I can't believe that it's going to be Christmas in a couple of weeks -
where has the time gone? There's a saying that says "the days go slow but
the years go fast" and I can certainly relate to that. My life goes quietly
and calmly along each day, the occasional challenge, but on the whole it's
just a slow and gentle meander. I find slow living to be such a joy - no
hustle and bustle, just a pace that I set and adjust as I need to. I am
finally fully in charge of how I spend my days, and I am so in love with
So..... two weeks until Christmas and three until the end of another

Christmas has been at our house for so long that I can't remember when it
wasn't. As the daughter of my family, it fell to me to host the family
Christmas gathering when my mum handed over the reins. I've really enjoyed
all the years of having everyone for lunch and/or dinner because Christmas
and family just go together for me. Sometimes it feels a little like herding
cats as I try to find a day and time that suits everyone, nobody wants to
lock in a day until they know what they're doing closer to the event.
Then there's the shopping for food, the logistics of a largish gathering,
the cooking and preparing, and the dynamics of a growing family as the kids
have married and had kids of their own. I love it, but it does take a bit of
juggling and organisation. It's worth every minute of the cat herding when
it all comes together and we're eating, laughing, exchanging gifts, and
sharing stories - love just fills my heart.
This year it's all going to be different. Our daughter and her husband are
settled into their new home and want to host the family gathering before
they fly off overseas for a holiday in the new year. I must admit to feeling
a little bit of relief to think that I don't need to begin shuffling
everyone around and trying to work out a suitable date. She did that (with
less juggling than I normally have to go through!) and has it all
We're happy to head off for the two hour or so drive to the city (it'll be
a slow one with all the other Christmas travellers doing what we're doing).
It's a fair trade off to do a bit of driving instead of a lot of cooking and
preparing. I'm even downsizing my Christmas decorating seeing that it's only
my husband and me until after Boxing Day. We'll still put up our tree (I
love my little Christmas "fairy tree") and we'll decorate our front yard a
little - but it will all be lower key this year (I can already hear my
husband sighing in relief).

This is my last blog post for 2024. I'm going to chill out for a few
weeks and think about family, festivity, the reason for the season; it's time to
slow down even further and just savour this beautiful time of the year. I
feel that I've shared all there is in my world for this year, and it's time
to step away from being online and to find some "real life" to invest in and
From my family to you and yours, I'm sending the warmest of wishes. I hope
you find ways to celebrate the Christmas season that feel joyful, and
authentic, and meaningful. I hope you have loved ones to share some of the
days ahead with, and that you'll be kind to yourself and to others as we all
navigate this special time of the year.
I'll be back on the first Monday of January with my Word of the Year for
2025 - I have a few words floating around and have almost narrowed it down -
but I've learnt that things can change at the last minute, so I'll nail it
by the end of the year. Until then - I hope you have a warm, loving, happy
next few weeks and may 2025 bring us all that we need to
live life abundantly.


If you'd like to know when I write a new post, please click HERE for email updates.
If you'd like to comment but not here on the blog, feel free to email
me at
leanne.crestingthehill@gmail.com - I'd love to hear from you.
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How lovely for you Leanne! Wishing you all the best for the last few weeks of 2024 and a happy family time. Looking forward to seeing what word you choose for 2025.
ReplyDeleteHi Deb - I hope you continue to enjoy all that lovely family time over the lead up to Christmas, and I'm keen to see what Word you've decided on for 2025 too - it's such fun delving into the "why" and "what for's" that come with it isn't it?
DeleteThat sounds like a lovely new tradition! Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jo - I'm not sure if it's a one-off or a new tradition - I'm open to either outcome, and I'll be enjoying being a guest this year for sure! Happy Christmas to you and your family and thanks for popping in regularly to stay in touch.
DeleteHave a lovely Christmas Leanne and a very very happy healthy New Year. I really enjoy reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd many lovely wishes right back to you and your family Gillie - thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement - it really makes my day :)
DeleteLeanne - my best wishes to you and your family for a festive, warm Christmas celebration. I do not comment often enough to tell you how much I enjoy your writing. It makes me think, it makes me reflect, and often it gives me insight into something I may be wrestling through. For all that I am grateful to you. Please do take this time to fully immerse yourself in this time of the year. It only comes once a year, and seems so fleeting. Happy New Year, and I will (im)patiently wait for your January post!
ReplyDeleteOh Kristine that was such a lovely comment and it really warmed my heart. I'm so glad that what I write has resonated with you. I often wonder if I'm just throwing my thoughts into the ether, so when someone connects it encourages me to keep going. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family, and I'll definitely be back in January - I'm pretty committed to my new Word for 2025 now and I hope it'll bring some brightness into the year ahead. x
DeleteHi Leanne. Enjoy a peaceful and happy holiday season wth your family, Leanne. I look forward to reading your blog posts in the new year. ♥️ Christina Daggett
ReplyDeleteSame right back to you too Christina - I hope your South American Christmas is really special - it'll certainly be different to a European one! x
DeleteLeanne, families change, traditions change. I'm sure you enjoyed the hustle and bustle of doing for everyone, but I imagine being a 'guest' will come to suit you as well. Besides, you will have a lot more energy to give to the grands. Enjoy your time off, celebrate the reason for the season, spend time with your family and come back in January - refreshed. Merry Christmas
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne - I really enjoyed hosting Christmas, but I don't feel any ownership of the role - and I'm very happy to let my daughter have a turn (or to take it on permanently...) either option is fine with me. I just love being with family, I love the "vibe" of the season - it's all about love, and generosity, and warmth - all favourite things of mine. I hope you guys enjoy your time of celebration too and I'll definitely be back in January. x
DeleteWishing you a lovely holiday season! I hope the passing of the reins to your daughter continues to leave you feeling relief as you get closer. When I no longer hosted the family events, there was relief but also sadness. Looking forward to your WOTY in January.
ReplyDeleteA very Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Hi Pat - it's a strange feeling not being "in charge" of everything - something that my Type A personality grasps at, but also a relief to not be in charge. All care and no responsibility seems to sit well with me these days :)
DeleteWishing you a good Christmas - not sure how merry it will be, but it's the end of your annus horribilis - and hopefully the beginning of a new season of rebuilding and re-settling. x
What a lovely and loving end of year post Leanne. The passing of the baton..oh I remember...Mum to me, then over time due to circumstances, to my daughter and now "she" is feeling it too, as her eldest son wants to host Christmas. A lot of it is due to logistics and there are some family issues but we, the maternal parents/grandparents will turn up to wherever and with whatever contribution we are asked to share.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kindness and connection via the social media here I still think of as blogging. Your 100% support is always appreciated.
I look forward to reading about your word of the year. I had a lot of ideas but somehow another one has crept in and looks like a front runner.
Merry Christmas to you and yours. See you in 2025.
Denyse x
Hi Denyse - a very merry Christmas to you and your family too. I have certainly appreciated our connection over the years, and it was worth the effort of figuring out Substack so that I could stay in touch - and up my tech skills a little more!
DeleteI hope your family Christmas goes well - it's always hard when there are dynamics to work around, but I think your choice to go and to show up wherever you're invited and with a contribution to the table is the perfect response. I think it's our job as the older women of the family to bring peace and defuse discord wherever possible.
I look forward to seeing what WOTY you've chosen and why - always a fun series of posts to read in January. I hope someone does a link for them all. xx
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Can't wait to read your posts in 2025. I read your past posts regarding Christmas as you recommended and they helped. Thank you for your kindness and words of encouragement throughout the year.🧡
ReplyDeleteHi Yvonne - I do wish you a very peaceful and quietly content Christmas time - one where you find your sweet spot and can remember those who've passed, but also celebrate the season and the love and warmth that Christmas can hold if we look for it.
DeleteI've chosen my WOTY and locked it in - I'm so glad you'll be back next year and we can continue to connect - one of the many joys that's kept me blogging for so long! x
Hi Leanne - I really enjoyed reading your last post for 2024. It's so relatable how you've described the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I'm also looking forward to a quieter Christmas this year. Amazing how fast the year has gone by. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and a restful break. Can't wait to see what you choose for your Word of the Year!
ReplyDeleteHi Pradeep - it's ridiculous to think that Christmas is only a couple of weeks away already - where did the year go? I'm looking forward to being a part of the chorus line, rather than running the show this year. It'll be interesting to see if the new tradition continues, or if it's a one and done for our daughter.
DeleteI hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and we'll check in on our Words in January - another year, another blog post!
Thanks for your blogging company this year. Wishing you a happy Christmas & looking forward to your word of next year.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your lovely wishes - I hope your Christmas is full of joy and family and contentment. I've locked in my WOTY - now I just have to write about it! :)
DeleteHave a wonderful Christmas celebration at your daughter's place, Leanne. May the season be rich with blessings for you and your family. See you around in January! I'm looking forward to seeing your choice of WOTY. I've got some words floating around in my head too -let's see where we both end up! ♥
ReplyDeleteHi Corinne - merry Christmas to you and your family too. I've enjoyed watching your journey of self-discovery this year, and I'll be very interested to see what you choose for your Word. I've settled on mine now and it's going to be less introspective and more enjoyable next year :)
DeleteSo similar in our home this year as we have decided to do less Christmas decorating. Have put up some twinkling lights and a door Santa Sock. We will be just the 2 of us and the dogs. For so many years we had a lot of guests, but gradually the numbers dropped. My husband always did most of the cooking and washing up and really only to make me happy, since his cultural history was quite different. So this year it is his turn and we will have a dinner of his choice. Neither of us have family except at a distance, too far for them or us to travel. It will be a special time just for us. I wish you a wonderful holiday time and one which as 'you said "Love just fills my heart". I look forward to hearing your word for the new year, I already know mine.
ReplyDeleteHi Judith - I think your Christmas together sounds quietly lovely. Too often we get caught up in how Christmas should look (I know I do) and that doesn't always mesh well with how our lives actually are. I often think of the quote that says: "I think as you grow older your Christmas list gets shorter, because the things you want can't be bought" and that's what Christmas has become for us - small and quietly joyful. I hope your day is just lovely and that you enjoy it on your own terms and that your husband gets to have the holiday of his heart with you.
DeleteLooking forward to sharing our words in January - Merry Christmas. x
Hi Leanne, I love how well you encapsulate this stage of life ‘I am finally fully in charge of how I spend my days…’ I wholehearted agree with you. Your choice of Anne Quindlen’s quote is perfect for this stage. It is nice when the children take over the reins. A lot of complicated juggling around here, with timing and extended families. Back to the concept of Christmas is a season, not just a day.
ReplyDeleteI visit your blog all the time and I greatly appreciate your words of inspiration. I look forward to staying connected with you in the New Year. Warm wishes for a wonderful holiday season. 💕 xx Erica
Hi Erica - how lovely to hear from you and to know that you're doing well. That Christmas family juggle is all part of having adult kids who have established their own families and are blending traditions and only having so much time and energy to share with everyone. I love your comment about it being "a season, not just a day" - so very true, and so much less stressful if we can hold that thought when we feel a little jaded by it all!
DeleteHave a wonderful time with your family and I'll look forward to any pics you post - and see you in 2025 - it's going to be a good year. xx
That's great that your daughter volunteered to host Christmas this year, Leanne. I hope you enjoy your time with family. I'm sure you will. Wishing you a joyful, love-filled Christmas and a happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteHi Christie - thanks for your lovely wishes and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas time together too. See you when I'm back in January! xx
DeleteI hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Best wishes for 2025!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nikki - it was lovely, and I'm all set for a delightful and peaceful 2025. I hope yours is too. :)