I don't know about you, but now I've reached an age where 50 is receding into the distance in my rear view mirror, I've come to accept that I'm in the second half of life and time is fleeting. I don't have time to waste on things that don't grow me, or help me to thrive because, for me, it's now all about focusing on what I can do that leads me towards becoming a better person.At the end of 2019 when I was thinking about what to choose for my Word of the Year, I kept being drawn back to the idea that life's short and we need to be living it well - and becoming the very best versions of ourselves in the process. Brené Brown puts it beautifully:
Time is growing short. There are unexplored adventures ahead of you. You can’t live the rest of your life worried about what other people think. You were born worthy of love and belonging. Courage and daring are coursing through you. You were made to live and love with your whole heart. It’s time to show up and be seen.
I chose SYMPHONY as my word because it has that sense of all the different aspects of life coming together to make one whole picture - like all the instruments in the orchestra playing in tune to create something beautiful. I feel like I'm in the process of bringing together all the experiences of my life and allowing them to be the foundation of what's coming next in the decade ahead. More than fifty years of life's ups and downs - and it's finally beginning to make sense.
As I look back over the last few years, I know that all that stress taught me some valuable lessons. It taught me about boundaries - something I'd never understood before. It taught me that I'm not a life coaching guru who can fix everyone I come into contact with. It taught me that sometimes we have to call it quits and walk away if the situation has gotten out of our control. The fundamental lesson from my 50's has been discovering that I'm not perfect and I don't have to be.It's been a load off my shoulders to let go of the expectations I've placed on myself, and in the process to allow myself to admit when I'm in over my head and to graciously walk away from it. The dynamics of trying to maintain relationships with difficult and damaged people can be overwhelming and I'm now being kinder to myself as I let go, and practice forgiveness and detachment. Life's too short to keep playing the wrong tune on the instrument that is my life. This little video of Brené Brown discussing imperfection and boundaries speaks to my heart in all these areas.
Now I've distanced myself from the people and situations that took up too much of my headspace, I find that there's so much more that I have time for.... relationships, learning new things, wellness, peace, contentment, growing as a person, loving, laughing, encouraging others, and so much more. I have time to invest in the people and pastimes that feel "right" and that fit with my values and beliefs.There are dozens of things I have in mind to focus on in the years ahead and by reminding myself of how short life is, I have a sense of purpose to stop wasting time by being less than I'm capable of becoming. I want the second half of life to be the best half of life - to make the most of the moments and to live without regrets. To create a life symphony that is a true reflection of who I am.
The Sting quote above sums up the sense of purpose I've been feeling lately. It's not about getting busier, or about jam packing my days full of tasks to complete, but rather - it's about appreciating what's important and focusing on that. It's about acknowledging that I don't have another 50+ years of life left that I can fritter away. Who knows what the future holds, and wouldn't it be a shame to have wasted our days being miserable, or bored, or tied to choices that no longer serve us?I don't know about you, but I'm excited that this is my time, that I don't know how many moments I have left in me, but the ones that remain will be full of depth and appreciation - knowing that I've chosen how I'm going to live them, and that I didn't just go with the flow because I didn't have the courage to step out of the race I didn't want to be in. I'm more than happy to let others run their own race - to cheer them on from the sidelines - and in the meantime I'll be resting in the knowlege that I'm doing it my way (to paraphrase Frank Sinatra).
Does being in Midlife remind you that life's getting shorter? Are you more aware of living well and being authentic now you're in the second half of life? Do you feel obligated to keep doing the same old things the same old way, or are you beginning to move into a different way of living?
***And don't forget, I'm hoping to share lots of guest posts this year on what other Midlifers are doing to make the most of the second half of life - as they create their own SYMPHONIES - so if you'd like to share a post here then flick me an email: ***
To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar and I'd love you to share this post by clicking on a share button before you go xx
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Oh, Symphony is a great word! I enjoyed that clip. I can't quite walk away yet but I'm working on it.
ReplyDeleteI loved the Brene Brown video Janet - she sums things up that describe me to a tee. I'm finally beginning to understand the release and relief go of letting perfectionism and the need to be "doing" all the time. Now I'm trying to just let life happen as it will.
DeleteHi, Leanne - Investing in relationships, learning, wellness, peace, contentment, growth, loving and laughing sounds like a brilliant way forward to me. I look forward to following and reading more about this!
ReplyDeleteGreat clip!
Hi Donna - I learned a valuable lesson from the years of trying to fix an unfixable person, now I know where to invest my time and energy and all of those things I mention resonate with my heart and core values - so I'm looking forward to finally being in sync with myself and a LOT less stressed.
DeleteIt absolutely does make me realise that life is finite - and completely unpredictable - and the one thing I don't have time for is regret...and yes, I do believe I'm excited too!
ReplyDeleteI think you've realized that this is your year to follow your "let's get serious with publishing" dream Jo - and that's so exciting isn't it? I'm looking forward to being able to claim friendship with a famous Aussie author!
DeleteSymphony is a great word Leanne! It actually kinda sums up my 'higher level goals' for this year which are all about my health - to take care of my health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As for feeling that life is finite now that I'm 55 ... YES and particularly after the loss of my Dad. I'm like you - I want to be a better person and to feel fulfilled and content and along with my health ... that is where my focus mostly lies. Hope you have a wonderful 2020 Leanne! xoxo #TeamLovinLife
ReplyDeleteHi Min - I think our physical health strongly reflects our mental and emotional health - finding a path to what makes you content and at peace will definitely contribute to all round wellness. I think 2020 is going to treat you really well as you focus more on what feels "right" in your life.
DeleteI know just what you mean, Leanne, because I feel the same! I want life to be simple and meaningful. Dr Brown sure has a way with words. I'm presently re-reading The Gifts of Imperfection.
ReplyDeleteI bought the Gift of Imperfection when it came out Corinne - because it was such a foreign concept to me. After reading it and listening to some of her Ted Talks, I've finally grasped the idea that perfectionism isn't something to be prized - and I'm being a lot kinder to myself these days (though I'm still a work in progress!)
DeleteI'm focusing not on what I have to, or should we might , do, but on what I want to do - standing on the shoulders of women who worked and suffered so that have the good lives we enjoy. I am trying to better myself and the world for my daughters and grand daughters. My dad always said that anyone past 40 was, "casting his or her shadow on the other side." I too love Symphony.
ReplyDeleteNancy you said that so well - I would love to be an example of loving kindness (to myself and to others) to be living a life that sits well with my values and who I am. I think I'm finally starting to get I just have to keep reminding myself that it's okay to not always be "doing"!
DeleteI enjoyed Brene's video clip Leanne and her idea of a Joy List resonates with me. She explained the concept of imperfections and boundaries very clearly. I saw a great quote today 'Age is simply the number of years the world has been enjoying you', which I thought was a novel way of looking at the ageing process as we enter the next phase. Love your words, as always, and have pinned this post.
ReplyDeleteHi Deb - Brene's video clip spoke to me on so many levels - that whole idea of choosing how we want to live our lives and being a lot kinder to ourselves in the process. Stepping out of the rat race and living life on our own terms - with all our little quirks - that sounds pretty good to me.
DeleteYes indeed , all our little quirks make the world go round in my opinion :) #lifethisweek
DeleteTruly Its important to enjoy every moment and make memories.Thank you for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Meaka and memory making is one of my favourite pastimes these days!
DeleteSymphony is a beautiful word choice! I'm closer now to 60 than I am 50 (it feels weird for that to be possible!) so I definitely want to make the best use of my time too. Brene Brown is awesome! I've read her books and found such wisdom there.
ReplyDeleteI love Brene and I'm such a fan-girl of hers Lisa. She has opened my eyes to so many truths that I'd never have discovered on my own - particularly in being able to accept my flaws and imperfections. 60 is looming for me and that also feels weird - I think of my Mum as being 60! Still, I want to let that motivate me towards living a life of joy and authenticity for the years ahead - no more running in circles!
DeleteI love your choice fro your word this year! So meaningful and unusual. Mine is humility. I felt I needed to think about this. I am reading Brene Brown right now. So much insight and wisdom in her books.
ReplyDeleteBrene is amazing isn't she? I've read a couple of her books, watched some of her Ted Talks, and follow her FB page to keep me inspired. I'm so glad you like my WOTY and I think humility is a really interesting one to choose - it certainly gives you lots of room for introspection!
DeleteA great way to guide your life in 2020. My learning via Brene Brown continues as I have all her books on CD and listen more than once. I like that she is not afraid to show her vulnerability. She has a podcast starting in March I think. That will be of interest.
ReplyDeleteThank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is Australia. Hope to see you link up again. Denyse.