Here's the latest little snippets from all over the place that caught my eye and I thought were worth sharing. I hope you enjoy them too - feel free to pin them or share them with other people if they resonate with you. I've turned off the comments on these posts because they're just a fun Saturday post to look at, enjoy and move on - hopefully with a smile on your face or with something to think about.THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
I shared this lovely alternative to the Serenity Prayer the other day. I think it's just perfect for Midlife women. Maybe this week we can all put it into practice.FUNNY
I've mentioned before how much I enjoy the funny insights from Hedger Humor and how gracious Adrienne has been in allowing me to share them here on the blog. This one on sharing a meal with Midlife friends made me laugh because I've been known to share stories on ailments when I catch up with friends for coffee.INTERESTING
My husband and I never had bucketloads of money when we were raising our kids. I've wondered occasionally whether that had any impact on the way they live their lives and how they handle money and possessions. Our approach has always been towards minimalism and being frugal - and still is today (despite having more ready cash). I read this interesting article on the No Sidebar blog the other day. The points that are made towards the end are particularly interesting.ONE LAST THING
If you get caught up in the busy myth - where you think being busy is a good thing, maybe it's time to slow down a little and think about it from a different perspective. Here's a great quote via BecomingUnBusy
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This post was shared at some of these great link parties