Today's guest is the lovely Christie from Christie - her blog asks the question in its header - So What? Now What? and I love the concept behind the title.I've really enjoyed getting to know Christie over the last year - we have a lot in common (except that she likes running and I am a useless runner!) but you can't have everything! It's such a pleasure to introduce you to Christie (if you haven't met her already). Today she's talking a bit about herself as she asks some quite interesting questions that I hope you leave an answer to in the comments section before you go.
When Leanne invited me to participate in her new guest series, I was thrilled, but unsure what to write about. Leanne suggested something fun that people would like to read on a Saturday—along the lines of visiting over a cup of coffee.So I thought, what would we talk about if we were meeting for the first time? We’d probably ask each other getting-to-know-you questions. And that’s what I decided to do. I’ll ask and answer five questions, and I hope that you will respond by answering at least one of the questions in the comments — more if you’re willing.
What song was it?
I know it’s a cliché, but it was in the shower this morning.
I know it’s a cliché, but it was in the shower this morning.
In the Leafy Treetops

In the leafy treetops, the birds sing “Good morning.”
They’re first to see the sun.
They must tell ev’ryone.
In the leafy treetops, the birds sing “Good morning.”

In my pretty garden, the flowers are nodding.
“How do you do?” they say.
“How do you do today?”
In my pretty garden, the flowers are nodding.
Words and music: Anon. Arr. © 1989 IRI
What was it?I recently rode a bike for the first time in more than 20 years. It was part of a team building activity at work, and I was literally terrified, but I did it. I was afraid of falling and afraid of looking vulnerable (foolish) in front of my coworkers; both of which I did, by the way, and survived to tell the tale.
Over the past couple of years, I have developed a real passion for wellness—physical, mental, and spiritual. I’ve been studying—and practicing—healthy eating, physical fitness, meditation, mindfulness, essential oils, nature time, even a little Buddhism, just to name a few.WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FAMOUS?
In what way?I don’t necessarily want to be famous, but I would love to have a book published. If that book became a best seller, I wouldn’t be sad. If that led to speaking opportunities, all the better. So maybe I do want to be famous.
The first thing I would do is hire an accountant and an attorney. I’d pay off my children’s houses. Then travel—a lot!
Christie and where you can find her:


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Fun questions Christie! My Last Frightening Thing was this week... standing up on my StandUp Paddle Board in choppy water. I do not have the best sense of balance and it's really hard to get back on the board for me in deep water (poor upper body strength), so I am terrified of falling in and not being able to get back up. Standing up when the water is calm is easy.... the water was not calm the other day & I stood up (for a while). I think it was because of your race running blog - you pushed yourself and I thought, I can too. And then, I was proud of myself!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Pat! You had mentioned you were struggling with the choppy water. You're so kind to give me credit for inspiring you. I have a similar issue with lack of upper body strength. When I went on a mud run with my daughter a couple of years ago, I literally could not pull myself out of one of the pits without help. I swore I would work on upper body after that, but so far I haven't accomplished much in that department.
DeleteI have useless upper body strenth - really poor shoulder sockets (one repaired from multiple dislocations and the other managed to get frozen for a year or so) I'm really tentative about anything that needs me to rely on shoulder strength - so good on you Pat for pushing through - you have my absolute admiration!
DeleteI didn't know that about you Leanne. My husband has joint problems as well. I've lost count of the number of shoulder surgeries he's had. He also has a knee replacement, which has to be repaired this Wednesday. I pretty sure we've paid for one wing of The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital (TOSH).
DeleteHi Christie, I sing in my head all the time, sometimes to the point of annoyance as the song gets stuck for ages!! Usually they're praise and worship songs, as that's what I listen to most.
ReplyDeleteI tend to stay away from things that frighten me, I don't need the adrenaline rush!! I'm definitely not interested in being famous, and if I won the lottery I'm sure I'd be very boring and pay off the mortgage, put a whole lot into my superannuation, and donate to some worthy causes. If I still had leftovers for a bit of travel that would be a bonus! Great to read your guest post and learn a little more about you xx
Thanks for playing along, Sue. I'm not a big adrenaline junky either. I only rode the bike because it was a team-building activity. More often the fears I conquer are related to mental or emotional accomplishments. Now that I've read your responses, I definitely want to amend my lottery answer. There are a couple of worthy causes that I donate smaller amounts to now; I would give them a big chunk for sure.
DeleteI think practical use of lottery winnings makes a lot of sense Sue - and it would reduce the number of people who are worse off a couple of years after their win because they blew it all on stupid things.
DeleteAnd I also get songs stuck in my head - I have a worship CD on in my car (to calm my road rage!) and some of those songs are in my head morning, noon and night!
Hi Christie, lovely to have some fun questions as a way to get to know your better. Some of your answers would be identical to mine - health & wellness I'm passionate about, we both like running and I would love to write a book and expand my public speaking. My last thing that frightened me was my first time as an MC and Guest Speaker but like you with the bike (which I can't ride by the way), you give it your best shot and most times you can conquer the fear by facing it head on. If I won the lottery, I would leave it there for a while. I definitely would help my children and of course travel, but I would also like to help those less fortunate and that would need some thought. Thanks Leanne for Social Saturday and I hope you and Christie have a fabulous weekend xx
ReplyDeleteSue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
Yes, Sue, I would find MC-ing an event to be a frightening, but exhilarating (I think), experience. As you said, one of those that you just have to prepare the best you can and then push forward through the fear. I imagine you had a great sense of accomplishment. As soon as I started reading these responses, I immediately wished I had mentioned sharing part of my lottery winnings with my favorite charities. Of course, in order to win the lottery, I'd actually have to buy a ticket. They don't even sell them in Utah--gambling is illegal here. Have a lovely weekend!
DeleteI don't buy lottery tickets either - but it's always fun to think about what you'd do with a million dollar windfall isn't it? And I still envy both of you for your running skills - and the fact you actually enjoy the whole running thing (my husband runs twice a week but says he's never had a runner's high - but it's always good when he stops!)
DeleteInteresting about your husband Leanne. I actually wouldn't claim to get a runner's high either. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I've done a long run, the fitness it provides, the thrill of an organized race, the camaraderie among runners, and the beautiful trail I run on; but I wouldn't say I love the actual act of running. And yet I continue. :-)
DeleteHi Christie, it’s great to read your post here on Leanne’s blog. I love the idea of your getting to know you questions and your answers. The last song I sang (or hummed) was a nursery rhyme to a baby, and the last time I did something that scared me was the zipwire where I flew super man style for what seemed like ages but in fact was only about 40 seconds. I actually enjoyed it!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that zipline pic is getting included in your guest post next month Deb - it looked like a blast and you would have had such a sense of elation from overcoming your fear and for the experience itself. It's on my bucket list :)
DeleteSinging to babies is the best. Our youngest grandchild is almost nine years old, so there's not as much singing as there used to be--sometimes we still do it though. I've done a zipline before, but sitting up in a harness. I've never done the Superman style. I think that would be a little scarier. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by and playing along.
Deletehello christie, pleased to meet you. I used to sing a lot - making up songs of gratitude as I was walking - seem to have misplaced that as well - last song was 'the ants go marching two by two hurrah hurrah ' to the grandbaby in the car when she was grizzling. the last frightening thing I did was a month ago - leave my home and my partner and move into a tiny house in a village - it was such a huge gulp after 30 years is going well and not necessarily permanent but shocking to the core and very very good for me and my growth. passionate about the earth about creation about writing and sharing my love of earth and heart and need to be famous but if I won the lotto I have family and friends a plenty to share with ...
ReplyDeleteHello Sandra. Pleased to meet you as well. That's what I love most about these guest posts--getting to know new people. I will be stopping by your blog shortly. I remember the ant song, but haven't sung it in awhile. I might have to try that one out on the grandkids. Wow, leaving your home and partner to move into the village is a big, frightening step. I'm glad it is going well for you. Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions and share a little of yourself with us.
DeleteHi Sandra - I hope things are going well for you through this separation stage - fingers crossed that things work out for you - 30 years is a long time and maybe it will be salvagable - I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers while you figure stuff out. So glad you've kept up with your blogging and commenting - I'd miss you if you stopped x
DeleteHi, Christie. Fun questions. I'll take number 1. There's always a song in my head, and sometimes ones I haven't heard or thought about for years and years. The last time I remember singing out loud though was in Hobby Lobby yesterday. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was being playing on the loudspeaker and I was humming along. The saleslady in fabrics heard me humming and said "If you know the words, feel free to belt them out!" I loved that attitude.
ReplyDeleteHello Laurel. It's so nice to meet you. I will be stopping by your blog soon. I love that the clerk encouraged you to sing out. I love music and that kind of friendly attitude.
DeleteLaurel I want to go to Hobby Lobby now and sing with you! I can't carry a tune but I make up for it with great zeal and gusto! How fabulous to be somewhere they encourage you to let go and have some fun - definitely my kind of place!
DeleteNice to meet you, Christie. ☺ I would have the same answer to the lottery question, substituting close relatives and friends for children, since we don't have any. Travel is a huge passion! ♥ This is a nice idea, Leanne. Thanks for introducing us to your friend. Wishing everyone a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteHello Debbie. It's nice to meet you too. My thanks also to Leanne for giving me this opportunity to connect with her friends. I'll be stopping by your blog soon. Wouldn't it be so much fun to just be able to shower our lottery winnings on those we love and even strangers? I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
DeleteHi Debbie - I missed you in this year's AtoZ! Lovely to see you stopping by and cheering Christie on. It's been a great series so far and July is already locked in. And now we just all need to win Lotto!
DeleteWhat a great interview! Love this!
ReplyDeleteThanks Margot. It's been fun for me too. Would you like to choose one question and answer it? I'm off to visit your blog now.
DeleteHi Margot - I loved how Christie gave us her answers and threw it into the ring for anyone to add their's - the Lottery one was very popular :)
DeleteOh, my! Your questions did make me think! My fears all tend to swirl about my grandkids. I'm passionate about my writing and would love to be famous for writing something uplifting and worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW: That is one of my favourite songs! I sing it all the time!
Yes, this next generation have so much longer on this earth than we do and I hate it when I see things getting worse - I want them to live in a good, happy, healthy world and not one that is slowly ruining itself!
DeleteI worry for my grandchildren too, but they are such bright, loving children, I trust that they will figure it out and hopefully contribute to making the world a better place. How fun to find someone else that knows that song. It always makes me feel happy.
DeleteGreat to read a fun post on the weekend Christie and Leanne, last time I did something that frightened me was earlier in the year when I was interviewed for an item on TV news. You probably know I'm passionate about health and fitness. Loved all the questions
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were famous Jennifer! I knew about your passions - but not about your brush with fame. Glad you've enjoyed Christie's post :)
DeleteI've done a couple of television interviews related to my work, and it was scary! Of course, a passion for health and fitness is something we share. Thanks for playing along.
DeleteChristie - loved reading your Q&A. I totally relate to the 'famous' answer! I don't usually sing in the shower, but I love singing. I appreciate focusing on wellness also -- but am not very consistent with any of my practices. I lived a quite scheduled life for years -- and then my children's needs and work consumed me for years. So I'm trying to live more intuitively for the time being.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed it, Janet. This is an interesting time of life, isn't it. We have an opportunity to catch our breath and check in with ourselves in a way that is not often possible during the child-raising, career-pursuing years. Thanks for playing along with our Q&A. Have a lovely day!
DeleteI think we all lose ourselves a little during the motherhood stage Janet - keeping all the balls in the air leaves very little time for self awareness and growth. Midlife is the perfect time to start pulling all those loose ends back together again and recreating ourselves.
DeleteHI Leanne and Christie
ReplyDeleteI like this theme. Getting to know each other. Great questions, Christie
Here are answers to a few of them.
I have the voice of a frog so I don't sing often. I do hum. I caught myself humming while in traffic the other day. I think the vibrations were calming me
I share Christie's passions for health and wellness.
I don't necessarily want to be famous, but I would like to do something extraordinary. What? I've not a clue.
Good morning! My voice isn't great either--and I come from a family of singers. Maybe that's why my singing happens in the shower or the car. I love it that so many of us have a passion for wellness. Good luck with finding your something extraordinary. Or perhaps it will find you. It was nice meeting you. Your comment did not include a name, so I'd love it if you'd stop back and tell us who you are and if you blog.
DeleteI sing completely out of tune - but with great gusto! I love singing in the car with the music up loud (I can kid myself that I sing a lot better that way!) It's lovely to have you stop by - and I hope you'll pop back again and read some more - I love the engagement and connection that blogging brings with it and would love you to be part of our community x
DeleteIf I won the lottery I would immediately be on a plane on a trip somewhere. Probably Europe. I know I should have a bunch set aside for retirement but I'm impulsive that way. Hopefully, I'll have some left when I return. LOL
ReplyDeleteGood morning Rebecca! I love travel too. I think my first stop would be Australia, then Italy, then who knows where! Thanks for playing along with our getting-to-know-you Q&A.
DeleteYay!! Christie is coming to Australia when she wins Lotto! And Rebecca I'd be in Europe for a prolonged visit if I won too. Australia is soooo far away from everywhere that I need a chunk of time to recover from the jet lag - and that takes serious winnings :)
DeleteI really enjoyed this guest post! It has me thinking now, I need to try something scary, ha! My hubby (he wants the lottery badly!) wants to do a zip line, that may be a good place to start. Thanks, Leanne - nice to meet you Christie!
ReplyDeleteHello Lori Jo! Nice to meet you as well. I will be stopping by your blog shortly. Doing a zipline with your husband would be a great place to start with something scary--and if you win the lottery, you can do it somewhere exotic. My husband and I went zipining in Costa Rica, and it was amazing.
DeleteI nearly went zip lining in Singapore - changed my mind at the last minute - and now definitely have to do it. I have a guest post from Debbie in a few weeks and she includes a pic of herself ziplining and overcoming her fear of heights at the same time - it sounded amazing.
DeleteHi Christie and Leanne,
ReplyDeleteA refreshing theme for a post. The last song was in the shower this morning. Yet to do something that frightened me. Passionate about travel. Not keen on being famous. Lottery? Will go and watch the Wimbledon final and the Australian Open, and a Test match at Lord's and MCG.
- Pradeep
I think everyone needs to win Lotto so we can all visit each other Pradeep - you could pop in to see me when you're at the Australian Open :) I love that we can all daydream about winning the lottery but we're not wasting our time waiting for it to happen :)
DeleteIs it because you aren't afraid of anything, Pradeep? :-)
DeleteGood point, Leanne, that we are all doing things that we love now, even without the Lotto. I certainly don't plan to wait for a big windfall to come to Australia--just a little more time. I can't wait to meet you, and see your beautiful country, in person.
Always fun to get to know other bloggers! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my guest post, Roseann. I always enjoy the Blogger's Pit Stop. I'll be stopping by your blog soon.