Happy Easter everyone - I hope you're enjoying the holiday, eating Easter eggs, or whatever else you do to celebrate this lovely time of the year. Here's the latest little snippets from all over the place that caught my eye and I thought were worth sharing. I hope you enjoy them too - feel free to pin them or share them with other people if they resonate with you. I've turned off the comments on these posts because they're just a fun Saturday post to look at, enjoy and move on - hopefully with a smile on your face or with something to think about.THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
While I've been at home and away from work, I've noticed my happiness levels have gradually increased. The sheer joy of not dealing with difficult people and situations is hard to describe. One thing I've asked myself is why I waited so long - and then I saw these three words and the truth they contain - don't leave finding your joy until it's too late - seek it now and enjoy it!FUNNY
I have to confess to being a bit of a Pinaholic. I have 36,000 pins in my Pinterest account - and there will be more to come (feel free to follow me!) I just love pretty pictures, kittens, couture, quotes and goodness knows what else. Other people use Pinterest solely for their blog promotion - but for me it's just somewhere I love to browse. This quote makes me laugh because it's SO me!INTERESTING
I love Marc and Angel Hack Life and this post on 12 Things My Grandmother Told Me Before She Died was another classic.I particularly liked Point 5:
Everything that happens helps you grow, even if it’s hard to see right now. Circumstances will direct you, correct you, and perfect you over time. So whatever you do, hold on to hope. The tiniest thread will twist into an unbreakable cord. Let hope anchor you in the possibility that this is not the end of your story – that the change in the tides will eventually bring you to peaceful shores.

I've been writing about all the work stress and other implications (retire/re-invent/return to work) that have resulted from it. I saw this quote and thought that it was a good summing up of what needs to go and what needs to replace it in my life.AND FINALLY.....
I've mentioned previously that Cresting the Hill has been nominated in the Best Lifestyle Blog category for the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards. If youhaven't had the chance to vote for me, there's still a little bit of time left and I'd be very grateful and then scroll down to the the Lifestyle Category to vote - it's very easy - (there are some fantastic blogs that I'm sharing the honours with!)Have a great weekend! xx
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