Everyone knows that Australia has the BEST beaches - no pebbles or dirty looking sand - just clean, white sand that is so fine, it squeaks when you walk on it. Plenty of coast line so there is always an uncrowded beach to lie on, or walk on, or take your pet to. In Western Australia we have the added bonus of our sunsets being over the ocean - very beautiful indeed. Our weather is amazing - hot and dry Summers and mild and wet Winters - with long spells of perfect weather in Autumn (not Fall - see below *)and Spring. You can even travel to a mountain or two if you are a a snow bunny and want to ski.OUR ATTITUDE
We are laid back and easy going - it takes a lot to get an Aussie riled up. Unless they've had a few too many drinks, most Aussies have the motto of "live and let live". We're multicultural and proud of our integration - and in most cases that reflects in the peace we love so much.We make our own rules - we have our own version of football, we have our own version of government, if we don't like something we feel like we are a young enough country that we can make changes and try new things. I love our free spiritedness and our willingness to embrace change.
Our politicians are not perfect but they're not tearing our country to pieces, or starting wars, or causing friendship breakdowns over their policies. Ranting on facebook about politics or on our blogs is not really the done thing here in Australia.We're a long way away from everyone. This tends to make us self-sufficient and a little complacent about our own safety. Watching the world going to hell in a hand-basket is easier to take when you live 17 hours flight away from it all. It still saddens us to see the troubles in other countries, but we appreciate our distance when there is so much turmoil.
We choose to spell our words and pronounce them like the English do: We use words ending with "t" (learnt, earnt, amongst, leapt, smelt, dreamt) all the time. It's only when we start to blog that we come across US spellings and find that we're supposed to be using "ed" at the end. Most of us think "stuff it!" and keep spelling it our own way - we're free spirited you know! The same goes with changing spelling to make z's into s's for US spell check - I didn't realis/ze it was a "thing" until I started blogging.We tend to follow the British with our definitions of words too - with thongs being things you wear on your feet (and not wedged between your butt cheeks), biscuits are for eating with coffee (not for dipping in gravy with your meals) - and are even better covered in chocolate - we have Tim Tams and they are the BEST! Scones are for eating with jam and cream for afternoon tea. And our measurements are metric - mm, cm, m, km, g, kg, and Celcius. Two weeks is a fortnight, and Autumn is not Fall* - that isn't even open for discussion!
But we are also know to add a twist here and there: An “o” is the suffix to any word it can shorten. If in doubt, throw an “o” on the end of the word and it’s bound to be Australian. Garbo (rubbish collector), troppo (going a bit crazy in the tropical heat), aggro (getting hot under the collar when you're angry), arvo (the afternoon - when you have your scones), compo (when you receive compensation), and many more. We also do the sickie, bickie, postie, cossie, pressie thing too (looks like we love our abbreviations doesn't it?)
We also managed to weather the Global Financial Crisis without falling in a heap - our banks didn't fold and most people kept their jobs. There will always be unemployment, but our welfare and health systems are top notch and there is help for those who need it.Another bonus is that we don't have tipping - we pay a fair price for what we eat and drink and employers pay their staff what they're worth. So no mental math at the end of a meal in Australia!
And a great overview of our country to finish off with....
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This post was shared at some of these great link parties
It's great to learn more about where you come from. Australia is one of my top 3 countries that I want to visit someday. it's gorgeous. I loved that video!
ReplyDeleteI loved it too Rena - and I think you'd really like Australia and Aussies - you have a similar laid back vibe :)
DeleteI love Australia and there's still so much I need to learn!!! And you mentioned scones. I love scones and I'm craving for one right now. xx
We're big scone eaters Jacq - nothing like a warm scone with jam and cream to round out morning or afternoon tea.
DeleteI love all of these things as well.... particularly our use of words and language and laid-back style. I know not everyone's like that, but it's more commonly characteristic than the alternative I think. And I love that - on the whole - our political system is democratic and we are able to (mostly) live safe lives.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we appreciate how wonderful our lifestyle is here Deb - the freedom and the cruisy-ness of our lives is so lovely compared to a lot of other countries isn't it?
DeleteLove some of your observations! I particularly notice how much we shorten words...and I have moved to a new area in NSW called the Central Coast..which we now refer to (as the locals do) as Cenny Coast and we are "coasties". We also have the other habit of lengthening a name that seems too short. We might be kind of rule makers but we appreciate that our white-settlement was by those who were generally rule breakers sent here as punishment. I would like to think that our country will be brave enough soon to add the first Australians, the Aboriginal Australians, to the Constitution as they request for full recognition. Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek 4/52 Denyse
ReplyDeleteI think Australia is doing its best to be inclusive Denyse and as time goes on we are getting better at including everyone. I would just love to see that inclusion being appreciated more. We are so lucky to live here aren't we?
DeleteI love your reasons why you love being an Aussie Leanne. As a fellow Aussie I totally agree. Our beaches are world class and I would love to see a sunset over the ocean in WA (on the bucket list as well as a coffee with you), I also like your point about politics. We are fortunate that our politicians aren't really that bad on either side of politics when you consider other countries. Perhaps it is because we are so laid back it takes a lot to get us riled up LOL:) I'm wondering if our US friends will think you are speaking another language :) Happy Australia Day xx
ReplyDeleteI never knew the language differences! My niece married a Brit and when they come to visit he has to translate some words in his head so we can understand him and she had to learn to spell UK way for her job. Tipping, didn't know that either. Thanks Leanne and Happy Australian Day!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize how different we were until I started blogging Haralee. I also noticed it when I rang Go Daddy and got an American on the phone - it was all so upbeat and positive and gung ho - we are so much more laid back and it takes a lot to get us razzed.
DeleteI have always wanted to visit Australia, and now I do even more! So much of what you said resonated with me. I think I could easily live there if it weren't for missing family and friends here in the states. I might also add to your wonderful list of attributes that often when I notice how handsome an actor is he will be Australian.:) I enjoyed the video too. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteWe do have very attractive actors don't we? I think it's because Aussie men are fit but not gym-fit. They are manly but not really aware of it. And it's the laid back confidence that doesn't shout "look at me" that does it for me. Hugh Jackman would be my favourite I think :) And yes come visit Australia - you'll love it!
DeleteLoved this Leanne! My daughter just got back from a month long trip to New Zealand and Australia. Her most memorable moment...New Years Eve at the Sidney Opera House. She had some awesome experiences and said both places are so beautiful...the people too. Of course, I'm extremely jealous that I haven't been. Enjoyed learning more from you!
ReplyDeleteI bet she had a fantastic time Laurie - she would have seen all the highlights. We had friends watching the fireworks at the Opera House and said it was an amazing evening. She might inspire you to come over :)
DeleteI LOVE your country! It's on my bucket list to visit. I'll let you know . . . :)
ReplyDeleteI'll have the kettle boiling and a scone or two (and a Tim Tam) ready for when you knock on the door Diane xx
DeleteHi Leanne, Haven't got to talk to you lately. I guess I've been Praying so hard about Our Election and Inaguration of Our New President Donald Trump. I am very Happy He and Vice President Mike Pence are in office. It's time that our Country becomes more like Your Country. It sounds wonderful. Beautiful, Peaceful and laid-back just like us Red-Neck Folks in the U.S. I'd love to come visit sometime. I guess I'll have to add that to my Bucket List. Hope you'll come visit sometime, there are lots of Beautiful sites to see. Hopefully our People who need an attitude adjustment will learn to live in Peace, Love God and Help their Neighbors as it should be.
ReplyDeleteHi Donna - it has been so difficult watching the US elections - with all the hoopla that went on leading up to it and then the huge fallout afterwards. I really hope that Donald Trump turns out to be a surprisingly great leader and it is a turning point for America. I'd love for you all to be settled again and not up in arms over all this. Reading about it all on facebook and the animosity caused by it all is so sad and disheartening.
DeleteI love Australia. The people there are great. My brother-in-law has lived there for over 40 years.
ReplyDeleteI love visiting and even went on my honeymoon there.
Wow - you're nearly an Aussie Nancy - anyone who chooses to have their honeymoon here definitely deserves the title of Honorary Australian :)
DeleteAt this point, my favorite thing is you're not politically tearing your country apart. How fortunate. Brenda
ReplyDeleteAfter the last couple of years of watching the fallout of the US elections Brenda, I am so relieved to be tucked away from it all. I really hope our politicians don't go down the same path and friends don't start berating friends over who they vote for - so very sad.
DeleteLove this post! I like that you're laid back and easy going, and I like your beaches and sunshine too! Loved the part about your use of words. Sue Loncaric posted a Facebook Live the other day and I got to hear her accent, loved it!!! Thank you Leanne for sharing this post at the Wednesday AIM Link Party. I shared it on my social media sites.