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The next letter of my A to Zen of Life (via the Dalai Lama) is T for Take control of your own destiny. This follows right on from Stop Procrastinating - life doesn't stay still waiting for us to make up our minds about what we want to do. Every day that passes while we dither is a day we'll never get back. We may think it will take too much time to become proficient in a new area, or to learn a new skill, but if we never start we'll never know what we're capable of achieving.We need to man-up (or woman-up) and take responsibility for who we want to be and where we want to end up - excuses work for a while, but ultimately we need to take the wheel and start steering a course for where we want to go. There will be slow points and detours along the way, but as long as we're moving forward we'll see results.
So many people complain about their childhood, or about the opportunities they missed, or about the unfairness of life but complaining doesn't change things - it's our attitude and how we deal with setbacks that makes all the difference. There is a quote from Randy Pausch that says 'It's not about the cards you're dealt, but how you play the hand.' It sums it up beautifully - life is what we make it, sure, some people get dealt a better hand than others, but we can all make the best of what we've been given and be proud of what we achieve.WHAT ABOUT YOU?
Are you taking control of your life and your destiny? Are you choosing to make the best of the cards life deals you or are you blaming others and waiting for things to miraculously change? Maybe it's time to focus on the positive and begin to steer a course that leads to a bright future.
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An excellent, thought-provoking post, Leanne. I'm proud to say that I am definitely taking control of my life and am so grateful that retirement allows me the opportunity to do that. Changes aren't happening quite as fast as I'd like them to, but I'm trying to remind myself that heading in the right direction is what counts, no matter the speed.
ReplyDeleteHari OM
ReplyDeleteHaving been blessed with a mother who believed very much in self-driven fortitude and getting on with things, this has not been a problem here. Actually, one of life's lessons for me has been that, on occasions, it pays to release control... but that's a whole other adventure! YAM xx
I try to be as positive as possible and make the most of what I've got. It's easy to say but sometimes more difficult in practice. But I'm really lucky to have had a great childhood and life so far. I honestly have nothing to complain about.
ReplyDeleteSound advice.
Leanne I''m loving your advice from the Dalai Lama. I try to be positive & find that surrounding myself with positive people really helps me focus on the positive
ReplyDeleteWe often let those around us or our circumstances control our lives, but ultimately it is up to each of us to plot our own course. Like Jenali said, good advice from the Dalai Lama!
Passing Down the Love #AtoZ
Sort of. I tell my husband that I'm just along for the ride. When we talked about moving to Beijing, he told me, "but you have a great job here that you love" and I responded with, "well, now maybe it's your turn."
ReplyDeleteBut within the big geography-related decisions, I opted to do the things I like here, and we choose to do or not do things on our own.
We are on the same page again! I've written about T is for Taking Charge. I love the quote because life is what YOU make it. We have the control and we should have.
ReplyDeleteI am certainly very grateful for the cards I have been dealt , not too sure about the control - sometimes I am not at all sure who is driving but as long as the direction is ok I dont mind. however I am actually very good at taking charge in situations where it is required - I can step up .
ReplyDeleteGuilty of wallowing at times and feeling I've had more than my share of bad luck... However, I know I've had good luck as well and I'm working with a psychologist to change the things I can. Just like that serenity prayer...And I try to keep my sense of humour so I'm not a grumble guts.
ReplyDeleteVery true, its easy to blame the past, our parents, circumstances ... but usually it is also a lack of action on out part. Nice article.
ReplyDelete#AtoZChallenge - T:
It is so true that each day that passes is one we can never get back, so don't spend time on what you don't have, didn't get, should have done, etc. Taking control is all about making the most of each day! Great post!
ReplyDeleteI try my best to stay positive, and bother mostly about things that are in my control, rather than about things are not in my control. We learn from the past, but I try to look ahead. I also believe that others might do whatever they want. But the onus is on us to make the best of the way things turn out in life.
ReplyDeleteMoments before opening this blog post I found out that the job I have wanted for a long time is finally open. This was a great reminder for me. Thanks! Melanie's Stories
ReplyDeleteIn the early morning Bible study class I teach, I have a young man, Lincoln, just turned 17. When he was 14, he had a catastrophic accident on his bicycle and is now quadriplegic. And yet, every morning, he greets me and everyone with a big smile and a wonderful 'Good Morning!" He is my example of taking control in a VERY positive way.
ReplyDeleteAmen, my friend. Perfectly put!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! You and Sue are the cutest twins today!
ReplyDeleteWonderful advice. So many of us don't realize how much power we really do have. Happy A to Z!
ReplyDeleteI could always do a better job at taking control. But I guess I've managed okay for 67 years.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Yes, I definitely believe in taking control. Some days I'm better at it than others but in the end I think I do a good job with this one. Weekends In Maine
ReplyDeleteI love that quote about the cards you are dealt and I find it difficult to deal with people who constantly whinge. I accept that some people really do have a much more challenging life than I have, don't get me wrong' but there is a big difference between lying down and giving up compared to getting on with it. Having said that, there are days when I need to give myself a good talking to. Another great post Leanne x
ReplyDeleteGood advice, Leanne. Proud to say I take control of my life and focus on the positives.
ReplyDeleteI love this! I always say that everyone will go through a trial at some point in their life. How they respond to it says a lot about their character. I think taking control of your life and your destiny is a marker of maturity. We all need to grow up and do it.
ReplyDeleteFacing Cancer with Grace
Well-said! Yes, no-one else can do it other than us.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for linking up for #lifethisweek 17/52. Next week's optional prompt is Taking Stock 18/52. Denyse
Love the card quote! And so true. Each day is a chance to start fresh.
ReplyDeleteGreat job with the A to Z Challnge! We are on the downwind run!!
Thanks for the inspiration. I'm currently rerouting myself at an age I didn't think I would have to and everyday is either a disaster or a new adventure, it's all up to me. Your post came at just the right time!
ReplyDeleteI have walked through mine fields and kept on going. I tread lightly and keep on going. This month you are looking at the Dalai Lama, I am often inspired by ThÃch Nhất Hạnh. I do not try to control. I try to walk with, walk over, walk through, or walk around situations. I find I can rarely control anything. I can influence, shape, and occasionallly I can guide. Just keep moving forward.