Instead of being caught up in consumerism, we need to re-learn the joy and beauty of simple pleasures #simple #minimal


When our children were little, one of their favourite books was called "My Cat Likes To Hide In Boxes" by Eve Sutton. Basically each page was about exciting cats from different countries and what they liked to do (the cat from Spain flew an aeroplane) but her cat liked to hide in boxes. That book pretty much sums up your average cat and their love of simple pleasures - boxes being top of their list - if there's a box it will be sat in (or slept in).


In today's consumer hungry world we need to take a step back and appreciate the simple pleasures too. You don't need to buy stuff all the time, you don't need to be constantly shopping and spending and being entertained. Those are lovely treats, but somewhere in the grand scheme of things we have replaced the simple with the loud and demanding.

Let's take a moment to think about the little things that make us happy.....for me it's a cup of coffee, a serve of hot, salty chips, a sunny day, seeing my children, holding my new granddaughter, holding hands with my husband, reading a good book, having a laugh with a friend, and the list could go on forever.

“She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cosy bed, and to love and be loved in return.” ― starra neely blade #quotes


None of these simple pleasures cost much - a few dollars or nothing at all, and yet just thinking about them brings a smile to my face. Why not stop for a while, put down the glossy catalogs and think about something simple that you could do right now that would make you smile.

Instead of being caught up in consumerism, we need to re-learn the joy and beauty of simple pleasures #simple #minimal

Instead of being caught up in consumerism, we need to re-learn the joy and beauty of simple pleasures #simple #minimal
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Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive


  1. Sun on my face, pajama days on rainy days, my mom's cooking, my husband's smile, holding hands in the car...all simple and yet, so precious! <3 Love this post!

    1. they all sound wonderful Kelly - so simple and yet they are so valuable to our happiness aren't they?

  2. Lie on my bed in the sun (a rare break during winter and in between days of rain) and read a book. Hmm. Let's add with a ginger beer float next to the bed and a clock that shows I have at least 3 hours left before I must get up.

    1. I think those three hours until you have to get up again are the key Shirley - time to ourselves with no pressing commitments - bliss!

  3. Hmmm . . . time with my family. A good book. Writing a really good passage in my current WIP!

    1. You always have a WIP Diane - beats me how you do it :) I am in awe!

  4. I picked up my dog and cuddled him. A simple pleasure. But for God's sake, do NOT Tell your cat!

    1. She'd only be jealous and want to have the cuddle instead - and because she's a cat she would think she had first priority over your dog :P

  5. Hi Leanne! This is a lovely post with such a good reminder that we (me especially) could read every single day. We don't need all that stuff for sure but it is amazing how the loud and noisy so often grabs our attention. I think I will get up from the computer and go and hug my husband :-) ~Kathy

    1. I hope he got that hug Kathy - mine was away interstate for a few days and it was the first thing I did when he got back - just lovely!

  6. I agree. Having grandchildren is the greatest joy of my life! No matter what is going on, being with them makes everything right with the world.

    1. Grandbabies are definitely a gift from God Cathy - the chance to enjoy small people without all the responsibility :)

  7. Birdsong. My rocking chair on the deck. Saturday mornings drinking my coffee in that chair and listening to birdsong. Giggles from my grandsons. Hugs hello... and goodbye.

    1. There is nothing like a cup of coffee and some sunshine on a quiet weekend morning + a hug or two as icing on the cake!

  8. That's a really lovely post. Enjoying the simple things is what makes us happy. Every once in a while - just for the heck of it - I have a "no spending day." It always turns out to be great and helps me to turn inward.

    1. Having a day where it's just about browsing or chilling out - no responsibilities to fulfill and the chance to think about what we do and why we do it is always a blessing Toni.

  9. As you know Leanne I always promote the simple pleasures of life. Taking a moment to step back, breathe and just enjoying being. It is amazing how happy you feel just laying down and cloud watching.

    1. Exactly Sue - there is nothing like taking a moment or two in the day to appreciate life and how lucky we are to have all that we do.

  10. I love nothing better than putting my canoe out on the lake and just paddle away without running into another soul. There's nothing like sliding through the water and watching the deer or see a hawk soaring overhead. That and the grand babies, its what life is all about.

    1. Canoeing seems to bring about a kind of serenity doesn't it Rena? It's the gliding through the still water that does it I think - not quite so serene with those grandbabies though :)

  11. Hi Leanne,
    I saw a cat in the Hunger Games #4 movie. It made me want one. I have two dogs, though.

    1. once you get a cat there's no looking back Janice - I don't think your dogs would approve :)

  12. Family time for me.... reading with my children... a good book... a Netflix binge.... gathering of my loved ones and friends over a good meal.

    1. and I love that these all cost next to nothing - that's one of the added benefits of simple pleasures isn't it? :)

  13. I'm trying to be more conscious of these little things that make such a difference in my happiness. Yes a cup of coffee, a walk with my dog, chatting with a friend. Powerful but simple things.

    1. And when we stop and take the time to enjoy them they just add a ray of sunshine into our day Rosie :)

  14. Hi Leanne, I count my blessings in the form of the simple pleasures in life. Sitting outside listening to the dawn chorus.A walk up the hills with the dogs or a stroll down the beach. A bar of chocolate with a hot cup of tea. And so much more. We could learn plenty from animals.


    1. Animals have simple living down to a fine art and I think we have lost that along the way Debbie - rediscovering the "little" things in life and appreciating them makes such a difference.

  15. Made me smile - my cats are always hiding in boxes or random cubby holes - even in the play castle belonging to my young sons! 😊

    1. They do seem to like finding little spots to discover and squeeze themselves into don't they Linda?

  16. Enjoying the simple pleasures makes life worthwhile, Leanne. If you only wait for the mountain top moments to make you happy, your joy will be scarce. It is fun to look forward to big events, but that first sip of coffee in the morning makes every day special. I never lose my enthusiasm for seeing the beauty of all seasons, having a foot rub, eating a piece of dark chocolate. Yes, these are the small, inexpensive things that give me joy! Always enjoy your posts.

    1. Thanks Molly - and you're absolutely right, mountain top moments are wonderful but few and far between, enjoying the simple joys in our day keeps us smiling in between.

  17. There is nothing like throwing out piles of old stuff that's been in storage you didn't know you had and therefore don't need. I like it simple, too. Life is about experiences and our relationships with people not who has the most stuff or a complicated lifestyle. These cats you know are really smart :)

    1. They are pretty clue-y aren't they Terri? I love getting rid of stuff I forgot I had too - you don't even miss it and you get such a feeling of satisfaction.

  18. Love this. It is the little, simple things that matter! Though I don't think I'd get as much enjoyment as cats do from the simple pleasure of sitting in a box!

    1. No - box sitting doesn't float my boat either, but simple joys certainly do :)

  19. Coffee, a good book, front porch swing, laughing with my kids. Those are some of my favorites! Love this!

  20. Playing with my grandchildren, just spending time with my husband, seeing old friends. Great post reminding us that it really can be the simple things that make us the happiest. Thanks for sharing at the Blogger's Pit Stop.

    1. Hi Debbie - I love all those things too - I just spent the weekend doing just that and it was wonderful.

  21. You are so right, and the older I get I realize that I wish I had decided to celebrate the simple things earlier in life. The more stuff we have, the busier we are, and we have to take the time to take care of that stuff. So, like cats, dogs and babies, I'll start loving cardboard boxes much more! LOL


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