A few years ago I wrote a post on 5 Aussie Midlife Bloggers and I noticed that things have changed a bit since then and it was time for an update. There are some fantastic women in their 50's and 60's (and even 70's!) who are writing blogs that inspire us all to live Midlife to the full and remind us that the second half of life can definitely be the best half of life.Today I've compiled a list of my favourites, and you can click on their blog title to connect to their blogs if you'd like to read more:
I had to put my own blog in the mix - after 5+ years of blogging about Midlife I think I deserve a mention at least. I write primarily about what Midlife is teaching me, the highs and lows and how I work my way through them. I'm also discovering the blessings of early retirement, living simply, and choosing to thrive in everything I do - it's all about our attitude.
Next on my list has to be Sue from Queensland. Sue is an advocate of being fit and healthy and inspires me every time I read one of her posts. She runs marathons, does yoga, exercises regularly, and leads an active and fun life. I'm sure you'll love her blog too. She's been an amazing friend throughout my blogging journey.
Deb lives in NSW in a very Aussie named place - Tumbarumba (I just love saying it!) and she loves taking photos of the world around her, writing about her travels, and sharing little snippets of her life. Her blog is upbeat and we seem to have been on similar Midlife journeys - especially in navigating life after an unexpected retirement.4) LIFESTYLE FIFTY
Jo is a fellow West Aussie who lives near me and is an amazing blogger who's travelled the world, is a great advocate of 50+ fashion and always looks fabulous. She's received awards and recognition for her blogging and even features on a radio show every so often - so she's almost famous!5) WRITE OF THE MIDDLE
Min is another Queenslander who writes about Midlife, Zen-ful living, beauty, and some of her travels around Australia. She was recently shortlisted for a Bupa blogging award - quite an achievement in light of the amazing bloggers she shared the awards with.6) AND ANYWAYS
Jo (another Queenslander) amazes me with her talent for doing a million and one things - she blogs, she writes novels, works, cooks, travels, and so much more. I always feel a little bit envious by the end of one of her "the month that was" reports - She's always up to something new and inspires me to make an effort to include more in my life.
Deb (yet ANOTHER Queenslander - there must be something in the water over there!) writes about her life with honesty and openness - including her search for the perfect job. She also specializes in book reviews - and an occasional update on what she's been watching - a good source of Netflix recommendations!
Denyse uses her blog to share her journey through the last two years of mouth cancer. She is a very positive role model for those facing a similar battle. Denyse also has a Monday link party for other bloggers and is a huge advocate of Outfit of the Day to keep her spirits up and show us some of her style choices.9) NEXT PHASE FITNESS
Jennifer is an amazingly fit blogger who loves to hike and ride and exercise. She's always challenging herself (and her readers) to be fitter and healthier and shares stories of her adventures along the way.
Jan and her husband Rowan write about retirement, financial planning, travel stories, fashion tips, and lots more. They bring a different flavour to retirement blogging and always have something interesting to share.
This is only a snapshot of some of the Aussie bloggers I follow regularly - there are a few others in my 2016 post who are still going strong today too. If you'd like to be added to the list, let me know and I'll do an addendum!I love the Aussie camaraderie and the encouragement and support I receive from each of these lovely women. Blogging has proved to be such a surprising journey into finding joy in Midlife - and it wouldn't be the same without them! I could also mention my other Midlife blogging friends from all over the world - but that would take weeks! If you want to meet more then pop into one of my Wednesday #MLSTL parties and click on some of the links - there's something for everyone!
To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar and I'd love you to share this post by clicking on a share button before you go xx
This post was shared at some of these great link parties
Hi BBB, I'm honoured to be on the list with all of these wonderful Aussie bloggers. I love the name Tumbarumba too! These ladies all contribute so much to Midlife & Beyond and are all special in their own way. Thanks for sharing your list of favourites because they are mine as well! :)
ReplyDeleteI just love our Aussie blogging community Sue (especially you x) and how we cheer each other on and enjoy each other's blogs - just wanted to share it out into the wider world because so many Midlife women would benefit from reading what we have to offer xx
DeleteYes I think we are all more 'grounded' in our approach and write about life after 50 from experience. Thanks again for including me and I love our friendship. I've shared on social media and #MLSTL comes around quickly doesn't it? I love the idea we came up with and the forum for other Midlife bloggers.
DeleteI would definitely add me 😉. Great list Leanne
ReplyDeleteI can do that Jan - stay tuned!
DeleteI'm so honoured to be on this list! Thanks Leanne...
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Jo - I love your posts xx
DeleteI love this post Leanne, in fact I got a bit emotional reading it! All these bloggers are on my favourite list too. I'm so happy to have found you and just love our blogging community. Thanks for the shoutout and the support and encouragement we get from each other, without asking for it. I totally agree with you, we all have a lot to offer and we do it so well in our own different ways xx
ReplyDeleteHi Deb - every time I scroll down the list I look at you all and smile - such wonderful women - great friendships and so much support. Blogging has been an absolute joy with the connections I've made along the way.
DeleteI smile too Leanne, looking at everyone's happy faces and thanking my lucky stars that I've met you through blogging. Have shared everywhere, with absolute pleasure for #mlstl
DeleteI've been to the dentist this morning. 1.5 hrs in the chair with my mouth open and 5 needles later, I'm home all numb in my face, lips and tongue and feeling a bit blah. But then I'm scrolling Facebook and see that you've published a post on Aussie Midlife Bloggers and am so honoured to see that my name is listed here amongst all the other lovely blogging ladies I admire. Thank you Leanne - you've made my otherwise quite 'numb' day!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteMin I smiled at that (even though you probably couldn't!) I hate the dentist with a passion (even though I worked in one for 11 years!) Glad I could make your day just a little bit happier and you are definitely one of my favourite Aussie bloggers xx
DeleteYou definitely made my day much happier Leanne! Thank you! I'm visiting again for #MLSTL and have already shared your post on my FB page. xo
DeleteHow very honoured I am to be included in this list of inspiring and talented bloggers. Thanks so much for your lovely words Leanne :) As I'm in England at the moment with my Mum in hospital, and also helping to look after her partner (98) at their home, this couldn't have come at a better time to cheer me up and give me renewed zest to keep on blogging.
ReplyDeleteHi Jo - so sorry that your Mum's in hospital - I'll be thinking of you and sending warm wishes as you juggle all that needs to be done to get her well and home again. Aging parents are such a worry - and being on the other side of the world just magnifies it all. Hang in there and yes, keep on blogging xxx
DeleteWhat a great list & I am both thrilled & awed to be named in this group. I really enjoy the unique ways each of us blogs bringing our different perspectives on life in the middle to older years because we all learn from each other. What a great community feel it is to be part of this Aussie Blogging one. Thank you Leanne. Denyse x
ReplyDeleteHi Denyse - I'm thrilled to be part of this group too. I love what Aussie Midlife bloggers bring to the table and how we all compliment each other - rather than competing. That's part of this age and stage isn't it? Being able to cheer each other on and shine a light of support where we can x
DeleteYou could add myself also lol. Great List. Love all these bloggers.
ReplyDeleteHi - email me your blog link and a profile pic and I'd be happy to add you to the list :)
DeleteThank you so much for including me. I really appreciate having the support of all of these bloggers (and more). It's a great community!
ReplyDeleteIt's a wonderful community Deb - and I love how we each have our own little part of it and enjoy what the others bring into the mix. It's such a great group and I'm so pleased to be part of it x
DeleteWhat a gorgeous group of inspiring women. Here's to all of us taking these midlife years and making them more fabulous than we could ever have imagined.
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments exactly Toni - I can't believe how different Midlife has been thanks to blogging. Meeting so many positive and inspiring women who are rocking their 50s and 60s has been fantastic.
DeleteHi Leanne, Thank you for sharing. I have met some of the bloggers and I agree with you. They are fun and informative. I look forward to stopping by some of the new (to me) recommendations:)
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was hoping for Erica - that people would get a glimpse of all these ladies and what they have to offer - so many differences and yet, lots of similarities too.
DeleteMost of these I had never heard of and I'm excited to meet some new bloggers. You are the Australian blogger that I know! I need to broaden my horizons. (Rena)
ReplyDeleteHi Rena - yes, jump over and meet a few of the others because they're all great and I think you'd enjoy meeting some of them. I love that Midlife blogging is international - the commonalities are amazing.
DeleteA great list, Leanne. I've been enjoying the ten blogs you mentioned. #MLSTL
ReplyDeleteI love them all Natalie (and my overseas Midlife bloggers too - but that would be an enormous post!)
DeleteGreat list! I'd add in Deep Fried Fruit tho she's not 50 just yet...#MLSTL
ReplyDeleteYes Leanne is a wonderful Midlife blogger - and a great example of making blogging part of her business.
DeleteA wonderful group of Aussie Bloggers, Leanne! I follow many of them! Looking forward to checking out everyone on this list! Read and shared via #MLSTL
ReplyDeleteHi Terri - I hope you meet a couple of newies and enjoy them. A lot link for #MLSTL so that makes it easier!
Deletewhat an excellent list of amazing women and writers....
ReplyDeleteThey're a fabulous group Bree and I'm so pleased to share them all in one place so others who are new to Midlife can have a resource to check out.
DeleteThanks again for including me in this illustrious lineup, so much inspiration from these women. Pinning this :-)
ReplyDeleteIt's a great round-up isn't it Jan - lots of variety on offer, but all rocking this Midlife gig on their own terms.
DeleteThanks for sharing this list Leanne. As it turns out, I am familiar with 8 of the 10, so that means I've found two new blogs to check out! As you know, I live on the other side of the world, but it appears about half of the bloggers I check in on regularly are Aussies. Interesting! #MLSTL
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how there's an affinity amongst us isn't it Christie - we can be thousands of miles apart and yet resonate with each other so well. I've been so blessed to have you all in my life as I've gone through all the upheavals of this year - I love that we're each other's cheersquad.
DeleteWhat a fantastic group and I read and follow most of them. There are a couple of new names I'll need to check out...and I love to say Tumbarumba too!
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased to hear you love saying the name of my town Jennifer, Tumbarumba is a great little town and I'm proud to call it home :) . You're all welcome anytime!!
DeleteI'm a bit jealous of Deb and her Tumbarumba location Jennifer - it's like a poem and an announcement all rolled into one!
DeleteSo good to re-read this and the grateful words from my fellow bloggers. I admit I got quite a surprise seeing my name listed amongst these quality women from Australia's blogging scene. Thanks again Leanne! Visiting from what I cannot believe is the 72nd linky for MidLifeShareTheLove Denyse x
ReplyDeleteHi Denyse - I couldn't have left you off the list - you're one of my favourite bloggers for sure and I've loved being a part of your Monday link up and also sharing your journey over the last few years.
DeleteAlways enjoy reading the blogs by the Aussies. I also discovered some new ones. Thanks for sharing, Leanne.
ReplyDeleteThere's just something about Aussie blogs isn't there Christina? I'm not sure what it is, but there's definitely a unique flavour to them.
DeleteLeanne, some of these are my favorites too but some are new to me. Can't wait to check them out! Thanks for the intro.
ReplyDeleteThey're a fabulous bunch Jean - and I'm sure you'll love them all xx
DeletePinned this and would love to be considered on the next list -
ReplyDeleteHi Jane - lovely to have you visit here and I'll definitely keep you in mind for the next time I do a post like thise. Perhaps you'd also enjoy our #MLSTL party to get to know some of us and let us get to know you x