I have a confession to make..........I am a cat person..........I'm not sure how this actually came about because once upon a time I didn't know I was a cat person - if asked, I would have claimed to be a dog lover. I spent the first half of my life completely unaware of the appeal of cats. I grew up in a 1970's home with the prerequisite dog and a budgie (all Australian kids have a budgie at some stage) and it was the same with all my friends - no-one had cats or kittens.
Then, a couple of years after we were married a random kitten turned up at our door and we were hooked. Kittens would have to be one of the cutest elements of God's creation (I am so smitten with them that I have not one.......but THREE Pinterest boards dedicated to them!) It turned out that the "homeless" kitten we adopted for three weeks belonged to our next door neighbours - we never thought to check something so obvious. It went home to their place and before we knew it, we had a kitten of our own to replace him/her. From there it has snowballed to never being without a cat.....