Discovering the interconnections between collaging and found poetry - reframing art and literature in my own way.


For those of you who read my blog regularly, you'll know that when I retired I tried my hand at lots of creative pastimes to see if any of them resonated. I'd never seen myself as even remotely "artistic" so it was quite a challenge to put that longheld belief to one side and to see if I was drawn to anything creative. 

Retirement has given me the time and space to dabble in lots of different areas and to discover what appeals and what was "one and done" for me. Some of the things I've tried (with a link to each at the beginning) include:

  • Adult colouring - I've always loved colouring in, and to find a world of adult colouring books was a delight and something I've continued with for several years - so relaxing and mindful.
  • Paint by numbers - another fun challenge, but not really all that creative - it involves being very particular and careful to follow the guidelines, and gives a reasonably pleasing end product.
  • Stained glass - this was something that I'd always wanted to try and I loved the process and what I created. It's an expensive hobby and there's really only so much you can add to your decor before it begins to feel like living in a cathedral. I was really proud of my efforts but it wasn't long term.
  • Neurographic art - this was an interesting exercise in art and mindfulness combined. I enjoyed finding my way through the process and I still use it for doodling and finding my "zen".
  • Collage - my all time and long term favourite creative pastime. There's just something about collage that clicks for me - I love pulling groups of images apart and reinventing them into something new that feels a bit whimsical and a little "out there". 


I've never gotten around to writing a blog post solely dedicated to my collaging, instead I tend to include what I've been doing recently in my end of month/end of season catch up posts. I began my collaging journey by cutting and gluing and creating single page mixed media collages. Here's a few of my early attempts:

mixed media single page collages

As time went on, I watched some Youtube videos and learned a bit more about collage and how to incorporate it into different formats. I discovered that a lot of people use old books as a base for their collaging, they refer to them as "altered books" - and that was where I found my groove. I'm now up to Book 9 and still going strong. My technique is to find a sturdy, glossy paged book at a thrift shop - I've used old recipe books, gardening books, home decor books etc. It doesn't matter what's on the pages because the majority of the page is covered by whatever I decide to cutout and glue onto it.


The secret to making an altered book is to remove some of the pages as you go. If you leave all the pages intact and then add copious amounts of new work, the book gets too full and won't close - it bulges and gets too bulky. The other key is to glue pages together for strength and to reinforce the seam of each double page so that the spine doesn't fall apart from the lost pages and the added pictures. 

My first book was too bulky and doesn't close well, but I've figured out how to get the balance right since then and Books 2-8 have been created around using two facing pages to make one complete collage. I usually have a sort-of theme for each book. The prettier and more whimsical ones have become firm favourites with my grandgirls. Here's a little video of part of Book 4:


Recently I read a really interesting post on Substack about Found Poetry - something I'd never heard of before. There were some fantastic examples that were so clever and beautifully put together; I jumped into finding out more because the idea just clicked with me. I found a great definition on Wikipedia, and when I saw the word "collage" in it, I knew why the concept had resonated with me:

Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them (a literary equivalent of a collage) by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning. The resulting poem can be defined as treated: changed in a profound and systematic manner; or untreated: virtually unchanged from the order, syntax and meaning of the poem.

So, of course, I had to try my hand at creating my own found poetry - using my favourite poet Ullie-Kaye as my base source. I'm part way through Collage Book 9 which is made up of three-page cutout designs, so I kept with my theme, grabbed a few images, a glue stick, my scissors, scalpel, an old calendar, my paints, my glitter, and any odd picture scraps that appealed, and off I went. Here's my first attempt at combining collaging, an altered book, and found poetry:

altered book and found poetry 1

altered book and found poetry 2

altered book and found poetry 3

And here's the final product in video form so that the middle page turns as it should:

It's been a fun and challenging process - collaging words, thoughts, and pictures to make something new from what has gone before. I love that I get to "make it my own" to quote the judges on all those reality TV shows.

And here's the end result of the collage I made from my header picture:


Have you been trying out any creative ideas lately? Do you think it's important to balance logic with creativity? And if so, what's your favourite way to engage the artistic side of your brain? 

Discovering the interconnections between collaging and found poetry - reframing art and literature in my own way.


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Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive
Discovering the interconnections between collaging and found poetry - reframing art and literature in my own way.


  1. Wow, this is really neat! I love the poems in Book 9 and the three page layout!!

    1. Thanks Mika - they're fun to create and I find the process really mindful - so it's kind of win/win for me. I like that I'm not invested in whether other people "get" it or not - one of the many joys of getting older :)

  2. Hi Leanne. What an amazing, creative endeavor you've chosen. It's so unique! I can tell you feel about collaging, the way I feel about sculpting. I also love adding whimsy to my art, in that I choose to sculpt fairies and trees. My favorite, of your collages, is book four, where I see hope, for healing. That's what I see, anyway. I've started a new tree, and like you, I've learned how to improve on my technique. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art with us. It's been so interesting to learn about a new art form. Xx

    1. Hi Christina - I'm so glad your tree project can resume again in your new place. I wondered what happened to your original when you moved. Starting afresh gives you the chance to use what you know and to refine the parts that you now know how to do better (it's a bit like life really isn't it!) Anyway, thanks for your lovely encouraging words - I know what I do isn't for everyone, but it's nice when someone else "gets" it. x


  3. Hi Leanne - So nice that you have been able to explore so many creative avenues in retirement. I too have plans of getting into colouring books once I retire in about seven months. Your creative evolution shows that it’s never too late to discover new passions.

    1. Hi Pradeep - my husband has become a bit of a colouring book fan - he finds it quite mindful to do while he listens to podcasts - a gentle way to multi-task :)

  4. Hi Leanne, what a great way to be creative, I love how your books look! It’s something I’ve not thought of trying. I retired very recently and am looking forward to being more creative. I’ve restocked on card making supplies and am starting with trying my hand at Christmas cards (something I’ve not done for about 25 years as work got in the way). I also keep a scrapbook of short articles from magazines on health and wellbeing which I’m finding fun putting together and decorating the pages around the snippets/articles. All great ways to ‘lose’ myself!

    1. Hi - I love that we each find ways to express ourselves when we finally get the time to slow down and breathe a little. I just never had the time to dabble much until the kids left home and work slowed down a little. Retirement has just opened up so much more time and space - and the freedom to do fun things that are just for me. Scrapbooking is a lot like collage - and there are so many great options to purchase. I confess to being a bit of a cheapskate, so collaging works for me in how inexpensive it is to create with.

  5. Leanne - I SO enjoyed this! I've read your posts about collaging before, but for some reason this one really resonated with me. I applaud and admire your understanding of how important it is to mix a some creativity into our daily lives. I have never heard of the poetry collaging, but that is something I find very intriguing!! Thank you for sharing this !!

    1. Hi Kristine - thanks so much for your kind words - I think every one of us is creative in some way - we may not all be artists, but we can find ways to bring some joy into our lives with whatever feels like art to us. I'd never heard of 'found poetry' before, but my daughter (who teaches highschool English) says she does it with her students as a fun end of term exercise - it just touched a chord with me for some reason.

  6. Leanne, your book of collage is awesome! So glad to hear that you found your creative vibe. I am going through a very rough spot so didn't comment on your previous posts but I follow your blog faithfully every Monday. Thank you for bringing and sharing your beauty with others. xox

  7. Forgot to add that I find refuge in books, non-fiction for the most part. Love to read how others are navigating this journey called life and finding hope along the way. Also music and meditation. Not very creative at the moment. Just busy surviving.

    1. Hi Yvonne - I'm so sorry to hear that you've been going through a tough time - I really hope you're finding ways to be kind to yourself and to navigate your way through the darker times. Reading is always a joy for me, and I'm also finding podcasts these days teach me so much about how to understand this complex journey of life. And yes, music for happiness and for warming the heart - it does something to us doesn't it? Thank you for still reading and for finding the time for a comment here or there - I always enjoy hearing from you. xx

  8. These all sound like such fun creative endeavors. I don't think I had heard the term found poetry either but I love your poems.

    1. Hi Jo - I always think of my collaging when I see your card making. I think they have a similar basis of starting with 'scraps' and ending up with something unique. And yes, found poetry has really engaged my thinking since I discovered it. :)

  9. Hi, Leanne - I love following your creative projects and admire the full range of what you do. My current range of creativity is limited to my blog and my phone photography. Sadly, that's as far as I've gone so far. <3

    1. Leanne,
      Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful work! I have been retired for about a year and a half and while we travel in our motorhome most of the year, I am looking for new hobbies for my free time. Your medium really resonates with me and I think I will try it to chronicle how my life is changing through our travel experiences.
      Cheers to you! And thank you for your blog. I really enjoy it.

    2. Hi Donna - I think we just do retirement differently - yours is more outdoors than mine and your days are so full of activities and social contacts. You also have all your book clubs and travel to fill your time - I think I'm finding solitude is more my style and that gives me plenty of time to dabble. :)

    3. Hi Connie - I envy those who love to travel in motor homes and caravans - I'm not great at sitting in a vehicle for hours at a time (as my poor husband can attest!) I'm sure you're gathering lots of little snippets along the way that could be repurposed in collages down the track - I think that would be so much more personal than a commercially made photo book - or maybe you could do both? Enjoy your travels and I'm so glad you visit my blog - and lovely to see your comment. :)

  10. Very creative Leanne! These all look great and I've never heard of found poetry before so thanks for the introduction. There are so many ways to be creative isn't there? I think we need to have balance with both logic and creativity. Photography and blogging seem to be my main sources of creativity these days. I love what you've created.

    1. Hi Deb - yes I think we desperately need to find some creativity to balance out all the logic in our lives. I used to think that we were one way or the other - now I think we just have to find what works for us and enjoy it - whether others "get it" or not. Creativity really is good for the soul.

  11. I love this post. Collaging is my favourite crafting pastime but I've not tried an altered book. That's my next projext

    1. I'm a really tidy and minimalistic person, so being able to do these in books, rather than lots of loose leaves, really works for me. And the bonus is that my grandchildren love the books - the colour and the whimsy. I hope you have fun.

  12. OH, MY GOSH, OH, MY GOSH!! This makes me so excited!! Excited for you. Excited for me...I want to try now. Thank you for the little videos of the process and the final product. Just beautiful images and thoughtful words. We have all transformed, haven't we, since retirement. We are more US!! I have not heard of found poetry but going to investigate further. I have wanted to try my hand at blackout poetry. In fact, I was hoping to get my writing group to do some blackout poetry but now I want to play with found poetry, too. Truly love this so much. So much JOY!!!

    1. Hi Leslie - I just checked out the youtuve clip and yes - it's the same idea. I love that a poem or piece of prose can be deconstructed and then turned into something else. It fits the collaging theme so well. I always add words to my collages, and this just felt like it slotted in so well - and honoured my English/Literature classwork from days gone by. I hope you find some time to play around with it - and yes! retirement is the gift that keeps on giving :)

  13. Hi Leanne, I greatly enjoy when you share your creativity, and I will add “colourful creativity.” Your joy leaps from the pages, in turn making me smile. You brought me back to my 20’s when I dabbled in stain glass - fun and rewarding at the time - same as you, not long term. Good word “whimsical” and I agree with your collages.

    The music you added to the book - sooo peaceful and photos, ethereal. The ‘found poetry’ reminds me how we are all unique and there is no ‘right way’ to be in this world.

    We have just returned from our Long Beach (near Tofino on the West Coast) camping trip - unplugged, peaceful, and soooo rejuvenating. Nice to catch up with Beautiful You, Leanne. xx Erica

    1. Hi Erica - I love it when you stop in for a comment (or two) - your kind words always brighten my day. So good you could get away for a rest and some time in nature - it's good for the soul and good for shedding the stress that we carry without even realizing it. I feel like my life is so much calmer these days, but when we take a little time out, I still find that the mind settles, and the breathing slows, and life seems calmer all round. :) xx

  14. I'm a bit late to comment. I did see this post and then...oops. I LOVE how much this is engaging you and how you love it too. I had never heard of re-purposing of books and found poetry until I joined the US based challenge of Index Card a Day which I did over around 8 years. It seems to be a US-centred idea and I know that it's big there too. I wanted to say that there is NO way anymore you can say " I'm not creative" because your post like this and the many examples here tell me YOU ARE!! Congratulations on finding this wonderful world in which to play.

    1. Hi Denyse - I love that we've each found something creative that brings us joy (rather than frustration at not being as artistic as we might like to be). I get so much pleasure out of the creating and bringing it all together - I love that it costs my next to nothing, so I don't have to justify it to myself (value for money etc), I can just enjoy the process. The found poetry thing is just another interesting layer to add into the mix and reminds me of my enjoyment of English and Literature back in my earlier school days.

  15. I've loved your collage work from day one. Was nice to hear a little about the process!

    1. Oh thank you so much Pat - it's just been such a joy to find something that feels creative after a life with very little of that. I've seen the lovely things you create and occasionally share - and I'm sure they give you that same sense of a more rounded life.


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.