The A to Z Challenge kicks off again in April 2017 - my theme is "Why Midlife's Fabulous"


Last year I took on the A to Z Challenge because I thought it looked like fun - and it was....but it's not called a Challenge for nothing! Writing 26 posts in one month is quite full on and not for the faint hearted. A lot of bloggers start with good intentions and then fall by the wayside as the month progresses.

I soldiered on through the Challenge and used the theme "Positive Personality Traits" - it was an interesting exercise, and one I decided I wouldn't be repeating. But a year is a long time and I seem to have forgotten all the hard bits and I'm feeling the pull to do it all again. So......


Here I go again! And for the 2017 A to Z Challenge, this year's theme is going to be: 


Seeing I blog about celebrating Midlife all year round, I thought I'd stick with what I love writing about and tie it together with some short, succinct posts on what I've learned about Midlife and all that it holds. 

Stay tuned for April 1st when the A to Z Challenge kicks off and I hope you pop in each day to read what I come up with for each letter of the Midlife alphabet - it's going to be FABULOUS!

The A to Z Challenge kicks off again in April 2017 - my theme is "Why Midlife's Fabulous"

#atozchallenge 2017 theme reveal - Why Midlife's Fabulous!

This post was shared at some of these great link parties
To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar or follow me on facebook


  1. Sounds wonderful! I'll be sure to check back in! Cheers!

    1. thanks so much - I popped over and checked out yours as well - it's going to be a great challenge!

  2. I couldn't agree more - midlife is fabulous! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your midlife letters during the a to z challenge. (PS - This is my second year too.) Weekends In Maine

    1. Hi Karen - I love your theme and I'm really looking forward to connecting with lots of new people and reading some interesting blogs - hope to visit you all through April!

  3. Sounds like some wonderful musings for April. I don't think I'm in midlife anymore, but I guess we never know where the middle is until we get to the end. I guess I could live to past 120 years, but I kind of doubt it.

    Have a great April Challenge!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks for taking the time to stop by Arlee - and you are in Midlife for as long as you choose - I'm planning on being here for another couple of decades! Thanks again for the Challenge and all your work :)

  4. Ah - I aspire to hitting your fabulous at some stage in the next 1.5 decades :) I am blogging for the A to Z about young motherhood. I look forward to scanning your "goal posts" ;) - Louise

    1. I'm sure there'll be a few things to take away from my Midlife fabulousness Louise - you belong to the generation that beat us to figuring it out but we're catching up! xx

  5. I really fancy the idea...I have from now till April to make up my mind...

    1. Go for it! It's a big commitment to make it through to the end, but really satisfying if you do. The secret is to keep your posts short and sweet :)

  6. Looking forward to reading your posts Leanne. Good for you in giving A-Z another go this year. Midlife is fabulous that is for sure!

    1. Thanks Sue - it's a shame we're not doing it together this year, but I know you'll be supporting me and that's really important to me x

  7. Your theme is very interesting. Have bookmarked your blog and I will look forward to your posts.
    This year will be my 4th challenge.
    Suzy at Someday Somewhere

    1. Thanks so much Suzy - I'm loving all the new people I'm meeting already and I'm busy bookmarking blogs too. I'll be popping over to visit you and following you too :)

  8. Midlife is way back there now for me, but I love your positivity. I'm looking forward to reading your posts. Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 12/52. Next week: Three Month Review 2017

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Denyse - and btw you still seem like a midlifer to me :)

  9. That's a good theme! I didn't participate last year but I did the two years before. I found the days I hadn't scheduled posts the hardest. I need to schedule my posts this year as I'm away for the last 10 days of April! Good luck with the challenge! :D

    Sanch @ Sanch Writes

    1. It's so good to see that you're diving back in again Sanch - especially with all your other commitments - looking forward to sharing the Challenge with you.

  10. Good luck with it! I'd love to do it but I know I'd be one of those that fall by the wayside...!

    1. I know what you mean, but I'm a sticker-outer Kirsty - by the end of it last year I was sure I'd never do it to myself again, but here we go down the rabbit hole for another challenge and I must admit I'm quite looking forward to it now.

  11. A unique theme - I look forward to revisiting :) good Luck!

    1. It's going to be fun isn't it Isheera? I'm loving meeting all these new bloggers and seeing what they have in store for April - you included!

    2. Thank you :) Yes, I don't think we would have found each other if it wasnt for AtoZ :)

  12. Looking forward to read more on this. As I'm getting older every year, I feel this is the need of the hour :P

    All the best!


    1. Hi Geetika - this is such a fun time of meeting new people. I've already popped over to your blog and I'm looking forward to your daily nuances in April :)

  13. Great theme, looking forward to stopping by and seeing what you choose for the letters :)

    1. I'm the same with yours Debbie - it's great to be doing this for another year (although I never thought I'd see myself type those words!)

  14. Super timely for me. I need to look at when I have a slot it on my editorial calendar – – OK that made me giggle I used to be so organized – – but I may join you. I'm also sharing this around!!

    1. It would be amazing to see what you came up with for the challenge Carla. You probably don't have the space to commit to all of April - but I'll be keeping my eyes peeled just in case!

  15. Sounds like an interesting topic. I don't think I'm doing the challenge this year, but I'll be back to follow.

    1. I'm sorry you're not leaping into the challenge again Kimberley but so glad you're going to stop by to keep up with my daily endeavours :)

  16. Yeah You! That is a challenge. I will be inspired to read your posts!

    1. Thanks so much Haralee - it's a bit daunting after saying I'd never do it to myself again, but here we go and I'm actually really looking forward to it. So glad you'll stop by to keep me company :)

  17. saved this and will definitely be returning back... mainly because I am gonna need lots of help from you to convince me midlife really is awesome :D

    1. It's all about the attitude Roshan - you have to get through midlife and you might as well enjoy it - before you hit old age and all those aches and pains descend!

  18. sounds awesome..for you..I have enough trouble doing one a week..good luck, look forward to reading them...

    1. It's pretty full on Renee but I thought I'd have another stab at it - it's killing me already and hasn't even officially started!

  19. Glad you're up for the challenge, and I'm looking forward to your posts.

    1. Thanks so much Deb - I hope you have fun reading them and take away a bit of sunshine :)

  20. Oh gosh, I could NOT do that. Twenty six blogs sounds like torture by the end. But I have faith in your abilities! Especially since you've done it before and you've got an interesting theme. Looking forward to it!

    1. Thanks so much :) I am a little daunted but not defeated by the Challenge. I've made a start so that I'm well ahead by the time April rolls around (otherwise I'd drown!)

  21. Oh yeah! I look forward to reading your posts! I have another friend who kicked off today with a Music Theme! Awww... going to be lost of greatness! Good luck!

    Bren @ A Splash of Cray

    1. It's going to be a fun ride Bren and I really hope the Midlife Women will hang in there with me through it all. Thanks so much for your support xx

  22. I like to think I am in mid-life rather than over-the-hill. What a great theme! I look forward to your posts, good luck with the challenge!

    1. Stick with me cresting the hill Trudy - I'm not planning on being over the hill until I absolutely have to! I hope my posts inspire you and give you a smile for the day :)

  23. Hello... Debbie sent me your way, Leanne... I have looked at some of your previous posts, this afternoon. I seriously love lists, and five is a great number for those. I tip my hat to you and the others who will be taking part in this challenge. I could never pull it off. It is all I can do to post four or five blogs a year.

    Best Wishes, Myke

    1. Hi Myke and thanks so much for popping over - I may not be your speed, but I hope you find something interesting to read if you come back again for some more midlife inspiration. I need all the support I can get to pull off the 26 posts!

  24. I am no longer in midlife range, but I loved it and I am anxious to see what you love about it.
    Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon Party. Hope you come back next week so I can stop by again. I hope you will also share at Wonderful Wednesday and Thursday Favorite Things this week.

    1. Hi Bev - I figure Midlife lasts as long as you want it to - you just hang out at the crest of the hill with me and we'll enjoy the view. Hope you have some fun with the posts I'm going to be doing for the Challenge :)

  25. Since I always wonder where does midlife start, I think I will stay tuned to your blog to know more. Great theme. All the best for the challenge. Cheers :-)

    1. Hi Shalz - I think Midlife officially starts around 50, but you can always start preparing early so you're ready for the ride! I refuse to think like a middle aged woman in a twin set, I'm going to rock Midlife and want others to join in the fun :)

  26. This feels like serendipity. Glad to find you via the challenge! I am 64, retiring in 6 weeks, an artist who will have MUCH more time to putz in the studio. Love your blog, posts, & attitude. Excited to follow along in April.

    My Reveal & blog

    Nice to meet you! Linda G

    1. I love the connections that come with the A to Z Challenge Linda - so nice to meet you and I'll be following along with your lessons on creativity to see if I can up my artistic game!

  27. Hi Leanne

    My wolf is still in the den, and the thought of him ever growing up and leaving freaks me out!! So I figure I follow you throuout the month of April and I'll be ready for when it hits me?


    1. Those little wolves are gone before you know it Tamara, so enjoy having the den, but it is definitely worth gradually preparing for it to be empty - there is nothing worse than a sad midlife woman with nothing to replace those grown and flown children! I'll also be reading your A-Z to get my fitness level up a little!

  28. This is going to be fabulous :)
    I participated in 2014 and doing it again this year. Excited to read your posts and follow you in April A-Z.

    1. I popped over to your blog Aditi and can't wait to see what you're going to do with the A-Z. I'll be back again in April to follow along. Thanks for visiting and for your encouraging comment x

  29. I'm 41... is that midlife? Maybe I will decide after reading your posts...

    My theme is going to be postcards I have got, as my blog is about all postal things.

    Eva - Mail Adventures

    1. Midlife starts whenever you're ready for it Eva - and there's no harm in being prepared - so hopefully you'll get a glimpse into how fantastic it is and be ready to leap in when you feel you've reached the magic age :)

  30. Sounds like fun. I hope to stop by some in April to see what you're posting.
    You can find my AtoZ challenge posting at heathercwright.wordpress.com

    1. I'm looking forward to reading your A to Z posts too Heather - it's always lovely meeting new bloggers and reading different slants on the A to Z themes.

  31. I'm not yet midlife by contemporary standards, though I'm a bit past what was considered midlife in the past. My love Dante starts The Divine Comedy with the words "Midway life's journey," referring to his being 35 at the time.

    This'll be my sixth year participating, my fourth with two blogs. I research and write all my posts well in advance, so I'm prepared when April starts.

    Secondary reveal

    1. Sorry, there was supposed to also be a hyperlink to my main blog reveal.

    2. I suppose 70 would have been quite old in Dante's time Carrie-Anne. I don't think you quite qualify for Midlife status in the 21st Century - but it doesn't hurt to be prepared (I wish someone had told me how fabulous it was going to be!)

  32. Definitely looking forward to your posts. I would say I am currently in mid-life, but am also in the throes of parenting a young child (my own, came along rather late), so sometimes life can be a bit overwhelming for this lady. I'm writing this month about parenting my kiddo. Hope to see you throughout the month.

    1. I'm so pleased you stopped by Siouxsie and I always admire Midlifers who are still parenting - it must be absolutely exhausting at times! Hopefully you'll find some positivity and encouragement from my A to Z posts x

  33. As I completely forget to link to my blog.


    Have completely forgotten how to post that as a link, but will search around on Mr. Google and discover it soon.

  34. What a great topic! I only decided today to link up once more with the challenge. Totally agree with your comment about it being a challenge! Last time I wrote on "Out of Africa" and what a lot of research I had to do! This time I'm going with Build a Better Blog!

  35. Oh and like Siouxsie, I also forgot to link to my blog! My theme reveal is at https://shirleycorder.com/blogging-introduction/


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.