#midlife blog crestingthehill.com.au


I wish other people could see my soul and know what is at the heart of who I am (not the superficial physical 'me' that they see on the surface). But the question then becomes....."what does my soul actually look like?" 


I think the "soul" is the part of me that makes me who I am. It encompasses my personality and my character - it is my essence.That being said, after 50+ years on this earth, what have I done and learnt that makes me uniquely who I am? What does my soul consist of? If I could take it out and look at it would I like what I see? Have I made a worthy attempt at creating a soul that I wouldn't mind people seeing if I could take it out and show it? One question that has led onto so many more!

I kind of had a picture in my head of a soul being an aura - if I could choose, I'd like mine to be pink and purple or something iridescent. The trouble is that a soul is more than a colour and it determines so much about who I am and how I interact with the world around me. I want to look inside and see this warm, vibrant, pulsing, enriched essence. I'd like to think that I could bask in the sunshine it gives off, but I think I'm being overly optimistic about what lies deep inside.


There is certainly an element of that richness, but there are also times of dryness and shallowness and darkness. There are times that I would be ashamed of what people would see if my soul was on the outside. I think about the pettiness and snippy-ness that is part of me and raises its head at inopportune moments. There is a gossipy bit in there too, and a selfish bit, and even a 'poor me' bit at times. 

#midlife blog crestingthehill.com.au

So what does my soul look like? Maybe a little like the lady in the top picture - worlds within worlds, good and bad, light and dark. As I hit the second half of life at a run, I want to pause now and then and take a look at what my soul is becoming. It would be nice to see the light and colour outshining the dark and the shadows. It would be nice to see the good winning out over the bad. It would be nice to see that I am making decisions that colour my soul with pinks and purples and iridescence and not too many morose shades washing over the top.

So on that note, what does your soul look like?


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Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive


  1. Replies
    1. what a lovely thing to say Linda - thank you x

  2. Wow, what a great question. I've never thought about it... I think my soul looks young, 10ish, and on the go.

    1. I think having a young frisky soul would be wonderful Beth - may yours stay that way for many more years!

  3. Wow - this is a huge question and one that I have never thought of before. As I sat trying to think of what my answer would be, I realised how complex it is and need to think about that one! I like your description as it is so honest - not an easy thing to be for many people. There are parts of my soul that would have negatives too but I suppose I have been trying to iron out any unsightly creases it has since I hit my 50s. Maybe by the time I die my soul will look like a perfectly smooth piece of shimmering purple organza. I can try!!!!

    1. I think 50 seems to be a real turning point for looking inwards Gilly and deciding who we truly want to be. A lovely shimmering purple organza is definitely worth aiming for :)

  4. That is a big question Leanne. I love your graphic. It is the bit of me that is not subject to decay like my body is. That bit sounds good. I would think when body and soul separate that my character would be in the soul. I hope that my soul was is beautiful but without some transformation I have a feeling it will be found wanting and not as pretty as your graphic. This is getting heavy. While I am here the body and soul must work together just like your description. I am still working on rough edges too.
    Kathleen (MBA)

    1. I think that's what wisdom is all about Kathleen - we see ourselves for who we are and then we make decisions about which bits to polish up and which bits to lop off!

  5. This is so beautiful!

    1. thanks Brenda - it was just something that got me thinking recently :)

  6. Love this...I'm a big time of transition right now at 46 and I'm hoping my soul is getting brighter every day. Still a work in progress. :)

    1. Me too Jamie - my transition started at 50 so you're a few years ahead of me in starting the process - and I think that once you begin it just gets better and better!

  7. Very thought-provoking. What a question! This post will stay with me as I ponder. I can imagine that some creatures -- dogs maybe? -- can see a soul with their bare eyes. Thank you for writing! Keep it up.

    1. My pleasure Mithra - yes animals have a purer heart/soul than a lot of us and you can certainly see it reflected in their eyes. It would be nice if people could say the same thing about us!

  8. I always enjoy reading your posts; they are so thought provoking. I think all souls probably have both light and darkness in them but it's up to us to add our own color. I love the colors you've thought up for yours - absolutely matches your online personality.

    1. What a lovely thing to say Katy! Thanks so much. I agree that there is always light and dark but it would be nice to think that we were getting lighter and brighter as we grow older.

  9. Lovely and thoughtful post! Sort of along the same lines, I often think of a soul as a tapestry, with good and bad weaving together to form a pattern.

    1. Yes a tapestry is a good analogy Laurel (a bit like your drawings) with all the elements interwoven - and hopefully producing something that we can look at be be proud of.

  10. Ah...pinks and purples. Those would be my choices too. A nice read to begin my day :-)

    1. thanks Mary - nothing like a bit of pink and purple to freshen up your soul :)

  11. When I think of my soul I see a beautiful but fading flower. With all the diseases she's been through lately and all the wearing out experiences she's had, she looks like this light pink rose with drying off petals. A little bit of care and she'll revive again, but for now she's having a hard time to glow. Great post! xx

    1. Abby that is a little bit sad.....you need to get out the watering can (or the day spa) and add a little TLC to that soul of yours. I think we can be so busy investing ourselves life and in others and before we know it we are wilting. I hope your rose starts to freshen up soon and stand proud and tall! xx

  12. Very good, something to think about, and ask yourself what type if life your are living.

    1. yes, it's all about how we approach our life choices and what we invest ourselves in - it comes full circle back to developing who we are as people.

  13. Hi Leanne! Based upon what I happen to believe about souls I tend to think your's is definitely "warm, vibrant, pulsing, enriched essence," as well as something you " could bask in the sunshine it gives off." Sure we all have a shadow and that doesn't always look as pretty, but I don't think there is anything that can diminish our souls. At our core I think we are all made of Light! ~kathy

    1. I like that thought Kathy - it's a lovely idea that we are made of light and can work on enriching that - rather than on continually trying to turn the dark a shade or two lighter. Thank you for being part of my journey in soul development :)

  14. Great reflection, Leanne. I want my soul to be transparent - that even the 'bad' parts show and I'm not afraid to hide exactly who I am. And gradually I want those parts to be overtaken by the light.

    1. I love the idea of a light and transparent soul that you are happy for people to see Corinne - it's something all of us should aim for :)

  15. What a lovely piece Leanne. I see you in pink and purples all the time. We all have shadows of those negative parts in us. The trick is for the good to be so much brighter. Have a great week.

    1. Hi Rena - I see you as sunshine-y yellow with a little warm orange thrown in :)


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