Saturday Snippets - where the best things I've seen on the internet come together in one place #Saturday #snippets #midlife


Here's the latest little snippets from all over the place that caught my eye and I thought were worth sharing. I hope you enjoy them too - feel free to pin them or share them with other people if they resonate with you. I've turned off the comments on these posts because they're just a fun Saturday post to look at, enjoy and move on - hopefully with a smile on your face or with something to think about.


I saw this fantastic quote on Facebook and had to share it. A Life In Progress often posts really thoughtful quotes and this one caught my eye as soon as I saw it because it resonated with how I've had to unlearn a lot of the beliefs I've carried around in my heart about myself. Midlife is a great time to do some work on ourselves and find contentment.

Something curious happened in her search for happiness. #lifequotes


I revamped an old post the other day and updated a couple of quotes that were about authenticity. Part of my Midlife journey has been to re-claim myself and to hold true to my beliefs and my own values and self-worth. Authenticity rates extremely high on my values radar and this quote was perfect. You can read my post on being authentic too if you like. 

She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world. Kate Chopin #inspirationalquotes


I loved this blackboard quote that I saw outside our local cafe a few weeks ago. It made me smile and I had to share it on my CTH Facebook page and of course I pinned it too. My daughter has always been feisty and strong willed, so I immediately thought of her when I saw it and then had to share it as well. 

May your coffee be stronger than your daughter's attitude - #blackboardquotes #humor

And for those of you who know how much I enjoy Facebook and Pinterest, it's obvious why this one gave me a chuckle! Going down the Pinterest rabbit hole is a favourite pastime of mine - so many pretty pictures - so little time!

Now that I've wasted an hour on Facebook, I'll hop on over to Pinterest #funnyquotes


I really enjoyed a post by Dr Rebecca Ray that was titled 40 Things I Refuse to do Anymore and it's inspiring me to come up with a list of my own. I'll probably borrow a few of hers in the process (and my list certainly won't be as long), but I've certainly noticed that this year has brought with it several non-negotiables of my own and I think putting together a list might be a good starting point to refer back to down the track - stay tuned!

40 things I refuse to do anymore - Dr Rebecca Carr


As I've moved on from all the drama and upset of the of my old job and the process of recovering from all that went with it, these two quotes really spoke to me. I realized that there are more important things in life than working in a job that is unhealthy for your head and heart, and I also needed to forgive what had gone on there. 

Never sacrifice family, your beliefs or your dignity. #lifequotes

Forgiveness doesn't mean you excuse the crime - it just means you're no longer willing to be the victim. #recoveryquotes

I'll leave you on that positive note, and I hope you're following along with my AtoZ of the List of More - if you've missed any then here is my latest one "U" for Unbusyness - a favourite word of mine lately! If you enjoyed it, you can follow the links at the end of that post for more.

Have a great weekend! ❤️

Saturday Snippets - where the best things I've seen on the internet come together in one place #Saturday #snippets #midlife

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