Here's the latest little snippets from all over the place that caught my eye and I thought were worth sharing. I hope you enjoy them too - feel free to pin them or share them with other people if they resonate with you. I've turned off the comments on these posts because they're just a fun Saturday post to look at, enjoy and move on - hopefully with a smile on your face or with something to think about.THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
When the time came to hand in my notice at work, I was ready and able to do it with a sense of empowerment - and with a calm and civil tone and attitude. Losing the plot when you're under stress often works against us - staying in control works so much better. I loved this quote from marcandangel.comFUNNY
A friend shared this Jon Kudelka cartoon on Facebook the other day - it gave me a smile.INTERESTING
I find that life is all about balance. Almost every time something resonates with me it's because it reminds me that there is a perfect tension to a well lived life. Too much or too little will always cause us stress, getting the balance right - breathing and letting go of what we can't control - always brings the best results.ONE LAST THING
After a month of adjusting to the changes that come from leaving my job behind and having some headspace again, I found this article really interesting and full of great advice on how to wake up smiling every day. Each of the 9 points resonated with me in some way and I thought you might enjoy it too.
On that note, I hope you're following along with my AtoZ of the List of More - if you missed either of them, here's the links to my latest posts on the letter "E" - Enjoyment through Engagement and "F" - Fearless and Fabulous.
Have a great weekend! xx
To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar and I'd love you to share this post by clicking on a share button before you go xx
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