Wishing you a blessed and happy Christmas and a big thank you for following my blog


I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to everyone who reads my little blog, and especially to those who have helped me with guest posts, left me comments, liked my Facebook posts, or pinned my Pins. I am so blessed to be part of a wonderful and supportive network of Midlife women (and a few blokes too!)


So, on that note I want to wish you all a blessed and happy Christmas time.


I'll be spending time with my family (and my delightful grandbaby!) over the next few days, so I'll be taking a little hiatus from the blog until the New Year zooms in. I hope you'll pop back to read my "Word for 2018" and then share the year ahead with me.


I'm planning on changing my posting days for 2018 - I'll be posting on Mondays and Thursdays plus on Wednesdays I'll be sharing a fantastic new Midlife Link Party with my friend Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond. We're both really excited about trying something new that can help other Midlifers grow their blogs - more on that towards the end of January - stay tuned! I'll also be making some changes at work and adjusting to a different timetable and maybe taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill.

I feel like I have to stretch my wings again because I haven't done anything new lately - it's been a while since I started blogging and a while since I did my stained glass stair rail, so now it's time to find something new to challenge myself with. Stay tuned for that too!

Wishing you a blessed and happy Christmas and a big thank you for following my blog


If you'd like to know when I write a new post, please click HERE for email updates.
If you'd like to comment but not here on the blog, feel free to email me at - I'd love to hear from you.
And please share this post by clicking on a share button before you go.
Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive


  1. Merry Christmas, Leanne - Enjoy your time with family. See you in 2018!

  2. Ooo I look forward to checking out your new link up. I don't join linkies often these days as I like to do them "properly" ie visit and comment on as many others as I can, which all takes time - but I will definitely check yours out.

    1. We'd love to have you join us Janet - your blog fits the niche perfectly - and you're a sharer and carer - just the type of blogger we're looking for xx


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.