I love a challenge, so when I was asked to share 7 things I love, I couldn't resist digging down and having a bit of a feel-good share. So, here are seven of my favourite little things - nothing big, but they all bring little jolts of joy into my life.
I love the spirituality of it, I love the decorations, I love the Christmas carols - traditional and modern, I love the excuse to get the family together, I love the giving and receiving of presents and the love that is associated with the day. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to Christmas and it ranges from beautiful to downright silly - which really sums up Christmas for me.

I love the spirituality of it, I love the decorations, I love the Christmas carols - traditional and modern, I love the excuse to get the family together, I love the giving and receiving of presents and the love that is associated with the day. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to Christmas and it ranges from beautiful to downright silly - which really sums up Christmas for me.
I sing completely out of tune, I never know all the words, but I sing with great zeal and gusto. I can bust out a Christmas carol, I can sing every Carpenters' song on their "best of" album, I was given a CD of ABBA songs when I left one of my previous jobs in memory of me singing them all the time (badly), and now I'm all about Taylor Swift, which makes me a Swiftie at Sixty! Life is just happier when you sing - it makes driving more fun and my poor adult children know the words to more "classic hits" than they care to admit after being exposed to their mother's warbling!
I pin everything I like - pictures, beautiful gowns, quotes (LOTS of quotes!), blog stuff, kittens, goldfish in random places, Christmas stuff, and the list goes on. I love cyber hoarding with a passion. If you want to see what 20 thousand (or more!) pins look like feel free to visit my Pinterest page and take a look around (maybe even follow a board or two if it takes your fancy!)
I know I am too old for both but I still love them - glitter and sparkle, and iridescence, and pink and purple are all irresistible! I love seeing my granddaughters wearing loads of pink sparkly things - nobody could resist a pink sparkly tutu! I always have a little pink or purple added into my highlights at the hairdresser, and my collaging often features a sprinkle or two of glitter to finish it off.
Well, not exactly "nothing" but I love not having any plans, I love scheduling a Do-Nothing Day into my week - it's a whole day where I don't have any chores to do and when my day is free to read, or blog, or pin, or nap, or watch a movie. What could be better than a whole day stretching out in front of you with nothing on your to-do list? I would have been excellent at being one of the idle rich in another life!
After 30+ years of deciding what to cook for dinner for the family, I am more than happy sharing the task with my husband nowadays. On the days he cooks, he gets to choose what to make, he gets to cook it, and I get to sit and eat it and make appreciative comments. I don't miss preparing meals in the slightest and cake baking etc is pretty random now too (our midlife waistlines don't need the extra calories too often!)
If I had my way, the day would not start before 8.00am. I love a good sleep in. I have an eye mask to keep out the light (my husband thinks it's ridiculous - I tell him I have thin eyelids that let in the light!) There is nothing nicer than waking up and knowing that you don't have to get up yet - just stretching out, rolling over and going back to dreamland - *sigh* I'm feeling relaxed just thinking about it!
.......So there we have it - seven things about me and I hope you made it through to the end without needing a nap or a snack to keep your strength up.

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I love to sing and dance, I also like not cooking so I love it when my husband or one of my children decide that they would like to make dinner that night. Plus Christmas is my favourite holiday I love the lights and trying to make it feel magical for my children.
ReplyDeletewe could be related (maybe cousins?!) it's funny how you can share things in common and it makes you feel less "weird"!
DeleteLeanne we must have been sisters in another life! ANNA plus Christmas I would be in heaven. I fun post #FridayReflections
ReplyDeleteYes I definitely think we were separated at birth Sue - except for my lack of exercise enthusiasm! We will do ABBA karaoke together when we meet up one day (while our husbands hide in the background somewhere rolling their eyes!)
DeleteLife is definitely happier when you sing. I turn everything into a song too (even though I can't sing in tune). I'm jealous at the thought of a sleep in. With 2 kids under 3, my next one is not going to be for years. Thanks for sharing these things about yourself #FridayReflections
ReplyDeleteI think singing completely randomly and out of tune has a certain joy to it that is lost when you try to do it all properly. And those sleep-ins will come again (and be so much sweeter for the years you had to give them up).
DeleteThat was a nice fun post, I think I would have chosen several of those things too. Especially not cooking the meal. I am lucky that my husband cooks about 50% of the time. I feel spoiled. Thanks for sharing some fun on Fridays Blog Booster Party #33
I love these husbands who cook - my mum is very envious because men of her generation were useless in the kitchen. Thanks for the Party Kathleen!
DeleteOh yay I love to sing too! And yep I love pink, pink is my fav colour, I have one daughter who is not a pink fan, she loves green! I mean I love green tress and grass but green? Really? So thank goodness girl number two came along and guess what her fav colour is PINK! Lucky me! I also adore sleeping, actually I require them I agree with your quote if morning was at noon then I could be a morning person too! Thank you for sharing #Fridayreflections and I loved your 7 things I was not bored or needing a nap at all!
ReplyDeletethanks so much Mackenzie - I'm really loving this Friday Reflection because I'm getting to know bits about everyone and there are a remarkable number of similarities!
DeleteI love singing too, even though I am terribly off key! It is great getting to know you.
ReplyDeletethanks Mary - it seems we are all wanna be singers :)
DeleteOh how I wish you could teach me to love Pinterest :-) and the sleeping in. I am a life long bad sleeper. And on the weekends when my eyes fly open at 4 AM – – I'm sad :-)
ReplyDeleteI'll teach you to sleep in Carla if you teach me to like exercise :)
DeleteThese are wonderful. I'm so glad there's someone else who loves doing nothing! I get that. We're not lazy. We just need lots of time to think and tune into ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI just love just having head space Laurie - without having a dozen little jobs that I know are waiting for my attention :)
DeleteFun list and great getting to know more about you. I had the "Best Of" Carpenters album too and love singing. When I was younger, my Aunts and I would get up and do a routine and sing along to The Supreme's. "Stop In The Name of Love" still has fond memories!
ReplyDeleteI can see you doing that song in my head Laurie - I think there's enough of us out there to set up our own girl band :)
DeleteThe singing! I am very guilty of singing all the time. My kids don't watch tv very often, but the music is almost always on, and I am singing, and sometimes even dancing. ;)
ReplyDeleteme too Jessica - and it's louder when I do housework (it makes it less of a chore) I think there are a lot of singing bloggers out there!
DeleteWith 16 thousand pins - you're the QUEEN of Pinterest, Leanne! As for the rest, it might as well be my list:) xx Abby
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how we have so much in common and yet are living in different worlds - I just love that!
DeleteThe one where you pinned the entire internet!!! Hahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteGuilty as charged Mary! :)
DeleteI love to sing too! I'm pretty much in tune, on key...but I never know all the words either...probably not even half of them. So it's a lotta la la la-ing that comes out of my vocal chords...
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a lot of us who like singing - if you can actually carry a tune Karen, we might make you the front woman of our blogging girl band :)
DeleteI always love posts like this. Thanks for giving us a little peek at the things that you love! #fridayfrivolity
ReplyDeletemy pleasure Lisa - and thanks for Fridayfrivolity!
DeleteYep. You're my kind of folks, Leanne! I love Christmas - that must be why I write about it so often! And I love singing! Haven't gotten into pinning yet, but share your dislike of choosing/preparing dinner. Here's to Husbys who cook!
ReplyDeleteI think cooking dinner every night is very over-rated Di (and I don't miss it at all!) As far as singing goes.....you can join the blogging girls band I'm thinking of starting!
DeleteIf it wasn't for my husband, I'd be eating a frozen dinner or eating take out. Life is best when I don't have to cook.
ReplyDeleteI don't miss it at all Jennifer - I'm happy to let someone else feed me any day!
DeleteI love what you said about the singing. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can carry a tune---it just feels good to sing!
ReplyDeleteExactly! I think it makes it easier when you don't have to worry if you're in tune - it's better to be so awful it makes people smile!
DeleteI was belting out Carpenters songs just today!!! I wonder if there is anyone that doesn't love to sing? If there is, I haven't met them. My favorite is driving down the road, singing & grooving to the music & I see someone chuckle at me. I'm not a huge Christmas fan, but I do love (and have already started listening to) Christmas music 🎵🎶🎼
ReplyDeleteNothing like a Jingle Bell rock to get you in the Christmas mood Diana - especially if you do a bit of grooving along to it at the same time :)
DeleteI love to sing too! And mine is pretty bad too. Which is okay because I'm usually doing it in my car or in the shower :-).
ReplyDeleteI'm a much better singer when I am my only audience Debbie - the car, the shower or home alone!
DeleteWe have SOOOOOOO much in common Leanne!
ReplyDeleteso you'll want to join my blogging girl band too? :)
DeleteI can so relate to #5, which I call dolce far niente (the art of doing nothing). My workdays are so rigid, scheduled, and routine that when the weekend rolls around, I really just want to chill and just "be." It's about the only way I can maintain balance. As for #7, I'm right there with you on that one, too.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to meet a fellow relaxer :) thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteI feel like I know you even better now, Leanne - and I wish we didn't live a half-a-world apart!
ReplyDeleteMe too Susan :) x
DeleteI had a day like that yesterday. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for the family on Sunday because we're going to my brother's on Thurs. So, I slept in until 9:30. I can't remember the last time I got to do that.
ReplyDeleteyou have to take any sleep-in as a blessing from heaven Rena and savor the moment!
DeleteHa ha ha... I love the meme about the pies being too much work. I'm cheap, but I hear ya there. It's so much easier to just pick up dinner. I need to learn some more advanced cooking skills. Someday... Thanks for sharing this on the #SundayBlogHop
ReplyDeleteOh my GOSH this post was awesome and hilarious! Love the little illustrations you chose to go with each. ;) And I am sooo with you on not cooking... I'm lucky that my husband took that over pretty much immediately after we got married. I think it was something about cereal + vegetables not being a dinner in his book? ;P
ReplyDeleteI hope you join us again tonight for Friday Frivolity!! So glad you linked up last week. :D