The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - Z is for Zest
Saturday, 30 April 2016
The last letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is Z - and Z is for Zest. I thought I'd go out with a bit of a fizz and a pop with zestiness. I love people who have a natural zest for life, they are always the first ones to put their hand up when a challenge presents itself. They are happy to have a go and leap into new situations.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - Y is for Youthful
Friday, 29 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is Y - and Y is for Youthful. Who doesn't want to be young at heart? This personality trait speaks for itself as far as positivity goes! It doesn't matter how old you are, if you have the ability to stay youthful in your outlook and in your approach to life then you are in for quite a ride.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - X is for eXcellent
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is X - and X is for eXcellent. Yes, I know I cheated a bit with this one, but there wasn't really a positive trait that I could come up with that started with X (my husband suggested xenophobic, but I thought that wouldn't go down very well!)
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - W is for Wise
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is W - and W is for Wise. Wisdom is a trait the world could do with in abundance. There is a lot of knowledge out there, but a severe lack of wisdom. Being wise is one of the "blessings" that are supposed to come with old age, but I don't think age is the deciding factor in whether you have wisdom. There are a lot of silly older folks around and the occasionally wise-beyond-their-years younger soul.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - V is for Versatile
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is V - and V is for Versatile. Versatility is a really useful personality trait to have, it is right up there with being flexible and not being a control freak. Being able to adapt to changes in your life situation with flair and in an unflappable manner is an asset most people would want to aspire to.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - U is for Unique
Monday, 25 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is U - and U is for Unique. Being unique is an all-encompassing personality trait. It incorporates authenticity and a dash of quirkiness. It is accepting yourself in your entirety and being comfortable in who you are as a unique individual.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - T is for Trustworthy
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is T - and T is for Trustworthy. In these days of social media and one-up-manship, trustworthiness is a quality that is often pushed to the sidelines. We are never sure if someone is truly who they present themselves to be, or if they have wrapped themselves up in a glossy cover and what we see isn't necessarily what we get.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - S is for Self-confident
Friday, 22 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is S - and S is for Self-confident. This is a big personality trait to get a grip on. So many of us are lacking in this area - I'm not sure why, but we can be our own worst critics and we let that inner voice talk down to us and sap our confidence. We need to replace that critic with a voice that cheers us on and celebrates who we are.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - R is for Relaxed
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is R - and R is for Relaxed. I chose relaxed as a trait because the world is full of uptight people who really need to take a chill pill now and then. There is so much anger and annoyance being shown everyday - road rage, internet trolling, fb shaming and the list goes on. We could all do with taking a step back and a deep breath.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - Q is for Quirky
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is Q - and Q is for Quirky. This was a trait a little bit out of left field. I'm sure there was a more sensible one I could have chosen, but I truly believe that quirkiness is something we should all aim for - it reflects our individuality.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is P - and P is for Patient. My mother used to always tell me that "patience is a virtue" and I must admit to not being particularly strong in this personality trait. I am a work in progress when it comes to being
Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
(to quote James 1:19).
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - O is for Ownership
Monday, 18 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is O - and O is for Ownership. This was actually a bit of a tricky letter to choose a personality trait for. I was tossing up over 'out-going' or 'open' but settled on the trait of taking ownership - in the area of your decisions and your actions. Not fobbing responsibility off onto others.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - N is for Noble
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is N - and N is for Noble. Being noble seems a little bit old fashioned - right up there with knights of the round table and chivalry, jousting and eating roast meat off the haunch (and tossing the bones over your shoulder to your hunting dogs). But I think being noble is still a vital personality trait for us to aim for in today's world too.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - M is for Mindful
Friday, 15 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is M - and M is for Mindful. Mindfulness is an interesting concept - it's been promoted a lot recently in regard to living in the moment and being mindful of your present circumstances, rather than worrying about the future or dwelling in the past.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - L is for Loyal
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is L - and L is for Loyal. I've talked about loyalty a couple of times previously on my blog. I hold loyalty in family and friends as sacrosanct. A friend is not a friend if they can't be trusted to be loyal first and foremost - and loyalty should always triumph over self promotion.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - K is for Kind
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is K - and K is for Kind. I'm sure everyone has read the quote "kindness doesn't cost a damn thing, sprinkle that s**t everywhere". It's a bit rough around the edges, but it is also succinctly true - kindness costs nothing and sharing it around makes the world a nicer place to live in.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - J is for Joy
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is J - and J is for Joy. I've already covered happiness in my post on the letter H, but joy is different to happiness. Joy is a certainty within our inner most being that arises from knowing we are loved and valued and worthwhile. It is about being centred and at peace with your life and the circumstances you find yourself in.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - I is for Independent
Monday, 11 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is I - and I is for Independent. Being independent is a great achievement - it shows that you have your act together and that you can function as an autonomous adult human being. The world has far too many needy people in it - choosing not to be one is definitely a positive trait.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - H is for Happy
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is H - and H is for Happy. I think Happiness is the first word that comes to mind when you talk about positive traits - everyone wants to be happy with the life they're living and with the choices they're making.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - G is for Gracious
Friday, 8 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is G - and G is for Gracious. Graciousness is a quality that (in my opinion) develops with age and wisdom. It comes from experiencing the ups and downs of life and learning how to handle them in a wise and non-confrontational manner.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - F is for Friendly
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is F - and F is for Friendly. Everybody loves a friendly person - they draw others to them like a magnet because they like people and everybody wants to be liked.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - E is for Eager
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is E - and E is for Eager - it can also include Enthusiastic because they are from the same family. Eagerness is one of the most refreshing personality traits - seeing someone ready to embrace a new situation and give it a go can be really inspiring to others.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - D is for Determined
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is D - and D is for Determined. Nobody wants to be a wishy-washy soul vacillating between every new idea or opinion that comes their way. Weak and watery people are easily influenced and find it difficult to own an opinion on almost anything.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - C is for Considerate
Monday, 4 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is C - and C is for Considerate. As I head into the second half of life I'm noticing that the more you interact with other people, the more you realize that we are all different. We have all walked different paths through a huge variety of life's experiences to get where we are today.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - B is for Brave
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Next letter up for the A-Z challenge of Positive Personality Traits is B - and B is for Brave. Bravery is something that I appreciate in others. Having the courage of your convictions is such an admirable quality. To know what you believe and to stay true to that belief despite opposition, and to do it all with honour and grace is what being brave is all about.
The A-Z of Positive Personality Traits - A is for Authentic
Friday, 1 April 2016
I'm getting my #atozchallenge for April on Positive Personality Traits off to a running start with the letter A - and I'm beginning with the most important characteristic you can develop - one that all our other Personality Traits branch off from - it is being Authentic. If we aren't true to ourselves and if we don't have a genuine "realness" and authenticity to our lives then nothing we say or do will hold water.
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