Consciously seeking small delights each day, week, and month - and sharing three of my favourites.


As I mentioned at the beginning of January when I chose Delight as my Word of the Year, I thought I'd round off each month with three delights. For January and my first post in the series, I thought I'd share a personal delight, a thought about delight, and a quote about delight. 

So, without further ado here are my three delights for January...


I thought I'd share a couple of blogging delights for my personal update this month (two for the price of one!) The first is that my blog hit 3 million views at the beginning of January - that just feels unreal but was also a lovely little highlight and inspiration to stay on this journey of writing, sharing and connecting. Thank you so much for being such a valuable part of why I blog (and why I keep blogging!)

The other little delight was having one of my previous blog posts published in an online publication called Inflow Magazine. Carol, the editor, approached me last year to ask if she could share it, and I was more than happy to be part of her team of writers. If you'd like to read Inflow Magazine for free you can click on this link:

From there it's free if you Enter ‘0’ in the ‘name a fair price’ field and then Click ‘I want this’ and follow the prompts (including entering '0' in the tip field). It's packed full of interesting articles on a variety of subjects and I'm sure you'd enjoy reading it.

Inflow Magazine January 2025


I subscribe to James Clear's 3-2-1 weekly newsletter and recently he shared this thought:

Bad things are always happening loudly: the injury, the flat tire, the mistake that gets you criticized. Everybody talks about the moments that make things a hassle.

Good things are always happening quietly: the completed workout, the healthy meal, the ten minutes of writing. Nobody talks about the little moments that add up.

What good things have you done quietly today?

It reminded me that we can let ourselves be caught up in the noise of the bad stuff and forget that there are all the small, quiet delights happening every day that we often take for granted. I want to be drawn to the quiet joys more often, and remind myself of how blessed I am as I navigate this stage of life.


The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.


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Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive


  1. Congrats on reaching so many pageviews and getting published! Those really are delightful.

    1. Thanks Jo - both were very pleasant byproducts of having my little place in the blogging world. :)

  2. I love the quotes - especially the one about the good things happening quietly. They do.

    1. I think too often we feel bombarded by all the doom and gloom because it grabs our attention and is loud. The good things are quiet and lovely and worth looking for. x

  3. Congratulations on being published & thank you for the reminder to be mindful of the quiet accomplishments. All those little things that you may not write home about but contribute to the rich fabric of life. I'm all for less noise, more quiet.

    1. Hi Mona - I think we're all guilty of not noticing the little happy things, but being disappointed or stressed by the not-so-nice things when they happen. I thought it was a good reminder to keep focusing on the little delights - we all have them :)

  4. Hi Leanne - Congratulations on reaching 3 million views! That's a huge accomplishment and I'm so happy for you. I also really enjoyed your thought about finding delight in the quiet moments. It's something I'm definitely going to try to focus on more.
    That quote is so true. Everyone only talks about the few things that go wrong. There are so many things go right. It's never spoke of. A good point.

    1. Hi Pradeep - thanks for you encouraging words - I think that's one of the nicest things about blogging - it's cheering each other on, sharing our successes and our struggles, and reminding each other of how good life is after 50 :)

  5. Hello! I found your blog from Joanne at My Slices of Life. What a great accomplishment on so many views! And getting published, how exciting! Getting published is on my bucket list. Congrats to you!

    1. Hi Mandy - thanks for your lovely comment and your email (I just replied to it). Getting published is always a nice little boost - I don't think it brings much fame or glory, but it's nice to have my words being read in a different format by different readers. :)

  6. Congratulations on reaching so many views and on being published. A few days ago I gathered my courage with both hands and despite the bitter cold and pain, I went for a walk along the lake and it was nice to see so many skaters and fisherman's cabins(smelt fishing). I also encounter John ( a regular at the park) with one of his German Shepherd dog and had a brief chat. Nice quiet delight on a beautiful sunny day! Also found a book which relate to people living with chronic pain. I felt understood and acknowledged ( 2nd delight).Read a blog post about a topic that is not often talked about but I was hoping that one day someone would finally open that door.(3rd delight). Those delights are small things but so appreciated.

    1. Hi Yvonne - go you! 3 delights in a row is definitely worth celebrating. I think when we make the effort to push past that debilitating chronic pain, it feels like such a win and makes the sunshine feel warmer and the day brighter. Nothing beats a random chat and well done on discovering a blog post on a topic that really matters to you, I hope you find more from that blogger that can inspire you to keep finding your delights. x

  7. Congratulations on your 3 million views, Leanne, and on your publication in InFlow. All very well deserved@

    1. Thanks Donna - little happy delights - it's not why I blog, but it's nice to have some affirmation from a different source to encourage me to keep banging away on my keyboard. :)

  8. Well done Leanne, your word is delightful and so is this post! That quiet quote is fabulous and spot on.

    1. Hi Deb - I think that our world clamours for our attention constantly - and 'doom and gloom' and click-bait is everywhere. Finding those quiet little joys just helps balance things and dull the outside noise a little - and we all need more of that. x

  9. Congratulations, Leanne. You deserve the recognition for your beautiful blog, that helps so many people. ♥️

    1. Hi Christina - thanks so much for your kind words. Every time I think of stopping, something comes along to give me a little nudge to keep going. I'm sure the words will dry up sooner or later....but for now I'm just quietly enjoying being in my little corner of the interwebs. :)

  10. Congrats on reaching 3 million views!!! That is really something...
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you are having a good week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks Debbie - it's always lovely to have a little concrete proof that I'm not just typing into the ether :)

  11. Congratulations on your blogging achievements, Leanne. It's always nice to get a little affirmation that people enjoy what we are doing with our blogs. I also love the idea of taking note of the quiet delights. That's why I keep a 3 Good Things journal. Also, I remember while I was working receiving the advice to think of something positive to say in response to the inevitable question, "How was work?" or "How did your day go?" That helped me watch for the quiet good things and give them voice.

    1. I really like that last little bit of advice Christie - especially as retirement has less "big" moments to talk about. Having a few little positive quiet joys to share when asked really appeals to me - thank you x

  12. Congratulations on your achievements that are very cool indeed and I recall when you got to 1million! Go girl. Denyse x

    1. It's a crazy number when I think about it Denyse - but also a lovely acknowledgement that I'm part of a bigger picture - lots of us sharing this ride through the second half of life together :)

  13. Congratulations Leane .Your message of hope needs more ' Reach outs '

    1. Thanks so much - I want to be a positive voice and to remind us all that there is a lot to be delighted with if we look for it.


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