Getting older is something that happens to all of us. Many in today's world are doing all they can to fight the process and stay young. It all comes down to appearance for them and trying to keep the ageing process at bay. Perhaps a better way to approach life would be to get on with living it so well that you don't notice you're getting older.
I look back at my younger self and I had nowhere near the confidence that I have now. I didn't grow up in a home that affirmed and encouraged my development (it wasn't really a big focus of parenting in the 1960's and 70's). It's taken me the first 50 years of my life to find my place in the world and to accept myself and start to settle into the woman that I have become.
I don't feel middle aged, I don't feel like I'm midlife crisis material, I don't really feel anything at all age-wise. I know I'm not the young and vibrant 20 year old of days gone by, but I'm pretty happy with who I'm becoming. This stage of life is the time to take ownership of what I want my character to look like and what sort of woman I want to be. There's no excuses anymore, the ball is firmly in my court and I don't want to waste the opportunities that midlife offers.
I read a quote on Kathy from SMARTliving365's blog from Carl Jung (not my usual go to person for quotes - but I'm learning because I'm in midlife!)
the afternoon of life (or "midlife" in my world) is just as exciting as the morning of life.
I think the second half of life comes with a softer and deeper focus. The afternoon is when you get to slow down a little, do a little bit of sitting back and thinking, smelling of roses and coffee drinking. It's a great time to be alive and I actually prefer it to the morning that is usually all hustle and bustle and no time to pause. It would be a shame to waste this afternoon of life and not use all the opportunities it presents.
I don't want to end up in my "twilight" years regretting anything. This afternoon of life covers many years/decades and so many chances to try new things, set new goals, make changes and not settle for stuff we're not happy with. I'm looking forward to discovering the meaning and purpose of midlife and sharing it as I go along - and I'm always interested in hearing what others think this journey is all about!
I don't want to end up in my "twilight" years regretting anything. This afternoon of life covers many years/decades and so many chances to try new things, set new goals, make changes and not settle for stuff we're not happy with. I'm looking forward to discovering the meaning and purpose of midlife and sharing it as I go along - and I'm always interested in hearing what others think this journey is all about!

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Ha, for the first time I managed to outbid everybody and comment on your post first! But on the serious note, I like the idea of the afternoon of life and I like to just stop and smell the roses when I can. And I still choke on the word "midlife" - I can't actually believe I'm already there?! Loved the inspiring post and quote! xx Abby
ReplyDeleteyou are only scratching the surface of "midlife" Abby - very early in the afternoon for you :) Glad you popped in early to comment this time xx
DeleteOh my gosh I think this is the phrase I've been looking for. Mid life feels odd even though at 46 I am smack in the middle. The afternoon of life is perfect here because my mornings are still frenetic.
ReplyDeleteyes Carla, I love the idea of a mellow afternoon where all the hard stuff is done and you've got a little bit of time to chill out :)
DeleteOh, how I love this! And I love the quote (leave it to Kathy Gottberg who is so prophet-like!!) This might be our "afternoon" but we have a lot of livin' to still do. Great post, Leanne.
ReplyDeleteKathy does come up with some amazing stuff and I just loved that it wasn't the "evening" of life yet - just time to unwind a bit in the afternoon :)
DeleteI love calling it "the afternoon of life." Midlife is by far my happiest time, especially now that the kids have grown and flown from the nest!
ReplyDeletemine too Marcia - I love this time of life that is so much less full on than the "morning" stage - and still plenty of time before I hit the evening phase (which will probably be very pleasant too)
DeleteWhat a wonderful way to look at it. I still am grieving the losses of people and vibrancies of youth. Thank you for the pep talk.
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome Becky - I think you have to go thru a bit of a mourning period for your lost youth, then one day you wake up and realize the sun is still shining and it's actually a very nice time of the day/life!
DeleteI am enjoying my life so much better these days than I did when I was much younger. Of course, we all wish we didn't age, but it honestly doesn't bother me too much. I don't want to be buried with a well-preserved body I want to go slipping and sliding right up until the last moment!
ReplyDeleteme too Rena - I am a bit over fighting the ageing process - you have to look after yourself but you also need to kick back a bit and say "hey life is good and I'm going to enjoy it!"
DeleteWell done! I love the line, "make changes and don't settle for stuff we're not happy with!" Not always easy....but empowering as you learn to do it! I'm trying to figure it all out and changing as I go! Fun times in the afternoon! Thanks for making my day, Leanne!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Joan - I'm only just now coming to grips with the whole idea that I can let things go and change what I don't like and that I don't have to suck everything up anymore - it's very liberating!
DeleteLove the idea of "afternoon of life" and agree this part of life is very special. Afternoon can be the best time. Age doesn't have much significant feelings for me, except dealing with hormone changes! haha However, I think we only get better and smarter with age.
ReplyDeletethe physical side of ageing sucks at times but it's such a small part of the whole second half of life - I think focusing on enjoying all that the afternoon has to offer is the secret!
DeleteHey Leanne! I LOVE your take on this idea and the quote by Angel Laney Sutton! You KNOW I'm going to hang on to that one too :-) Don't you just love the internet and how we can share and bounce ideas off of each other? That reminds me of the quote by Issac Newton who said, "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Thankfully we all are sharing each other's shoulders to see further than we ever thought we could. ~Kathy
ReplyDeleteI'm just so pleased that you don't mind me sharing what I get from your stuff Kathy - you have so many insights that trigger me thinking about all sorts of things and I love that x
DeleteLove this post! I'm totally with you and experienced similar things growing up. Encouragement wasn't exactly going on in my household growing up, either. When I look back on that time of my life, I so little self-confidence and carried that well into my thirties. I just recently turned 55, but feel about 20+ years younger, so it's all good. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou and I sound really similar in the whole self confidence thing Patty - it's taken me to 50 to start realizing that I actually am in charge of my life and I am making decisions now that reflect that and it makes it all so much better!
DeleteBeautifully said dear sister! Midlife is the perfect time for empty-nesters to do what they want to do without worrying about being held accountable for neglecting our families.
ReplyDeleteMidlife is the beginning of a whole new life for us! I can't wait to see what the future holds. For the record, my mind still thinks I AM 20. My body has sent me memo's telling it otherwise!
my mind and body are doing the same thing yours are Chris - but it doesn't stop us embracing all that this stage of life has to offer :0
DeleteOh what a lovely quote I like the idea of the afternoon of life...Thanks for sharing with us Leanne at #WednesdaysWisdom and see you next week.
ReplyDeletemy pleasure Sue x
DeleteLove the Carl Jung quote...happy for you in being comfortable with the person you are becoming (I am too) that is so important. Thank you for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!
ReplyDeleteHi Leanne, Congratulations! Your post was in my top two picks for #WednesdaysWisdom. Really enjoyed the quote and wholeheartedly agree!