Back in November 2014 I was at a bit of an impasse. I was in my early 50's
and felt a bit lost and unsure of what middle age had to offer. It all just
seemed a bit grey and dull, with very little to recommend it. Work was
tedious, my life was a little blah, the kids had left home and were happily
settled and independent..... Who was I now? What was there to look forward
to? How do I process it all?
I had this idea that I needed to write it all down somewhere to work it
through, and hopefully I'd figure things out. But where do I do that?
Completely out of left field, I decided to start a blog. I didn't know
anyone who blogged, I didn't really even know what blogging was, but I
googled it (as you do) and I was off on a new adventure.....