what does your midlife crisis look like?

midlife blog cresting the hill

As I got out of my car this afternoon I looked across at my new pushbike sitting in the garage and had to laugh. I think of my lovely new bike as my midlife purchase but it dimmed somewhat in comparison to the bike parked next to it!

I think it might be an indication of the difference between husband and wife midlife crisis purchases. I'm all excited about having two wheels to tootle around the neighbourhood on while my husband went out for his approaching 50's and bought two wheels to zoom along the highway on.

I'm not sure who has the most fun - I guess his can be shared because when I am feeling brave I perch precariously on the back and let him take me for a spin (preferably at a rather sedate pace). My invincibility took a hard hit when we were nearly wiped off by a four wheel drive a few years ago - you can read about that "fun" event and the resulting purple leg here. So I feel a lot safer trundling along the cycle paths of suburbia where those peripheral vision challenged drivers can't get me.

It's funny how everyone has their little midlife dream - my sister-in-law's dream is to remodel her kitchen - her husband's is to double the size of his workshop. Others want to travel or buy a caravan or toss in their job (been there - done that) or upgrade the car. I seem to dream small dreams and my little blue bike is enough for now - which is lucky because I don't think we'd fit an extra motorbike into the garage........mind you I was tempted when I saw this one parked in the disabled bay at the shops today - sure beats a gopher scooter:

midlife blog cresting the hill
I wonder if it comes in pink?


  1. The other day, my best friend said to me, "My midlife crisis was to take up swing dancing. Yours was to have a baby!" So I suppose my midlife crisis is toddling along at two years old now... xx

    1. Wow that is a very impressive midlife crisis - makes my bike look like a breeze!

  2. I became a mom later in life, so I guess I am doing a lot of biking (self-powered) now. My crisis will have to wait, and it will likely look more like yours than like your husband's.

    1. thanks for stopping by Lori - and I am loving your future lavender hair (I'm considering hot pink!)

  3. My dream is to spend my days writing. Taking a break for some bike rides around the paths of Beaumont. Then back to writing again. Mmmmm . . .

    1. sounds like an excellent plan Diane - it'd be nice to share those bike rides with you :)

  4. Hi Leanne I agree we all have our own midlife crisis - some bigger than others of course. Mine was running a full marathon at 55. I did it and it will probably be the only one I do but I had to prove to myself I could do it. Love your posts!

    1. thanks for the encouragement Sue and I am VERY impressed with you doing a marathon - that isn't even on my "one day" list - good on you!!

  5. Leanne it is amazing the different ways we cope with our midlife crisis. I (well more like we) did the opposite of what most do , we settled down and bought a house. I know this seems bizarre but after years ( 13+ ) of roaming the country side, I wanted my own place to call home. So I guess my midlife crisis got me a sweet little cottage that was in ruins when we bought it, but is lovely now. Thanks for sharing on #wednesdayswisdom

    1. I am so impressed that you lead a nomad life for 13 years! I think settling down is a very calming way to have a midlife crisis Jen and I'm loving being part of your #wednesdayswisdom

  6. I was thinking when I first saw the picture that it looked like my husband and I had a midlife crisis because that is just what we'd pick. Him the motorcycle and me the bike! I agree with you I'd much rather be on the bike the motorcycle is to scary! It's the other drivers that make it so dangerous!

    1. Exactly Rena - they just don't see anyone else on the road - especially the drivers who are perched up high in their massive 4WDs - it's a lot safer on the cycle path!

  7. Hi Dana - you definitely need the kids off your hands before you launch into a midlife crisis - you might be one of those ladies who runs a half marathon!


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