second half of my life as I now have more flexibility to go on more adventures. I choose an interesting story filled with new adventures and new experiences :)
ReplyDeleteHi Natalie - Iceland does look like it would be an amazing place to visit - and an inspiring one too by the sound of things! I'm so glad Erica had the courage to choose to give blogging (and writing) a go - where would we be without her??
DeleteNatalie, I find all of your stories interesting and informative. Your photos are stunning! I think about you almost every time I take a photo now with my iphone. I have started “pausing” and getting better results. Pictures of toddlers are still a blur. I am excited to hear about your upcoming trip and see your photos. Thank you for your kind, supportive comment today and always:)
DeleteI loved your story of inspiration Erica...while perfection is a mirage, it took me almost a full life to understand that nothing is perfect! I am glad you didn't wait to create a perfect post or who knows it could have been! (eager to read it, thanks for the link.) Now I know that the wizard of perfection rests on ski slopes, smiling at us only till the snow melts.
ReplyDeleteBlogging opens magnificent avenues of communication and conversation if you can play with words. It nurtures our thoughts and ideas and can be creative as well as cathartic. It also introduces us to like-minded persons whom we may not have met but there develops a bonding beyond friendship. So keep going dear friend, you are an awesome blogger. :)
I'm glad she took the plunge into writing and blogging too Balroop - or we'd never have gotten to know her! I think blogging grows your writing skills, creates new friendships, opens our minds to new thoughts, and so much more - waiting til we write the "perfect" post would mean we miss all those wonderful opportunities to learn, grow and connect.
DeleteHi Balroop, I thought I was getting better about the perfection thing, and yet, I find it still appears in my life. Likely a lesson I need to learn over and over again. You bring up a great point, Balroop. I think everyone in this community does enjoy playing with words. Goosebumps, on a bonding beyond friendship. We do learn a great deal about each other. Thank you for your kindness and encouraging words today and alwaysxx
DeleteErica, I loved reading about how you got into blogging and well done on having that story published by 'Iceland Naturally' - that's quite an achievement! I absolutely love that quote 'I choose an interesting story, not a perfect story'. I haven't heard that before but I really like it. My stories are all far from perfect so this is a great comfort to me. :-) #TeamLovinLife
ReplyDeleteI love the quote too Min - it's something we all need to remember because interesting is so much more intriguing than perfect. I'd rather be an interesting person (or blogger) than one that has everything so perfect that it intimidates others. Imperfection and being vulnerable opens us up to letting others teach us and expand our world.
DeleteHi Min, I also love this quote and I think about it often. I listened to Drew Houston, co-founder and CEO of Dropbox on a podcast. It was an excellent interview and this gem was a major takeaway. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your supportive comment.
DeleteWow! This is such an inspiring piece, Erica! I loved learning more about you and how you took that leap of faith. One of my favorite sayings is Do It Afraid and you certainly did that! Thanks for hosting Erica, Leanne.
ReplyDeleteHi Jill - it's been such a pleasure having Erica on my blog and connecting with some of her blogging buddies - I love how we all connect in different ways.
DeleteHi Jill, I like how you say this “Do it afraid.” It gets right to the heart of it in few words. Thank you for reading and sharing your encouraging words.xx
DeleteHi Erica, I loved our time in Iceland and can't wait to read the link you provided. Your honesty here is refreshing and heartwarming. You have so much to offer and have become a favourite blogger of mine too, as your words always resonate with me. I love that sentence - I choose and interesting story, not a perfect story - it's so true! Thanks again Leanne for sharing another inspiring blogger with us, it's been great to read Erica's story. #TeamLovinLife
ReplyDeleteHi Deb - as soon as Erica shared her post with me I thought about you and your Iceland adventure - that amazing blue hot springs and the scenery. It has definitely made me think that it's a place worth adding to my eventual travel bucket list. And isn't it lovely how Erica has become part of our little blogging tribe?
DeleteHi Deb, I recall a post from last year where you shared breathtaking photos of your trip to Iceland with your husband and daughter. I know you “get it” on the whole Iceland thing:) I really enjoy your posts Deb, and I hope you feel the collective, virtual hugs you receive when you share some of the challenges. I greatly appreciate your kind and supportive comment. xx
DeleteI love our blogging tribe :) xx #lifethisweek
DeleteFun to see you here in this series, Erica/Erika. I like your story and agree that personal blogging is something that needs to be real, not perfect. It has for me, like you, become a part of who I am. I look forward to reading your posts for years to come.
ReplyDeleteHi Ally - I think Erica nailed it with her thoughts on allowing ourselves to jump in and discover where we're heading as we go along. I've seen many bloggers who waited years before they started because they wanted perfection - and in the meantime they missed out on so much!
DeleteHi Ally, I love reading your blog and the real stories you share. Many of your stories are also thought-provoking and sometimes under the ‘truth is stranger than fiction’ category. I look forward to reading your posts for years to come, too.
DeleteErica, I read this post in reverse order, with your story of Iceland leading. You wrote that beautifully and with such passion, no doubt it was selected for publication. I have had that 'tear down the cheek moment' a few times during our travels and I know exactly what you were feeling.
ReplyDeleteI am glad publication inspired the creation of your blog. Sometimes all it takes to cross the line from doubt to confidence is a little validation. You do that in spades through your stories and with the generous and sincere comments you make to other bloggers. The condition of your heart comes through loud and clear and I am grateful that you made the choice to write your blog. I appreciate that you mentioned that reading blogs feels akin to meditation. That is another sentiment we share and it has become an important part of my morning routine to catch up with 'friends'. Thanks for sharing your second half story on Leanne's blog today. Really nice seeing you here.
Soooo, when can we expect to see more stories about your month in Iceland???
Hi Suzanne, I just reread Morgan’s post on your site. She wrote an amazing article with stunning photos about Iceland. It will be fun to follow her adventures.
DeleteI know that you get it on the ‘tear down the cheek moment.’ No words to truly describe some of the beauty on our planet. You take stunning photos, Suzanne.
I suspect many bloggers have been writing our entire lives. You hit the nail on the head with “a little validation.” I find this community is very generous and supportive. Thank you for sharing your very kind and encouraging thoughts. I love how you say ‘catch up with friends.’ I look forward to staying connected and catching up with my friends. xx
Hi Suzanne - wasn't it a great read? I love that Erica took the bull by the horns and jumped in. You hear so many stories of bloggers who procrastinated about starting or who burned out really quickly because they couldn't achieve the level of perfection they were seeking. For me it's about being imperfect and vulnerable and open to others - that's where the connections begin and continue isn't it?
DeleteI’ll definitely take interesting over perfect! I clicked through to your Iceland article which I really enjoyed - no wonder it was published, it makes me want to go tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteMe too Anabel - perfect people are often the most over-stressed (and also incredibly self-focused and boring) people on the planet. Whereas interesting ones just draw you right into their stories don't they?
DeleteHi Anabel, You live in a beautiful part of the world and I appreciate you sharing the gorgeous areas and the history. Scotland is possibly next on our travel list. We may return to Iceland at a different time of year. Staying close to home right now with a new grandchild on the way. Thank you for your kind comment.
ReplyDeleteI hope to see you here some day!
DeleteHi, Leanne - I love this series already. One of the (many) things that I enjoy about Guest Posts is that I always learn something new about the author, even when that author (like Erica) is also an IRL friend!
ReplyDeleteI'm gratefull for the Iceland article. Not only does it brilliantly share also brough Erica to this little corner of the blogging world! :D
I'm so glad she found us too Donna - and that she's nearly your next door neighbour is another happy co-incidence. Blogging is like a big happy family who have all the good bits without all the infighting! Love my little blogging world! x
DeleteDonna, you are one of the key reasons blogging has changed the second half of my life, for the better. You helped make me feel supported and accepted early on. You have a gift of weaving genuine kindness throughout the blogging community and in real life. I am very fortunate to call you my friend! xx
DeleteThank you Leanne for hosting this series and Erica for sharing your story. I'm glad you hit send on that first submission and that it gave you the courage to begin blogging. I have truly enjoyed our connection through this community. I have let fear of failure or imperfection hold me back in the past, but I am embracing "try it and see what happens" in life's second act!
ReplyDeleteHi Christie - I've loved watching you try new things - like your vlogging on Mondays - you're much braver than me! And I'm loving having guests on the blog again - it's been a while and I've missed the variety - Erica has been a great example of that!
DeleteChristie, I love your words, “try it and see what happens.” It opens the door to a great deal of possibilities. I agree with Leanne, on how brave you are and I admire your courage. Despite personal challenges, you put a positive spin on your stories and share your gratitude. Thank you!
DeleteI am learning something new each time I read your posts. A month in Iceland! Amazing! What an incredible gift to be able to take that time and come away renewed and inspired. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYes Erica has certainly had an amazing time hasn't she? I love that it inspired her into a writing and blogging adventure too - isn't it interesting where life takes us?
DeleteAntoinette, you said it well, “renewed and inspired.” I was there with my husband, one of my daughters and my best friend. It was a life changing trip for each of us in a different way. Thank you for reading and sharing your supportive thoughts. I look forward to continuing our connection.xx
DeleteErica, I like the juxtaposition of perfection versus interesting. I've been thinking about perfection (again) as I continue to grow out of my perfectionistic tendencies. For me it's allowing myself to enjoy the engagement and not worry about achieving mastery. I'll definitely be adding in the concept of interesting!
ReplyDeleteHi Pat - becoming an ex-perfectionist is quite a journey isn't it? When we give ourselves permission to not have to nail every little detail, we find that there's so much in life that we can try and decide if we want to pursue it or let it go.
DeleteHi Pat, I really enjoyed listening to the interview with Drew Houston a couple of years ago. His quote on an Interesting Story versus Perfect Story resonated with me. Your term “juxtaposition” describes these concepts well. I agree on enjoying the engagement, truly the fun part of life. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteThank you for featuring Erica, Leanne. I am a huge fan! And delighted to learn of your blog through her story.
ReplyDeleteI have been following Erica, for quite some time, but didn’t know her full backstory. I totally agree that life is SO MUCH BETTER in the second half. And I am so happy that she submitted her story to Iceland Naturally in spite of the fear …and did so again here today. If she’d given into fear, I would have never been treated to her abundance of positivity.
Hi Lisa, I am definitely thinking about you when I wrote, learning about new fascinating parts of our planet. Your beautiful writing and your breathtaking photos help me live vicariously through you. I am very touched by your kind, supportive comment. I know we will stay connected. xx
DeleteHi Lisa - lovely to meet you and thanks so much for following Erica over here and taking the time to comment. I love all the Midlife friendships and connections that blogging brings about - and yes, you're absolutely right - if Erica hadn't taken the plunge we'd never have gotten to meet her and enjoy her positivity.
DeleteDoes the perfect story even exist? And, the perfect life is the one that makes you most happy. You sure are accomplishing that, Erica! :-)
ReplyDeleteI feel most alive when challenged and out of my comfort zone, as well. Not as much with the blogging and writing but with my travels and lifestyle. It’s always exciting and rewarding. Yet, often challenging!
Being a perfectionist has never stopped me from trying something new or expanding my horizons, but it is holding me back from finishing... say, a memoir. Or from feeling happy about my accomplishments. I always want to do more and better.
Great post!
I admire you a great deal, Liesbet. You follow through on your passions and your lifestyle choices and we reap the benefits when you share the stories and the photos. You remind me how the concept of Perfection can vary depending on the task. I can see how you would want your book/memoir to be both Perfect AND Interesting! You also hit the nail on the head “the perfect life is the one that makes you most happy.” I have told you before, Liesbet, you are a wise woman! Thank you for your supportive and encouraging comment.xx
DeleteLike, like, like. :-)
DeleteHi Liesbet - I'm always so amazed at people who are willing to try things that are scary or out of their comfort zone. I'm such a "play safe-er" and I think wanting to do everything as perfectly as possible robs me of many opportunities that someone who was willing to just give it a go and see what happens, would jump into and experience. I hope Midlife makes me braver and good luck with finishing that Memoir!
DeleteHi Leanne!
ReplyDeleteOften, those fears are irrational. Going for it is easier with an attitude of having “nothing to lose” or considering what the worst thing that could happen is...
When I read your comment, I realized how contradictory my personality is: I am a perfectionist when it comes to doing things myself - jobs, pleasing others, writing - but I’m willing to try about anything, because of my overpowering sense of adventure. I guess when expanding my horizons, I don’t think about it as not being able to do it perfectly.
Also, my drive to travel has always been much stronger than writing or anything else, so in the past it has been “easy” to prioritize. The result is that this memoir is taking forever, I feel guilty about not working on it, and I’m at the point where “enough is enough”. Pick your poison. :-)
Hi Liesbet - I think that's where I come unstuck, I don't have an overpowering sense of adventure - maybe that's what I need to be working on? I think there's nothing that pushes me hard enough to step out of that comfort zone - maybe that's my poison?
DeleteI love that Mantra! Far too often, I have let something needing to be "perfect" hold me back. I have learned that we are ALL works in progress and we learn most when we let ourselves truly live instead of letting fear hold us back!!
ReplyDeleteHi Amy, I was hesitant about writing this post for the reasons I mentioned. I do find I sometimes need to learn my lessons over and over again. I admire you, Amy, for trying new things. You sounded calm, confident and great on the video interview, yet it likely took courage to try something new. Thank you for sharing your kind and supportive comment. xx
DeleteFear is a big one for me Amy - that whole "what if it falls in a heap, or I fail, or I look stupid?" Such silly things to worry about at this stage of life - but still so real at times for me!
DeleteSuch wise words. Fear holds us hostage from experiencing our best life. Trying new things. I have been writing on my children's 'book' for years. Finally wrote the ending and need to fill in some details before I can officially say THE END. But fear keeps creeping in. So glad that your enthusiasm for all that you experienced in Iceland prompted you to write your essay and then begin your blogging adventure. Also glad to have found you!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lesley - Erica has inspired a lot of people in a very short time. When you look at the response to this post you can see that she speaks a truth that a lot of us fully understand and have to deal with as well. I'm hoping it gets easier with a bit more time to not worry about the end result and to just enjoy the journey.
DeleteHi Leslie, Very interesting about writing your children’s book. I know you have extensive background in education and working with children. You know the type of books children would love to read or have read to them. Your comment reminds me how enthusiasm and passion help push us forward. I enjoy seeing more of your personal life on Instagram. A positive, fun way to communicate and share.
DeleteI look forward to reading your book when you publish it. I am also glad our paths have crossed, Leslie. Thank you for your kind, supportive comment!
Thanks Erica and Leanne for this interesting post. I know I did respond a day or two ago but I was not using my lap top and now that I'm home after being away, I'm using my lap top. Push send ... two powerful words - and well done on doing just that!
ReplyDeleteI've never been one for 'perfection' though I am of course overly critical of my own dabbling writings. Probably a bit of fear is part of it ...
Have a great week to both of you!
Hi Susan - that whole Iphone thing and being able to comment on Blogger blogs coming into play! Glad you came back and yes, we can be our own worst critics can't we? I love that we're pushing through that and writing anyway because I've met so many lovely people by "pushing send".
DeleteHi Susan, Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, especially with having been away recently. You made me think about the concept of “push send.” Some of us are very hesitant and cautious to press send, and possibly some people “push send” too quickly. A human nature thing. The blogging community is usually more thoughtful and kind when choosing their words.
DeleteSusan, I greatly appreciate you pushing send when you share and bring attention to the good on our planet!
You have a great week!
First, perfection is highly overrated. I loved reading this. Thanks for this inspirational post. And...Iceland is in my short list of places I want to visit.
ReplyDeleteHi Laurie, Nice to meet you. I greatly appreciate you reading and your kind comment. We could easily return to Iceland. Travelling there is a life-changing experience.
DeleteI stopped by your site to find out your name and I began reading some of your posts. You have a fun and interesting site. I love your phrase “a runner who has been around the block.” I used to run a great deal and I thought my running days were over. We managed to get into the “Half Corked Marathon” taking place the end of May, this year. All entries are by lottery. Therefore, back to run/walks.
I have subscribed to your blog and I look forward to reading more. Erica
Hi Laurie - I'm not sure how we all ended up buying into the "perfectionism is the ultimate achievement" myth, but I'm so glad Brene Brown woke me up to the fact that it's a trap and it does us more harm than good. I'm really enjoying discovering life without always having to get it all right before I try something new. Still a work in progress though!
ReplyDeleteWhat's that saying? Perfection is the coffin of creativity (or inspiration or something...). I actually think perfectionism is a really dangerous thing, linked with school refusal and depression in our kids....and Iceland. As you say, how do you pick just one photo??
ReplyDeleteHi Lydia, You make a very important point how Perfectionism can be dangerous and linked to depression. You remind me of the link between anorexia and perfectionism. Everyone leaves Iceland with stunning photos and memories. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
DeleteI really like that "perfection is the coffin" quote Lydia - something I wish I'd known decades ago! It's a hard habit to unlearn, but so rewarding when you let go of things you've been trying so hard to control.
DeleteErica what an interesting start to blogging. Travel really does have a way of changing us and in your case leading to something different in our lives! Here's to many more adventures!
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle, You are right how travel is life-changing. I am grateful I had the opportunity to visit Iceland. I have begun researching some of the podcasts you recommended. Thank you for stopping by.
DeleteIsn't it interesting how we all have different reasons to start a blog Michele? It would make for interesting reading to see a thread on what kicked the whole thing into motion for each of us - I think there's a blog post in there!
DeleteI blog to share the stories and read others! This post exemplifies this! Thank you Erica and Leanne. Thank you for being part of Life This Week. Next Week's optional prompt is 8/51 Unusual 23/2/2020. Hope to see you link up again too! Denyse.
ReplyDeleteHi Denyse, I have not investigated Life this Week. I will check it out. I agree how blogging is a great way to share and read stories from around the world. Thank you for your kind words.
DeleteHi Denyse - I love how we share our stories and cheer each other on - that's the most special part of blogging for me. And Erica yes, you should join in with Denyse's Monday link up if you feel inspired - it's a lovely group of bloggers.
DeleteIm so glad you pressed that button - publish - fear can certainly hold us back.. are we good enough will I be accepted. Thank you for sharing your post and you are good enough xx...#MLSTL
ReplyDeleteHi Bree, I love your word “accept.” Thank you for your very kind, supportive comment! Erica
ReplyDeleteHi Bree - isn't it a wonderful community that we have? I think I'd miss every one of us who connects in - and imagine if Erica had never been brave enough to press "publish" - perish the thought!
Delete"Would you rather read a perfect story, or an interesting story?"
ReplyDeleteIndeed! Definitely an interesting story. Definitely.
I started blogging at 40 which was my way of diving head first into the middle decade of my life. Daily blogging definitely had me jumping out of bed a dawn with purpose and energy. Ten years later and the enthusiasm not quite the same ... and weekly not daily ... but yes, blogging did save me. Totally relate to this.Yours is much more interesting though!
Hi Leanne, Nice to meet you! I went over to your website and immediately smiled “Fit, Fabulous and Slightly Fatigued.” I briefly read about “The Body.” I hope all goes well. Thank you for reading and your kind, supportive comment. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Erica
DeleteHi Leanne - at times I think blogging has saved me too. Every bump in the road over the last 5 years has been fuel for my blogging fire and putting my thoughts together in a post has been so beneficial in my journey to where I am today. Perfection would be such a killer and I'm trying to let that part of my personality take a back seat so it doesn't stop me doing what I love.
DeleteErica/Erika, I couldn't agree with you more on the choice of an interesting story versus a perfect story. As a chronic type A always got three more projects ahead of the current one, I am forever plagued by the perfect versus good dilemma. I just don't have enough bandwidth for perfect.
ReplyDeleteSo your choice between an interesting blog entry versus the perfect blog entry makes complete sense. So glad you opted for imperfection as this allows us to have a window into your reality. Iceland remains a country that is on our list of desirable destinations, thank you for sharing a bit of Iceland and how it inspired you and changed your life.
Hi Ben and Peta, Iceland was a life-changing experience for us and we could easily return for a visit. We don’t usually say this about the sites we explore. I am behind on my notes since I had another life-changing experience a day ago. My daughter gave birth to a "perfect" baby boy. I will indulge in one "perfect" here. Thank you, Ben, for taking the time to share your thoughts.
DeleteHi - lovely to have you stop by to catch up with Erica here on my blog. She certainly sold Iceland to me and it's on my bucket list. Blogging would be too - except I already ticked that one off!
DeleteErica - CONGRATULATIONS on your new little grandson - definitely a "perfect" you're allowed to have in your world xx
DeleteThank you for your well wishes, Leanne! Grateful for all. xx
ReplyDeletei retired at 55; now nearly 7 years on, i am very content to blog and write and cook and take photos and draw. it has been a real renaissance for me, as i think it is for many people. i feel like my life started again, in some ways. how lucky are we!
ReplyDeleteYou're so right Sherry - I can't believe what a wonderful time I'm having not working anymore. I keep feeling a little bit guilty - and that I'm going to wake up one day and it'll all be a dream! Life flows so pleasantly and blogging has been a lovely little sideline that keeps me engaged and my brain working (something I never anticipated when I wrote my first post!)
DeleteNice to meet you Sherry. I love your word "renaissance." I agree how this is a wonderful time of life. I visited your blog site and I see you are a fan of Nigella Lawson. Her recipes have been in my radar lately. Just the pictures make me drool. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! Erica
DeleteHi Sherry, Nice to meet you! I checked your “About me” page to learn a little about you. I see Nigella Lawson’s name. She has been in my radar recently and I should try one of her recipes. I really like your word “renaissance” and it fits perfectly for this stage in life. Yes, we are lucky! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Erica
DeleteI choose interesting! Not only is story interesting, Erica--it's inspiring. Kudos on stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you again, Bette, for taking the time to comment here. xx
DeleteI choose interesting too Bette - perfect is boring in comparison! :)
DeleteHi Erica,
ReplyDeleteNow, see, I have learned more about you with this post as well. Thank you, Leanne, for featuring Erica here! I loved reading about how you began this blogging journey; as we have discussed before you and I began about the same time and found each other early on. We must have been sisters in a previous life as the perfectionism we both feel can be crippling - as I well know. And you write such INTERESTING stories!!!! I have connected with so many interesting folks in the course of blogging along; you, Leanne, and so many others. Lovely, supportive, introspective, interesting, smart, funny...the list goes on. Keep on writing those perfectly imperfect interesting stories my friend!
Erica has brought such joy into our little blogging community and I'm so glad she decided to throw caution to the wind and try her hand at writing and blogging. The blogging world would be a lot less lovely without her contribution wouldn't it?
DeleteI am going to risk this and say Hi Nancy, It sure sounds like Nancy’s lovely writing voice. An aside: Nancy, I don’t know whether you know how your Blogger name comes up as “Unknown” here. I think you mentioned you may have a guest post here next month.
DeleteThank you for your kind, supportive, encouraging words, always! It makes a huge difference when I risk and question putting myself ‘out there.’ You are a huge part of all that is good in this community.
I extra love your last sentence and I have added it to my mantras. “....perfectly imperfect interesting stories my friend!” Thank you!
Another blogger to check out, Leanne, as I am a big fan of Iceland, and have good friends there. Thanks for showcasing another great blog
ReplyDeleteHi again, Amanda, Interesting on the various connections and paths crossing with the bloggers in our Global Community. I don't know whether you have been to Iceland. Breathtaking, stunning, life-changing for many people. Wonderful how you have friends in Iceland. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
DeleteHi Amanda, I don’t know whether you have been to Iceland since you have friends there. Iceland was life changing for us in many ways. Thank you for reading and sharing your lovely comment. Erica
DeleteErica is becoming one of my all time favourite bloggers - her warmth and community mindedness shines through and I love how much her post has resonated with others and the generosity in the comments and her replies just makes my heart smile. :)
DeleteDo what you love has to be the answer. I too find that I can easily loose an evening writing and editing my photos and adjusting till I'm satisfied. It might not always be THE best, but at that moment in time it's the very best I can do. Why do it otherwise? :) :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jo, I think most of us in this Global community love reading and writing. I also enjoy playing with my photos. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughtful comment.
DeleteJo I just love how each blogger has their own spin on things. I think a lot of us want it to be as perfect as possible - but then I go to other blogs that are super basic and (IMHO) fairly awfully presented - and yet they have a loyal following and a community they're part of. So I guess it comes down to commonality rather than aspiring to perfection - and I think that's pretty perfect :)
DeleteHi Erica. I didn’t know about your motivation for getting started with blogging in the first place. So thanks for sharing this story. As a perfectionist myself and a writer too, I certainly identify with your explanation of how fear can inhibit one from submitting a story and from fully engaging in life’s opportunities. I am presently revising and reworking and revising an reworking my novel. I sometimes wonder, should I just go ahead and start trying to get it published. Or then again, I could polish it a little more, and revise a little more. . . .
Hi Jude, I sometimes use a little cheat sheet with mantras to help when I write. This post on ‘the perfect story or the interesting story’ is one of them. Another mantra (from Elizabeth Gilbert) ‘what is your story, although what are you REALLY trying to say.’ You always strike me as a polished writer, Jude, and you are an inspiration. Writing a novel is a significant undertaking. I think you were working on a series, trilogy? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and we will stay connected.
DeleteJude you made me laugh with your perfectionist procrastination - I think that might be a new term I just coined?! Maybe all this time you'll be stuck inside in the months to come will give you the final push to finish it and send it off into the big wide world - then we'll be able to claim a connection to a famous writer!
DeleteLeanne, yes, that is exactly what I ought to be doing while stuck at home. But my perfectionist procrastination knows no bounds. Wait, is that my garden calling?