Here's the latest little snippets from all over the place that caught my eye and I thought were worth sharing. I hope you enjoy them too - feel free to pin them or share them with other people if they resonate with you. I've turned off the comments on these posts because they're just a fun Saturday post to look at, enjoy and move on - hopefully with a smile on your face or with something to think about.FOR STARTERS
I just loved this picture of Doris Day and this quote from her about joy says everything doesn't it? Life is short (and getting shorter) so we need to smile, laugh, and bring joy with us wherever we go.THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
I think all of us have one of "those" friends - that person who makes themselves feel better by subtly undermining others. They just "have" to pass on that negative remark or share that slightly snarky comment. This thought from Marc and Angel Hack Life was a great reminder that it's not about you - it's about them.FUNNY
This is sooooo Me! I read the instructions (often with a squint because I can't be bothered getting out my glasses) and throw out the box - only to forget one of the steps and then I have to pull it out again (and sometimes again!) Adrienne from Hedger Humor is so in my head at times!INTERESTING
I included a quote from Marc and Angel above and I also thought I'd share this great post of theirs on 16 Things Emotionally Strong People Don't Do and Point #2 really struck home for me after all the work drama etc."Emotionally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life, work on changing what can be changed, and keep in mind that life isn’t always easy or fair. In the end, happiness is not the absence of problems, but simply the ability to deal well with them. So look at what you have, instead of what you have lost. Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that’s what you do with what you have left."
I really enjoy the thoughts from Becoming Unbusy - Cheryl has a lot to say about being happy with a life that is personally satisfying, rather than trying to compete on the world's stage. The impact on us of the busy-ness that we glorify in today's day and age is really something that we need to consider carefully. As time goes on, I'm tuning in more and more to the idea of a slower and more gentle and more "Me" way of living.Have a great weekend! xx
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