Five Things Friday ~ 5 Favourite Songs

Five Things Friday ~ 5 of my Favourite Songs

There are songs that have stuck in my head for years (and years, and years!) So many I had trouble choosing just five - but these are the ones that evoke memories when I hear them - and I've included a little memory with each one. I'd love to  know what your go-to songs are in the comments.

Goo Goo Dolls ~ Iris

Whenever I hear this song I always think of Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage in City Of Angels. It was an incredibly soppy movie, but I liked it and I've always loved this song. The yearning and the gorgeous 80's look singer and band - what's not to like?

Dido ~ White Flag

Dido would have one of the purest voices I've heard from a contemporary singer - and this song reflects the beauty of her voice and the indomitability of the human spirit and love.

Mike Oldfield ~ Moonlight Shadow

This is just beautiful - a little bit gothic, a little bit sad, a little bit Irish, a little bit romantic (my daughter says "but he dies! and she can't do anything!) That's not the point though - it's the heartrending and slightly ethereal sound I love.

Fleetwood Mac ~ The Chain

What would the late 70's and my teenage love life have been like without Fleetwood Mac and their album "Rumours"? All the loving and the rock and rolling and I think I know almost every word of every song on this album - Never Break the Chain is my top pick though.

Uncle Kracker ~  Smile

As silly as this song is, it makes me smile every time I hear it. It is rollicking and fun and I have it as the ringtone on my phone. I have a secret love for Uncle Kracker and his songs and this one would be on my Karaoke list for sure.

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Five Things Friday ~ 5 of my Favourite Songs

Five things Friday ~


  1. What a lovely post, Leanne. You threw me off for a moment when I saw the date, since I live where it is still 10/13/16! Since I love potatoes here is one of my favorites and it also makes me smile.

    1. I'm off to watch it Molly - we in Australia start our days a lot earlier than a lot of you guys in the US!

  2. I so relate to this one, Leanne. Every memory I have is attached to a song--or at least every song I know is attached to a memory! I have seen Fleetwood Mac four times in 40-some years. :-)

    1. I love Fleetwood Mac - I've never seen them in the flesh, but I've listened to Rumours MILLIONS of times - that must count for something :)

  3. I may need to listen to some of your songs! Happy weekend!

    1. You might feel like you're 17 again Kim :)

  4. What a fun post! I love "favorite songs" posts! Here's a post I did that is sort of aligned with that theme!

    1. Thanks for sharing Paula - I'll have to pop over and have a read :)

  5. Aha..Nice list. I hadn't heard Smile before. It worked its magic. Thanks.

    1. It's so boppy and upbeat - I just can't resist listening to it (hence the ringtone!)

  6. What a FUN post! Oh my goodness, Fleetwood Mac and Rumours!!! I know every single word of every single song on that album! My mom loved her music and this was one of her favorites. Just hearing the name of this band takes me back! I'm off to add it to my Spotify! :)

    1. I love every song on that album Wendy - it is so evocative of my late teens - old boyfriends and good times :)

  7. Great song selections, I am a jazz lover, anything Miles Davis!

    1. Jazz is one of my husband's favourite genres of music too Antionette.

  8. All of the above. And I would add several songs that make me cry. (That's my criteria for 'best'!)

    1. I have a couple of 'make me weepy' songs I want played at my funeral Diane - there's a post on that soon too :)

  9. Very nice songs. I love the Goo Goo Dolls. I have seen them live a couple of times. The most recent was before the NASCAR race in Charlotte a couple of years ago.

    1. You lucky thing - I'd love to see them in concert - their film clips are amazing.

  10. What a happy fun post Leanne! Now I will have Uncle Kracker in my head all weekend (not a bad thing:)I love him.

    1. He is so upbeat and fun isn't he Doreen - and that Smile song does exactly that to me every time I hear it!

  11. Looks like the Mike Oldfield video won't play in the U.S. but great selection of songs. How fun!

    1. That's a shame Rebecca because it fits the song so well but hopefully the others worked okay.

  12. Would you believe I only know ONE of your list? It's The Chain. a great song.


    1. It's funny how we can all hear the same songs and yet have completely different favourites - Fleetwood Mac are all encompassing though :)

  13. Loved these, Leanne! Just downloaded Iris and The Chain. Always loved them but never knew what they were called. Thank you!

    1. I'm glad I could add another couple of songs to your playlist Laurie - hopefully you'll think of me when they come on :)

  14. Love these! Well, all except Moonlight Shadow, but only because I've never heard that one. (The player wouldn't work for me.) I'll have to look for it elsewhere as it seems our tastes run about the same. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Apparently that one doesn't work in America for some reason Lisa - maybe it's too old to be relevant. It's such a lilting melody that I'm sure you'd like it.

  15. Oh I love your taste in music! Thank you for the songs and the smiles!! Now to get The Chain out of my head :)!!!

    1. Thanks Ruth - it does stick in your brain doesn't it - I immediately become 18 again when I hear it!

  16. I can still hear you sayin' you will never break the chain...... thanks for the memory!

    1. Ahhhh those lyrics - makes me feel I'm a teenager again every time I hear them - along with "lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff...."

  17. Great selection. I am a huge Fleetwood Mac fan since back in the day, and I love "White Flag." Totally agree about Dido's voice - beautiful.

    1. She has such a lovely tone doesn't she Lois?

  18. I love that hearing a favorite song can instantly transport me back in time. I'm a huge Fleetwood Mac fan too! Thanks for sharing at the Blogger's Pit Stop!


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