It's time to have a coffee and a chat - I'll tell you all about what's been happening in my world this month


It's time to celebrate the end of November, Summer is on its way down here in Australia - so, why not share a lovely end of Spring virtual cup of coffee with me while I update you on what's been going on in my life lately. I love a good 'Taking Stock' blog post, so I hope you'll humour me and sit a while as I share my news.


I'm not sure if you noticed, but this month has been the beginning of a new phase for my blog. I'm now only posting on Mondays + #MLSTL on Wednesdays. It's how I'm intending to go forward into 2019 - but who knows what the future holds - stay tuned! If you haven't subscribed to my blog and would like an email to tell you when a new post is up, please feel free to add your name and email in the box on the side column of my blog. I don't send anything else and I don't bombard people so I'd love you to be part of my blogging family.

This month also included the last of my lovely Social Saturday guests: Christin Lee, and Lisa. Thanks to each of them and I've linked their post to their name if you missed any and would like to catch up. After six months of sharing the posts of other wonderful bloggers, this will be the end of my Social Saturday series for now.


It was my birthday at the beginning of the month and I received some lovely gifts - a beautiful pot of geraniums from my green-thumbed DIL and our son, a Diamond Dotz picture from my daughter and SIL (see below) and several gifts from my lovely husband. He also surprised me with this box card. I'd sent him a link to a post on how to make them because he is sometimes looking for a creative marketing tool. Instead, he used it to make me a birthday memento and I loved it.


If you haven't stumbled across the new Diamond Dotz craze then you aren't looking at TV shopping or Facebook ads! I've seen them here and there but didn't think about them too much until I received one from our daughter for my birthday. It is the ultimate in OCD, fiddly, perfectionist entertainment. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent sticking little coloured "dotz" onto this picture. I have to limit myself time wise to save my neck and eyesight, but it's been a fun challenge.


Another birthday gift was a contact juggling ball - I'd seen pictures of people doing contact juggling and my husband saw me admiring a ball in a gift shop. I love how fluid the juggling process is and had pictures in my head of me looking like a pro with my clear ball floating over my hands and through the air. Well! It's been a wake-up call to my lack of co-ordination, but also a great challenge to my brain and learning new ways to move. I have a loooong way to go but I intend to master it - or at least stop dropping the darn ball every 10 seconds!

(if you can't open this - you can see it HERE)


I thought I'd include a pic of my OOTM (Outfit of the Month) - this was something that I bought on sale at Millers for my birthday because I loved the colours and the floatiness of the top. The pants were a great match and super comfortable - and my favourite length.


We spent time with the kids and grandgirls twice last month, so November was a quiet month family-wise. I did get a Skype call for my birthday though, which was almost as nice as a visit (better than a text message anyway!)


I've been reading another couple of Liane Moriarty books - the first was "The Husband's Secret" and I'm fascinated with her characters - there's always someone I recognize when I read her novels. I won't delve into who I was reminded of in this one but it was spot on. I then progressed to Truly, Madly, Guilty, but didn't love this one as much as the others I've read - it seemed to drag a little IMHO.



Bohemian Rhapsody - the story of Queen. My husband and I are both big Queen fans and just had to see this movie. When we were first dating, my husband was a DJ on our local radio station and played "You're My Best Friend" for me - ahhhh memories. It was really interesting learning a bit more of the backstory of Queen - but the ex-dental therapist in me kept getting distracted by the actor's prosthetic teeth (Freddie had a HUGE overbite!)


Is there anything interesting happening in your world? Feel free to update me in the comments. I'm hoping to find time at the end December for another virtual cuppa - we'll have been on holidays, enjoyed Christmas, and so much more - I'm sure there'll be lots to chat about.

It's time to have a coffee and a chat - I'll tell you all about what's been happening in my world this month

To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar and I'd love you to share this post by clicking on a share button before you go xx
This post was shared at some of these great link parties


  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Leanne - It looks like you received many well-thought-out and creative presents (and that you have wonderful and caring family and friends).
    Enjoy your upcoming summer. It is cold and WET here on Vancouver Island!

    1. It was a fun group of presents Donna - a little bit of everything and lots of variety. It was nice to see things that were interesting and/or pretty - and I felt the love!

  2. I love these taking stock posts - and yours are always so newsy and such fun. I laughed about the dental therapist in you not being able to take your eyes of Freddie's teeth in the film! Me too! I then saw the actor interviewed on the Graham Norton show without the prothesis, and he looked soo different. Loved your OOTM - that looked like a great deal! Oh and how lovely of your hubby to make you such a thoughtful Box Card - it looks fabulous. Have Flipped and Pinned and other SM'd today :)

    1. We watched the actor in a different show a while back Jo - I couldn't believe how different he looked with the prosthetic teeth! I just really enjoyed the music and learning the back story - so much I didn't know. And I'm glad my outfit got your very stylish tick of approval x

  3. Another great chat over a hot beverage Leanne, I always enjoy catching up with you! I learnt a few things too, I'd never heard of the diamond dots and am now going to look for them and I love the idea of the box card and will look into that. I love Liane Moriarty books too and have read all of them. I'm glad to hear your opinion of Madly Truly Guilty, it didn't appeal to me as much as her others. I felt the same way about 9 perfect strangers which I've just read. I really must get to see Bohemian Rhapsody movie, everyone says it's great. Your outfit looks lovely on you, the colours really suit you. Thanks again for the catchup. Pinned

    1. Interesting that you weren't thrilled about Truly Madly Guilty either Deb - I feel better about being so/so about it now :) The Diamond Dotz are the imaginary offspring of jigsaws mixed with cross-stitch! Very fiddly but also very detail oriented - so it suited my OCD tendencies :)

  4. I've been unintentionally light in the blogosphere this month, due to NaNoWriMo. I reached the set goal of 50,000 words yesterday! But there's a lot more to go, so I'll still be writing for a while.

    Enjoy all your free time, and Happy Birthday!

    1. I'd noticed you hadn't been around as much Red - glad that you reached your goal number of words - there are a lot of bloggers who haven't been quite so successful. And thanks for the birthday wishes x

  5. Happy Birthday, Leanne. :-)
    My schedules are as usual shuttling between work and home.
    But my wife and I are taking a week's break from day after tomorrow.
    Shall post the updates.
    Cheers, and best wishes.
    - Pradeep

    1. Hi Pradeep - enjoy your break and I'll keep my eyes peeled for your updates - you might even have something to share with us at #MLSTL :)

  6. When I opened your blog post I truly went 'Oh Good, it's share a cup!' Sounds like you had a great month for your Birthday. Love the outfit.Liane's newest I haven't read yet but it is on my list as is Bohemian Rhapsody. Although November is my least favorite month of the year, it is dark, cold, wet, I am bucking up now that it is almost over. Not that I am a big fan of December either for the same reasons but all the Christmas lights brighten up the darkness.

    1. Christmas lights brighten everything Haralee! We've already hung a strand that I bought because I couldn't wait to watch them sparkle. I'm so glad you enjoy my catch up cuppas - I always find a peek into other bloggers' lives interesting too :)

  7. Happy belated birthday to you! Sounds like your birthday was the greatest... I LOVE that card!
    And now I want one of those balls. I first remember seeing contact juggling in the movie Labyrinth too many years ago to mention and was fascinated by it then. It just looks magical! Happy soon-to-be-summer! We're starting into darkest winter. Yikes!

    1. Apparently contact juggling was first 'invented' to give David Bowie something cool to do in Labrynth Diane - so you were ahead of your time to notice it and now it's catching up with you. You'll have to ask for one for Christmas - they're all over ebay and quite inexpensive. You can see if your co-ordination is better than mine's turned out to be!

  8. Happy belated birthday! It was fun to read all that you've got going on. I think those diamond pictures would drive me nuts, but I have wanted to see the Queen movie!

    1. Those Diamond Dotz pictures come in giant sizes Bethany - mine was smallish and manageable - to do one of the big ones would definitely do my head in too. And yes, go and see the Queen movie - it's worth the ticket price for sure :)

  9. Hello Leanne, so lovely to see you in my inbox today. And it's nice to see what you've been up to this month. Sounds like you've got a healthy balance happening in your life right now. Have a lovely week. :-)

    1. Hi Cheryl - lovely to catch up again and yes, my life seems to be pretty on track for the moment. Who knows what's around the corner - but in the meantime I'm happily cruising along :)

  10. That box gift is about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. You've got a great hubby! And so creative. Love it.

    1. Leah it was such a cute idea and I thought he'd like it - didn't know I'd get the benefit of his skills though. Thanks for sharing the link to it on your blog xx

  11. What a lovely birthday month Leanne and I do love what you are wearing - casual but smart! Your husband is certainly a keeper and I love the creative gifts you received. I've been wanting to see Bohemian Rhapsody as we saw Queen when they came to Australia earlier this year. I'm a huge fan of Liane Moriarty and have read all of her books. I just finished Jo Tracey's 'Happy Ever After' and am recommending it in my Virtual Coffee Catchup due out Sunday night. I'm glad you have found a way to stay blogging but also have a life. You would be such a loss to the blogging world if you gave it up. Who would be my BBB? she selfishly asks. Enjoy your holiday and look forward to reading about December w

    1. Hi BBB, just popping back to let you know I've shared on Social Media and thank you for being my partner in blogging at #MLSTL

    2. Hi BBB - yes I'm hanging around and not leaving the blogging world - even cutting back this month shows me how much I'd miss it if I left completely (not to mention all my blogging friends!) You'll definitely have to see Bohemian Rhapsody before it finishes its run - and thanks again for hosting MLSTL with me xx

  12. Happy belated birthday. I love that floaty top. Here's a few confessions: I've never heard of diamond dotz, never read any Liane Moriarty, and still haven't seen Boh-Rap (as the cool kids are calling it). As always, thanks for the cuppa!

    1. Well Jo - I am amazed you haven't heard of Liane Moriarty and her Big Little Lies book that Nicole Kidman made famous! Diamond Dotz are probably not something you want to know about - unless you want to speed up the deterioration of your eyesight - and by not seeing Boh-Rap you are spared the sight of Freddie's overbite!

  13. Great to catch up again Leanne. I love your outfit, such a gorgeous colour. I've never heard of diamond dots but will be checking them out. Great Xmas gift idea. Sounds like you've had a lovely birthday month. #MLSTL Shared oN SM

    1. Yes, I loved the colour of the top too Jennifer - it doesn't look quite the same on me as it did on the model by the sea, but I was still more than happy with it - a great buy for Spring :)

  14. Happy belated birthday, Leanne! Looks like you had a nice birthday month with fun-filled gifts. Once you master the juggling, you've got to post a video to share with us. Have a beautiful the holiday season! #MLSTL

    1. It's going to be a long time before mastery is even on my horizon Natalie - I am still figuring out the absolute basics and the poor ball gets dropped a lot! I'm hoping a little each day will get me there (in a year or two!)

  15. While I'm having a cold, autumn birthday in New England (usually freezing rain is involved) you were having a wonderful spring birthday. I hope you enjoyed it. And you've just introduced me to two new things. I've never heard of Diamond Dotz and Contact juggling. I think my husband's getting a great big hint about a contact juggling ball for my Christmas present.

    1. I love the ball Jennifer - it is just so pretty and feels lovely - even if I never quite get the hang of "juggling" I'll still have enjoyed the journey. Sorry you get stuck with an Autumn birthday - if it's any consolation, it's the first time it hasn't rained on my birthday in the last few years!

  16. Oh my goodness, Leanne!! You certainly didn't take any down time for your birthday! and many belated and happy wishes to you! I've never heard of Diamond Dotz or contact juggling... but now that I've mentioned it here maybe Google will treat me to the ads!!
    It sounds like a wonderful month and a great precursor of the coming year! Again, Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes Agnes - we have a shopping channel in Australia that I tend to flick over to at comercial breaks when I watch TV (which is rare these days) They have Diamond Dotz on it regularly - there are some huge pictures you can do - and they would just kill me I'm sure. The small one was a nice intro though.

  17. Thanks for another great link up, Leanne.
    I have shared this post on my Social Media. #MLSTL

    1. Thanks Donna - I love the links we get at our party every week - so many interesting Midlife bloggers out there!

  18. Oh I loved that juggling thingy and I suspect I would not be great. I think it is great to find a hobby like the dots that makes you focus on one thing at a time. My art is like that. Glad you had a Happy Birthday. We must bookend November as I am on 30th! Denyse #mlstl

    1. Happy birthday for tomorrow Denyse! And yes, Mandelas and Diamond Dotz would have a lot in common - in that they are ordered, but also creative - and look better and better as they come together towards the end.

  19. Happy Birthday, Leanne! The Diamond Dots look fun, perfect for the long Christmas / New Year break.

    SSG xxx

    1. Yes, I killed many a long hour sticking on my Dotz SSG - nice to reach the end though!

  20. How cool are those birthday gifts! A box card, diamond dots and a weird juggling ball thingo. It's the little things ...

    1. You're so right Leanne - the little things are great because they show thoughtfulness without breaking the budget - perfect fit for me!

  21. Happiest of birthdays Leanne! I love that card...it's so amazing!
    And your outfit is perfect for a great gift to yourself.
    I haven't heard of that diamond dotzing, and that's a good thing. I get WAY too involved in things like that....LOL!!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes Jodie and I'm glad you liked my outfit (a fashion blogger's tick of approval is a mighty compliment indeed!)

  22. I've not been a huge fan of Moriarty's books but I like that you mention recognising people in the characters as it's true - there's almost always a pretty big cast and there is something (someone) for everyone. Even in her latest there were a few almost-stereotypes, but people you could envision / envisage.

    I'm with you on the blogging front and I need to make some changes. I'm not sure what yet, but something.... xx

    1. I've read 3 of her books now Deb and I think that will be my limit - especially when the third didn't overly interest me. And good luck with any blog changes you decide to make - it's a tricky thing working out what to keep and what to change. I've morphed mine slightly in a direction that I think looks more "cohesive" and reducing my posts has also been a pleasant change.


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.