Life can be really wonderful overall, but still throw little upsets and
irritations into our days. I seem to have a couple of those that have been
on-going in my life over the last few months, and I've been trying to untangle the
"why?" I start with wondering why someone would be mean spirited, then I
wonder why I'm unhappy with a particular place, then I start beating up on
myself for being bothered by it all....then I beat up on myself a bit more
by wondering if I caused the irritations.....then the loop starts
I find myself playing scenarios over in my head as I try to rationalise
things that aren't rational, as I try to control how others should behave -
but there's a part of me that knows this isn't on me, that knows I need to
let go of trying to live in a perfect world full of perfect people and I've
come to see.....