saving you a seat for 2016

#midlife blog


I can't believe it's already 2016! Another year lies all fresh and waiting to see what we will do with it. I intend to live it with joy and gusto. There is so much to look forward to and I'm a big believer in focusing on all the good stuff that the future will bring, rather than worrying about what disasters might befall us (I'll cope with them if and when they appear on the horizon - worrying about them doesn't help at all.)


What surprised me the most in 2015 is how good life was. So often we are too absorbed by the bad stuff that comes our way and all we talk about is what is wrong, or what we missed out on, or what we didn't get and how unfair it all is. There are always sucky parts to life - no matter how well we spin things, there has to be a little bit of bad stuff that creeps in when we least expect it. Apparently that's how we develop "character" - although I sometimes think that missing out on the rubbish and being a shallow person might not be too awful!

What 2015 taught me was to let the bad stuff go through to the keeper - deal with what can be sorted and let the rest go. No amount of dwelling on it makes it any better, so I refuse to give it head space now and I'm choosing instead to push it into the background and give more room to the blessings that are always around if you look for them.


So 2016 for me will be a year of facing into the sunshine, appreciating the good times and staying positive. I'm hoping it will be a joyride of sorts - one where the wind is in my hair and I'm sharing it with some good friends who are on the same journey as me. If you'd like to join the joyride feel free to grab one of those seats and see where we head to and where we actually end up - it should be fun!

All that talk of joyrides made me think of Roxette - I loved their music in the 1990's - it was so upbeat and buoyant - I dug into Youtube and found a video of their song to get 2016 off to a rocking start! It'll be one of the songs playing in my car as we drive off into the new year! 


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  1. It's so funny to think that you are already in 2016 and I am still in 2015 how fascinating. Your positive attitude is an inspiration to so many. I hope you continue to heal as you heal others. It's been an amazing ride so far. I'll be sitting in the back sneaking a smoke, but I'm there all the way haha!

    1. I love that Rena! I think you deserve to sit back there and put your feet up and sneak a smoke or two :) Thanks so much for being an inspiration to me in 2015 and I love that we are heading into a new year (even if I beat you to the beginning of it time wise!)

  2. Yes I'll be joining you for the ride Leanne it has been a great 2015 and I'm sure 2016 will be even better. Bring it on!

    1. Grab a seat Sue - and we'll free wheel along with the music pumping and a lot of singing and laughing!

  3. I love your positive attitude Leanne, and your posts always are an inspiration. Thank you - and Happy New Year!

    1. same to you Susan - it's going to be a fun year and I'm looking forward to your posts too xx

  4. Of course I will join you on the ride, Leanne! It will be fun and may it be full of joy and new experiences. My husband set a high bar for me last I will be working hard!!

    1. Now I'm curious about what your husband is expecting - I bet he's planning on retiring and letting your blog and business keep him in luxury! The way things are going he might get lucky :) I'll be following along to see!

  5. I think I'll join you on the "joy ride". 2016 is going to be a bigger and better year for me. I too am letting go and moving on. Let's kick this year off right!

    Happy New Year!

    1. sounds great to me Brenda - I'm all for a joyride in 2016 - no more sitting still and waiting for life to happen for me!

  6. Love it!
    Here's to fresh new slates and all the memories in the making! And to finding the joy . . .

    1. I think it will be a fun year Diane - and we'll be riding through it together!

  7. save me a seat too! i'm looking forward to the journey together this year! I completely agree though everyone is so focused on the negative and 2015 taught me to be thankful too!! xx

  8. Save me a seat, too, Leanne! It's time to focus on the good, let go of the rest, and make 2016 a success!

  9. Focusing on the good and positive bring so much more meaning than dwelling on the negative. Great post. Happy New Year! Happy 2016!:)

  10. It is so nice to read that you are focusing on good things in future. I agree with you-we should give more room for blessings.
    This post is really good and positive, thanks for sharing and wishing you healthy and happy 2016.


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