this is the golden age

midlife - this is the golden age of something good and right and real

I don't think Taylor Swift was referring to midlifers when she wrote this song, but the lyrics rang true to me about this stage of life. It is a golden age - time to take a breath and discover the person I have become, different to who I was and hopefully a better version of my younger self.

She refers to three different aspects of the golden age....

Something good:
It is a really good time to be alive - all the hard work of raising decent, caring human beings is largely behind me. There is time to slow down a little and smell the roses, take a stroll, drink uninterrupted cups of coffee with friends, see the latest movies and even travel a little. There is time to talk and re-connect with my husband and focus on the shared history and commitment we have with each other. There's even time to look forward to the grandbabies that will make an appearance sooner or later.

Something right:
It is a time of getting the balance right - how much time to spend working, how much time to give to those "grown and flown" children, how much time to give to friends and family. It is about cutting myself some slack and acknowledging that I have managed to get a lot of things right (and a few wrong along the way) but predominantly most things have turned out alright in the end. 

Something real:
That is what my life is for me - real, I don't want to be a product of the first world I live in - I want to be true to myself, true to my belief in God, true to my marriage vows, true to my role as the mother of two adult children and a true and loyal friend to the friends that have stuck by me through the years. I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I am 'real' - that I may not be perfect but I am authentic to my values and the person I present to the world isn't wearing a mask (most of the time!).

So Taylor, in all her 20 something years of wisdom managed to touch a chord in this midlifer's heart and made me stop and think and appreciate that "the golden age" I'm in isn't too bad after all. Getting older might suck in some areas but it has its blessings too.


  1. Hi Leanne! I think anyone or anything that can remind us of these three things is good--no matter who they are or where it comes from. While my favorite is #1, they all are "golden". ~Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy - I agree - it's funny that she was so spot on tho' :)

  2. Wonderful post Leanne! I loved this!

    1. thanks Rena - really glad you enjoyed it (me too)

  3. Great post! This is our time!

    1. Hi Jennifer - thanks for stopping by and sharing my 'golden time"!

  4. I'm reading this at the end of my work day and it's given me golden boost of energy.

    1. Yay!! - glad to be able to give you a boost :)

  5. Life is difficult, and the fact that we've survived what life's put in our paths is sometimes nothing short of miraculous! Brenda Coffee,

    1. Exactly Brenda - I'm really appreciating this age and stage and having made it through some of the stuff life has tossed my way.

  6. I like the way you describe what is "good, right, and real." I think our definitions of those things change with time. And as long as I can pretend that those saggy arms aren't "real" or are "good," this is a pretty great place to be! :)

    1. Thanks for that Wendy - it's a good reminder that how we see thing is what makes all the difference - the question is "what saggy arms" :)

  7. I am so glad that the 'saggy arms are not real' thanks ladies. I am very thankful to have had another birthday today, I have probably had quite a few more than you :) I feel so young as long as I don't spend too much time with people who have determined that I should 'act according to my age'. That stereotype stuff is not 'real'. Nice post Leanne.
    Fridays Blog Booster Party

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Kathleen and thanks for stopping by & for leading the way in the right way to act your age :)

  8. Great post, Leanne. I, especially, loved your 'something real.' While I'm still in my (late) 20's, your words ring true for my desire for my own life, as well. I may not be perfect, but I am 'real.'! Thanks for sharing your heart with us!

    1. Thanks Kelsey - nice to see that you are starting earlier than I did with getting your head around the whole "real" thing - it's so important!

  9. Yes she has it right! Great post Leanne. I'm Sizzling Towards Sixty and life just gets better. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday's Wisdom

  10. My pleasure Sue - and I hope I'll be sizzling and Watusi-ing towards 60 too!


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