The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - E is for Eager

the A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - E is for Eager/Enthusiastic

Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is - and E is for Eager - it can also include Enthusiastic because they are from the same family. Eagerness is one of the most refreshing personality traits - seeing someone ready to embrace a new situation and give it a go can be really inspiring to others.

We can play safe too often in life and miss out on some wonderful opportunities. I know that too often my first response to most new opportunities is to think it's too hard or too good to be true. I hesitate, and hesitation is the enemy of eagerness and enthusiasm.

It can be good to pause for a moment and think things through, but if consideration becomes over-thinking, we can talk ourselves out of an opportunity that may never come our way again. Regretting the chances we didn't take is a sad way to progress through life. Sure, we didn't fail or fall over, but we also may have missed the opportunity to soar.

the A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - E is for Eager/Enthusiastic

Eager people are brave and interesting. They embrace change and take risks, they have a go - even if success isn't guaranteed. They attract other people because they are enthusiastic about the life they are leading. They try new things and have fun. They don't want to die having missed out on stuff they weren't brave enough to attempt. 

I'm at risk of falling into the play-it-safe camp, I want the guarantees, I want the safety net, the assurance that the risk will be worthwhile.....and because of that, I have quite possibly missed out on opportunities that have come my way. Eagerness to embrace new experiences is something I'm working on, and being enthusiastic about what's happening in my life because it's new and interesting. You can't be enthusiastic if there's nothing new happening, same old, same old day in and day out crushes eagerness and enthusiasm.

I'm getting braver, and I hope you are too - being eager and attracting like minded people makes life a lot more interesting and exciting. 

See you next time for the continuation of Positive Personality Traits - F is for Friendly.

This post is part of the April A-Z challenge.

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  1. Eagerness is a trait I see sadly lacking in gen-next kids. Eagerness and enthusiasm for all things in life can make up for all other setbacks and limitations in one's personality I feel. I would much rather have an eager beaver person working with me than a laid-back or reticent brainy one! A wonderful trait you have discussed here Leanne.
    @KalaRavi16 from

    1. thanks Kala - I agree that enthusiastic people make for more interesting workmates and friends. I love being around people who have a zest for life and can't wait to see what's coming next - it's inspiring!

  2. I am Eager to read more n more of your words.. Keep Blogging.. :)

    1. well you turned that one around on me Deepti - I'm glad you're enjoying reading my posts x

  3. I've always been an enthusiastic person, but I've never thought much about myself as "eager." I guess because I've always classified that word as someone willing to take lots of risks, and I never considered myself a big risk taker. However, the older I get, the more eager I find myself becoming -- and I wonder I've waited all these years to step out a bit! Keep encouraging, Leanne!! :)

    1. thanks Wendy - I'm a bit the same in that I'm finding I'm discovering the joys of being eager to try new things and have a go - even if it doesn't work out. It makes for interesting living!

  4. Eagerness is very much required to progress in life. At times this eagerness of mine has given me setbacks but I am happy that I at least did try things out :)

    Wonderful post Leanne :)

    The Piscean Me | Twitter

    1. I think being eager - even with setbacks - is a great way to approach life Srivi :)

  5. Just visited my mother in law's 84 year old former next door neighbor. Speaking of eager! She's never one to dodge a bit of fun or to tell it like it is. Sassy, wonderful lady - a role model for my aging! Alana

    1. that's how I want to be Alana - full of zest and ready to have a go and a laugh - hopefully we'll be doing it when we're 84 too :)

  6. I'm totally stuck in the 'safe' place. I'm eager and enthusiastic. And timid. Sigh.

    1. I know the feeling Diane - but I'm working on it :)

  7. I often used to fall into the trap of over thinking something to the point of talking myself out of it. Now I just give it a go - if it works, great, if it doesn't, well at least I know I gave it a shot!

    1. I think you've nailed it Deb - it's better to have tried and failed - I'm getting tired of living with regrets for what I may have missed out on :)

  8. My heart is often eager but then my mind tries to talk me out of it. Something I need to work more on getting the two to cooperate. Lovely post.

    1. me too Pamela - I so often take the safe path and miss out on the fun - I'm working on changing that though!

  9. When I was teaching, I loved an eager learner.
    Repaying the visit from AtoZ
    Jollett Etc.

    1. my daughter teaches and she would totally agree with you Wendy :)

  10. Good word for 'E' as it truly does give one's personality a boost of enthusiasm...even for those who don't always express it openly. I'm one of those openly expressive, eager and enthusiastic personalities. Sometimes, I probably should be a bit less so.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

    1. Never lessen yourself Sue - I think we all secretly envy eager and enthusiastic people - the world needs more of them :)

  11. I'm getting there, but my life is pretty much day in and day out. We're planning a great adventure though and I am very EAGER and ENTHUSIASTIC for that haha!

    1. It's great to have something to be enthusiastic about Rena - I don't think any of us can do "eager" day in day out, but to have things in our life that engage us is what it's all about :)

  12. Sometimes I'm a little too eager or enthusiastic and rush off without thinking it through. Most of the time though I'm glad I'm like that at least I give things a go. xx

    1. me too Sue - I think I'm getting better at having a go at things and it's good to have at least tried :)

  13. You have to balance being eager with playing it safe - you don't want to get yourself into a bad situation. But you also don't want to miss out because of fear.

    No safety net is guaranteed!

    @dSavannahCreate from
    #AtoZChallenge2016 theme: dSavannah Defects

    1. my sentiments exactly dSavannah - nobody wants to be completely reckless - you have to have a bit of common sense in there too :)

  14. As I see these posts, I am becoming Eager to read the next posts. Shasahnk from Tale of a Broken Soul


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