So today I'm sharing 5 fantastic quotes on celebrating imperfection. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do


Last Monday I wrote about escaping the Perfectionism Trap and I included a couple of quotes in my post. As I was cruising around the internet I was noticed there were several other quotes that really resonated with me in regard to ditching our need to be perfect.

So today I'm sharing 5 fantastic quotes on celebrating our imperfection. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do - and feel free to pin any that speak to you.

There is no such thing as perfect. Where did the word come from?

I realized that I don't have to be perfect - Kerry Washington

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself

Stop trying to fix yourself, you're not broken!

Instead of striving for perfection, strive for contentment

So today I'm sharing 5 fantastic quotes on celebrating imperfection. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do

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This post was shared at some of these great link parties


  1. Great quotes - thanks for sharing!

  2. Great quotes, Leanne. I love the phrase "Being Unapologetically Ourselves". I'll be borrowing that!

    1. I love unapologetic too Donna - there's a lot less saying "sorry" for me these days!

  3. Number 3 for me - love it! Thank you :)

  4. Show up. And enjoy! That says everything to me!
    Love these quotes, Leanne! Started my week out right!

    1. I loved that they were such great reminders that it's okay to just be ourselves and get on with enjoying life Diane :)

  5. Great quotes. One that helps me a lot is from Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert -- Done is better than good.

    1. I read that book last year Joy and really appreciated her go-for-it attitude - stop waiting to be perfect and just follow your interests and dreams before they move on!

  6. #2 and #5 resonate with me! Great quotes.

    1. All five speak of slightly different ways to be imperfect but with the same idea of the peace and joy of letting go of that crushing drive to have everything perfect all the time.

  7. Great quotes. I've been hearing the "perfectly imperfect" phrase a bunch lately... but I'm kinda liking the "enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of your life". Another one I've often said to my hubby is "you may not be perfect, but you're perfect for me". :-)

    1. I think that's something all married couples need to remember isn't it Pat? Nobody's perfect, but we love them because they are "our person" and suit us just perfectly. I must remember that when my husband annoys me next time!

    2. I remind myself of that quite often myself. And the fact that I really love him despite of his quirks.

      revisiting from MLSTL... thanks so much for co-hosting. I'm still meeting new folks to learn about!

  8. These are fantastic quotes, Leanne and my favourites are #s 3,4 & 5. I'm pinning for future reference. Love a good quote!xx

    1. Me too Sue - they just sum things up so succinctly don't they? xx

    2. Hi Leanne, I've shared on social media. Here's to another successful #MLSTL link up this week. xx

  9. Love them. As I was reading, it made me wonder if I'm trying for perfect. I know I'm not perfect and never can be, but I am always trying to be better.

    ...This week is not a good week for soul-searching though. I have to clean and unpack everyday, and if I don't, we'll never settle into our new home!

    1. Yes, soul searching is for when you've got time to waste isn't it Red? Sometimes I think unpacking boxes and creating a home does more for our hearts than thinking too hard does :)

  10. I've always loved quotes Leanne and these are a great selection! I love #3 and #2 is also a fab one I hadn't heard before. I have pinned this :)

    1. I love quotes because they're so eloquent and sum things up beautifully - there will always be rubbish quotes, but when you read a good one you just go ....."Yes!" I've pinned thousands!

  11. When I was working, the pressure to be perfect was intense. Of course, it would be, given the abuse you get when you fail, even a small fail. It's a relief to be retired, in more than one way. I no longer feel that intense, panicky feeling I'd get when I started a project. I don't think about perfection much at all, but I do strive to do my best. Thanks for the great quotes - super reminders to love the skin we're in!

    1. I'm looking forward to retirement for that exact reason (and many others) To not have to meet the demands of others and to not have to worry about getting everything right first time would be such a relief!

  12. Perfectionism is so over-rated and obviously unattainable! Great quotes to live by!

    1. Isn't it just!!? I don't know why I beat myself up for so long Terri - letting go of it a little has relieved the stress tenfold :)

  13. I'm working on taking my blog to the next step and I absolutely MUST get over the perfection thing! I still have things to learn but I will launch once I learn what I absolutely need to know, NOT when it's perfect. I've been reminded of this in several different places today and I'm starting to think maybe, just maybe, someone is trying to tell me something...thanks, Leanne!

    1. I never felt that pressure with my blog to start with Kim - probably because I just jumped in feet first and thought it was just for me. Once I realized there was a whole blogging universe out there where people were doing amazing things, that's when the need to up my game started. Fortunately I've gone past that stage and now I'm happy just being real and enjoying my little corner of the blogosphere.

  14. Hi, Leanne. Me again! I just wanted to thank you for co-hosting #MLSTL. I am sitting at a favourite coffee shop reading this week's post. They are all high quality and very though-provoking!

    1. That's what I love about this group Donna - Sue and I thought about what types of posts we enjoyed reading and that's where the guidelines come from - we want posts that are fun to read and engaging - and that's exactly what we have and we're so thrilled about seeing who links up each week and what they bring to the party.

  15. Great quotes and great reminders! One of my favourites is from Edwin Bliss: "The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy. The pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic and a terrible waste of time." Took me a while to learn my lesson!

    1. I love that quote Agnes - and it sums it up beautifully doesn't it? It's not about doing our best, it's about not beating ourselves up over the little things that ultimately don't really matter.

  16. Hi Leanne - I like #5, and Edwin Bliss quote from Agnes' comment above. Thanks for co-hosting #MLSTL.

    1. I need to change the post title to SIX quotes and include that Edwin Bliss one in the mix don't I? :)

  17. I like all of the quotes. Very beautiful. #MLSTL

    1. Thanks Patrick - and I'm glad you're back on board with the party this week :)

  18. Great quotes Leanne but I particularly like the first. There is no such thing as perfect. I'm sure that looking for and e petting everything to be perfect is leading to unhappiness and even depression. Shared on SM #MLSTL

    1. I think you're right about the depression aspect Jennifer - SM is so busy showing us perfect images that are supposed to be something that was just casually snapped - but in fact are curated and photoshopped to death - it messes with people's heads and that is really a sad indictment on the world today.

  19. Number 3 for me, what a great collection of quotes. Sharing

    1. Number three is beautiful isn't it Jan? It's something that we need to re-read regularly to remind ourselves that being authentic is all that is needed to be truly lovely - and working on becoming our best selves.

  20. #5 hits home for me. Being happy where I am and with what I have.

    1. My husband always quotes "Godliness with contentment is great gain" and I think that's so true - if we can learn to be content with what we have, and who we are, our stress levels drop accordingly - win/win!

  21. Hi Leanne, Tremendously invigorating quotations. It is the fifth one that I liked the best. Thanks for the post!

    1. Ahhhh - another person who appreciates contentment - something we all need more of isn't it Pradeep - thanks for joining in again this week :)

  22. Number 5 is my favourite Leanne. Pinned it also. #MLSTL

    1. I love how we all relate to a quote about being content with our lives Suzanne - it's an indication of what life has taught us and the fact that we're not as susceptible to the media's idea of perfect lives anymore - wisdom at its best :)

  23. Hi Leanne... You'll see my "testing" comment above because I was having trouble getting my comment to publish. I wanted to say that I like strive for contentedness and we're not "broken." Broken is a term I've been seeing more and more of and am wondering if some of the self-help gurus have used it to sell books? And conveniently, they have 150 pages on how to fix yourself. xoxo, Brenda

    1. I think people like the term "broken" because it implies that there is a magic "fix" for it - and we all know that life is about gradually learning to accept ourselves (complete with flaws etc) and working on being the best version of ourself we can be. I think it takes a few decades of life experience to figure that out Brenda - one of the benefits of that wisdom we're all slowly getting!

  24. YES to contentedness. I am subbing that for happiness. I have good days and bad days and days in between but overall I am content in my life. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. I think people who expect to be happy every waking moment are often the people who are most disappointed with their lives Leslie. Once you realize that life is a series of ups and downs and flat spots then you learn to be content and to know that "this too shall pass" and the good times will roll around again. It's so much better to live with that idea isn't it?

  25. I love all of these quotes--especially the last two. Thanks for sharing them Leanne. I'll pass them along. #MLSTL

    1. Thanks Christie - I'm glad you enjoyed them - and I hope they give people something to think about and to cut themselves a little bit of slack :)

  26. I admit I never knew I was a perfectionist (am untidy somewhat) until I saw that it meant I liked to think I could control others and events. That said. I hand in my perfectionist hat and let life take me as it does. Interestingly I am more relaxed as a result. Who knew! Denyse #mlstl

    1. I always thought that being a perfectionist was a good thing Denyse - it's only in recent years that I realized how wrong I was - and it is so liberating to let go of those thoughts and move into contentment and just giving things my best shot :)

  27. Well... I am obviously pinning these to add to my daily affirmations! I like to think of myself as a 'recovering" perfectionist. I don't think the struggle ever completely disappears.

    1. I don't think it disappears either Molly - we just get better at recognizing it and correcting ourselves - and choosing to be kinder to ourselves - and I think quotes like these are great reminders. Thanks for pinning them x

  28. Thanks for this..I'm having an "off" week where nothing went as it should have. I have to rest in the fact that I did the best I could!

  29. I love the 5th one - we don't always need the latest and greatest everything to be happy! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life


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