If we were having coffee these are a few of the things I'd share from my life that happened in July. #midlife #ifwewerehavingcoffee


If we were having coffee these are a few things I'd be sharing from July - we're in the middle of our Aussie Winter so I definitely feel like a hot beveridge and a chat today. I always enjoy a good 'Taking Stock' blog post, so I hope you'll humour me and sit a while as I share my news. There's nothing like a virtual cuppa and a chat, and I have lots to share from the last few weeks.


This month I was a guest on Denyse's Women of Courage series - I felt a bit of a fraud because I've never had to face a terrible time in life, but I shared about facing tough financial challenges and working my way through them. I also was part of a collaboration on Kathy's Keeping Busy in Retirement post. To top that off, I had my Best Blogging Buddy Sue (from Sizzling Towards 60) guest post for the letter "M" on my List of More - she wrote about Giving the Gift of Me Time.


It was "T" and "F" for my latest letters to tick off the Alphabet of doing New Things, by making Tissue Paper Flowers with the little girl I mentor. I'm not great when it comes to craft (hence my Anticraft claim to fame) by I actually think I nailed these and have kept my sample ones for my version of "Show and Tell" and hers looked really good too.

Tissue paper flowers - simple and really pretty craft. #simplecraft


It's not a wonderful month for me unless it includes a visit with at least part of our extended family. This month we took a drive up to see the grandgirls and their parents, the added joy was our daughter and my Mum being able to join us for lunch and some lovely family time. The grandgirls are growing rapidly and a friend made them matching "cat hats" - Sophia took to the idea more than Georgia!

time for a visit with the grandgirls


I was approached by a lovely lady in June who identified with my journey through leaving the toxic job behind and deciding what to do next. It turns out that she is a life coach and wanted to know if I'd like to do a few video chats with her to see if that helped me clarify where I was heading. She's busy firing up her online and in-person coaching program and it was a great way to help each other.

Anne (the lovely life coach) is going to be a guest on my blog in the next few weeks and she'll be sharing some of her story. It's been an interesting process talking with someone who isn't invested personally and can give me some objective feedback. I wasn't sure if I'd find it helpful, but it's turned out to be a really positive experience and I've gained some insights into my life that I hadn't considered before - including being more confident in my decision making and what's best for me in the long run.


This month I've been reading all sorts of books - nothing like a bit of variety. I started with "Tempests and Slaughter" by Tamora Pierce - I love her books and am in the process of reading a series of hers that I missed somewhere along the line. Then I tried "Clariel" by Garth Nix (not overly exciting) and then churned through the latest Nora Roberts' book "Under Currents" I'm such a Nora Roberts fan girl!

My July reading list for 2019


We headed off to the movies to see "Yesterday" - that movie about the guy who was the only one in the world who remembered the Beatles songs. It was a lovely story and the music was a trip down memory lane - so many iconic songs to listen to.

I've also been watching some more Netflix with "Blown Away" which is a glass blowing competition (I love glass work) and  "Good Witch" (a very pleasant and easy show to watch and it isn't dark or scary, so it ticked a lot of my boxes). I'm still not convinced that I need Netflix in my life and wouldn't miss it if it disappears, but it was nice to finally find a couple of shows where I've watched more than the first two episodes!


I just managed to finish this 1,000 piece puzzle in time to include it in my July round-up. I love these quirky colourful puzzles and it was a great way to zone out while I listened to a podcast for 45 minutes each day.

my latest 1,000 piece jigsaw


Well that's it from me during July. What have you been up to? Any exciting events, good movies, holidays or family stuff going on in your world?

If we were having coffee these are a few of the things I'd share from my life that happened in July. #midlife #ifwewerehavingcoffee

To keep up to date with my posts, feel free to add your email into the spot especially for it on my sidebar and I'd love you to share this post by clicking on a share button before you go xx
This post was shared at some of these great link parties


  1. I Leanne, It is amazing how much I learn on YouTube videos. Even how to blog (sort of:) The grandgirls are adorable! I am very interested in hearing more from Anne. I have never anything by Nora Roberts. Today, on my camping read list. Thank you. Is “churned through” a good thing? Interesting, fun post:)

    1. Hi Erica - yes "churned through" means "ripped through" or "raced through" I guess and I do that with every Nora Roberts novel - love her writing style! And Anne is doing a guest post for me soon so you can read more about her then. Youtube, Google and Wiki are godsends for me - there's nothing you can't learn these days!

  2. Just hang on a sec while I put the kettle on for my tea. Okay, I'm back with you. Firstly, man you certainly did nail those paper flowers! I'm interested in the sound of both of those Netflix shows. I've been watching some dark stuff lately and need a little more light. Believe it or not I've never read Nora Roberts yet know that I need to. As always some lovely family time too... Thanks for the cuppa!

    1. I can't believe you've never read Nora! I love her murder mystery ones like Under Currents - Debbish wrote a review on this one and I got onto it straight away - she's just so readable (and free through the library!) You might find Good Witch a bit tame, but it's a "nice" show. I've just started on Anne with an E and cried a couple of times during the first episode, so will keep watching to see how it pans out (I loved the previous one so much and was reluctant to superimpose this one over it). And thanks for the flower compliment - I surprised myself!

  3. Great job with the puzzle! Lovely update post!

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Thanks Janet! Lovely to have you pop in for a visit x

  4. I enjoyed our catch up chat Leanne and I must say I love your flowers - you are definitely not the Anticraft anymore!! What an interesting connection to come out of your blog post and I’m happy to hear Anne was able to help you identify a few issues. My husband loves jigsaws and puzzles and that one looks a beauty!! Best of all was hearing of your catch up with your mum, daughter and granddaughters - love a family catch-up!! You sound like you are having fun so I’m really happy for you. Enjoy the month ahead 😀 xx

    1. Hi Deb - lovely to have a virtual cuppa with you - although we're definitely going to have to try a FB chat sometime in the not too distant future. I surprised myself with those flowers turning out so well - coming up with craft ideas for a 10 year old stretches my creative skills to the limit!

    2. Yes we definitely will have to arrange that chat soon! Sharing for #mlstl

  5. HI Leanne - Loved your round-up! I was born in SW Aussie :) WA that is
    Can you let me know any of your popular Link up parties? Thanks - I do #Senisal already :)

    1. Hi Deb - lovely to meet you - where abouts in SW Oz were you born? I'm a Bunbury girl (originally a Perth girl who married a Bunbury boy). If you're a Midlifer you're more than welcome to check out our #MLSTL party on Wednesdays - just check the guidelines for what to post. If you subscribe to my blog you'll get a reminder in your email x

  6. Hi, Leanne - Thank you for the great catch-up. You certainly have been busy. I look forward to your upcoming posts with Anne and reading what she has to share!

    1. Hi Donna - Anne's going to do a guest post for me in the next couple of weeks and then I want to do a post on what I learnt from the process - so stay tuned!

  7. Hi Leanne - wont' post personal info on here (birth place) but lets just say they grow apples and end in up :) (at least they used to!)

    1. They still do Deb - and not too far away from me at all. They also have an AMAZING community funded playground that my grandgirls love.

  8. My Uncle (Drafty) who passed just recently (over 4 years) had a park/or similar named after him - we took a pic of him (in my mom's birth town) with all those "tall" trees and fire lookout fame. Uncle was tickled pink that they named the place after him before he was deceased.

  9. Hi Leanne - Looks like you've had a lovely July. I saw "Under Currents" in the Best Bets section at my library. I'll try to borrow it when I finish my current books. Good job with your paper flowers and the jigsaw puzzle. I look forward to reading about your life coaching experience. #MLSTL

    1. Hi Natalie - Under Currents is definitely worth adding to your reading list if you want something that's more than a romance and not too dark. I'll be sharing some of the life coaching stuff in a few weeks - it was an interesting experience.

  10. Hi Leanne sounds like another good month for you and certainly each month takes you further away from the toxic place you were in at work. It is always lovely to spend time with your family isn't it? I'm lucky to see my grandsons every week, even though now I'm an hour away instead of 10 minutes. The flowers look great - look at all the creative options you can now explore! Have a great week BBB and thanks for being my co-host for another #MLSTL. x

    1. I'm a little envious of how often you see your grandboys Sue. But, I reassure myself with the fact that we get some nice big chunks of time with our grandgirls - so it might not be as frequent, but there's a lot we can pack in when we have them for a few days. And yes, the further away I get from those working days, the happier I am!

  11. I missed your women of courage while away - will check out now. Love the Grandgirls in the CatHats....#MLSTL

    1. I'd love you to read my post Lydia - Denyse has been getting such a variety of women sharing their storiees - all so different and all really interesting. I love the diversity there is in the blogging world.

  12. Love this topic...if we were having coffee...The movie Yesterday is good isn't it. I went with a few ladies from the View Club that I belong to. We raise money for the Smith Family. I have been watching House Rules and Masterchef now they have finished looking forward to the Block! yes poor sad me. Have also enjoyed watching the InBetweeners. This morning I watched the last episode of Wentworth in series 7. I would have been on the edge of my seat if my back was behaving. (the link from Sue's for this isn't working...can you let her know) #MLSTL

    1. Hi Bree - I always love hearing from fellow Aussies - and to see what people are watching on TV or reading. I manage to get sucked into The Block most years and am glad I'm not into cooking much or I'd be trapped by Masterchef and MKR too!
      Sue's fixed her link (phew) and I'm glad you enjoyed Yesterday - it was such a feel good movie wasn't it?

  13. Well that was a lovely coffee catch up Leanne! You did a great job on the tissue paper flowers! I teach myself so many things from YouTube tutorials. How did we ever manage before the internet?? Your grandgirls are so lovely - I can understand how it isn't a 'great' month if it hasn't included some time with them. Finally - what an epic jigsaw! I like the look of that one. I'm wondering what podcast you listen to while you're jigsaw'ing? Have a fab week Leanne! :-) xo

    1. Hi Min - I've been listening to a Christian podcast from a guy called Tim Mackie that's been really interesting. He's part of the team that created "The Bible Project" and I find him very easy to listen to. Thanks for all your lovely compliments - and I wonder what we ever did before Google and Youtube - word of mouth and encyclopedias I think!

  14. Leanne, looks like you are finding lots of fun things to do with your new found freedom. I remember making those paper flowers with my daughter when she was in grade school. How fun! #MLSTL

    1. I remembered those flowers from my Grade School days Suzanne - we used tissues, but paper serviettes actually work a lot better (and are prettier) It's always such a relief for me when I find a craft that works well and is a success with the girl I mentor - it's awful when she isn't overly enthused with what I come up with - so these were a real win.

  15. Hi Leanne, for someone who claims not be crafty, you look pretty crafty. Those paper flowers are really cute. I also think of puzzle making as sort of crafty. I don't have the patience for jigsaw puzzles. I'm happy that you are enjoying your time and finding lots to do to keep you busy! I actually hired a coach and she was immensely helpful to me in figuring out what I wanted to do next.

    1. I found the coaching interesting because she had absolutely nothing invested in my choices or outcomes Michele. So many people have had input in the upheaval I've had, but all from their own opinions and life choices. Objectivity has been a bonus for me. And thanks for your compliments on my craftiness - I keep to the simple and straightforward and that seems to be working for me so far.

  16. I love this method of looking back over the previous month. I tend to be more sporadic and post when I have some interesting photos (at least I think they are). LOL! I've been so busy marketing my books & trying to build my author newsletter, oh, and build THREE new WordPress sites (and I was a WP newbie).

    Thanks so much for sharing! #MLSTL visitor & shared

    1. Wow Donna - THREE new websites!! That's amazing. I'm very happy sticking with my little Blogger one where I've figured out all the stuff I need and can just do "rinse and repeat" rather than having to learn how to reinvent the wheel. WP does offer a lot of incentive for setting up a blog - and I may go there one day, but certainly not any time in the near future.

  17. Hi Leanne, I enjoyed reading about the simple pleasures you had during the month. Loved the tissue paper flowers! And chatting with a life coach is really cool! Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us. xo

    1. Hi Candi - my life IS pretty simple these days and I'm finding that it really appeals to me to keep it that way. It's so nice not squeezing everything in and just going with the flow. Small things become so much more engaging when I give them some time and attention and I have the flexibility to fit in whatever takes my fancy.

  18. Hi Leanne! Thank you for sharing your July with us. I have done lots of reading in July. I've pulled back on social media (especially IG) and opened up opportunity for hard copy reading. One book I really enjoyed (bring tissues) is called "Marrow" by Elizabeth Lesser. It chronicles the journey she and her sister share as she donates her bone marrow to her sister for transplant. I am looking forward to seeing the movie, Yesterday! I have heard so many good things about it. Cheers to a brand new month! Sharing on my SM #MLSTL

    1. Marrow sounds really interesting Barbie - I'm going to see if I can borrow it from the online library. I still love reading "real" books more than on kindle etc and have an all-in-one-cover trilogy that is super thick that I've just started - a great challenge to push through (lucky I have so much time these days!)

  19. I am glad I waited till the weekend to catch up properly. How good it was to read all you have been up to and also those flowers!1 Back in the 1970s (maybe) I remember making paper flowers was all the rage and I am pretty sure my Mum had lots of them. Good plan re the life coaching because an outside sees us differently. The little girls looked like they were having fun but not everyone will wear a hat. We had a few grandkids like that!

    Denyse #mlstl


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