#AtoZChallenge - 2018 and J is for Just Do It.


The next letter of my A to Zen of Life (via the Dalai Lama) is J for -Just do it! We're all familiar with the Nike logo and their slogan - "Just Do It!" - it's so well known that the Dalai Lama must have thought there was some merit in it. If he thinks so and Nike thinks so, let's stop procrastinating and get on board with it too. Make a start and Just Do It!


Sometimes the first step is the hardest. We are entrenched in a lifestyle that suits us, but maybe it's not working as well as it used to. Maybe the diet and exercise that you've always done isn't enough anymore - it certainly wasn't for me once my metabolism started slowing down. I've had to lift my game and move more and eat less - neither was appealing and I put it off for a few years. The trouble was that the weight just kept creeping up - if I'd started sooner I'd have less to work on now! I needed to Just Do It.


Maybe it's about the job you're in. You used to be happy and it used to be enough but now you're bored, or unappreciated, or over-worked, or under-paid. It's probably time to move on and find a new career path. Will it mean doing some extra study? Will it mean going for several job interviews before you find the right one? Will it mean learning new stuff and being the new kid on the block? All difficult things to do, but if you don't start now then it will just be harder down the line. Just Do It.


Have you had a falling out with a friend or family member? Are you waiting for them to make the first move towards reconcilliation? Are you hurting but not willing to apologize or to move on? The longer you leave things, the more estranged you become and the harder it is to bridge the gap that the misunderstanding has caused. There's a saying that says: "Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.” Sometimes you just need to step up and be the one who begins the healing process, it's tough and sometimes seems unfair, but it's worth it in the end. Just Do It.

“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.”  ― Robert Brault


Are you dealing with any difficulties in life? Are you struggling to make a start and move forward? Are you treading water and waiting for the right moment? Well, it's time to stop doing nothing and start doing something to change your life. Just Do It!

#AtoZChallenge - 2018 and J is for Just Do It.

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#AtoZChallenge - 2018 and I'm tackling the A to Zen of Life (via the Dalai Lama)


  1. Man, do I need to bite the JFDI bullet in regards to health. When I come back from France - where I'll be eating way too much. I've decided I'm calling my health plan the Double and a Half. Move twice as much as I do now & eat and drink half as much...or something like that. When I'm back from France.

  2. Hari OM
    That's it... in at the deep end! I'm somebody who needs rather a long run up to things (bit of an over assesor), but then it will all happen like it was yesterday and I wonder why it took so long! In my case, it's the writing... YAM xx

  3. Oh My...now you have nailed me. I'm an 'OverDoIt' person and often have to take a step back and say 'ENOUGH'. This is such a good grouping of things to pay attention to...especially Health. I need to step up my walking...the one thing I don't overdo. Good job as always!

  4. So true. Again! Why is it just so difficult to start down that path you know is for the best.

  5. I have a ton on my plate, but you have to keep pushing through these things. Have a great day!

  6. Oh my! So many things in my life right now that I can apply these wise words to.
    Thanks for a great post - and the gentle nudge!

  7. I love that quote ....accept the apology you never got ... I have had a series of relationship challenges in which I have needed to learn this lesson. It is easier in some ways but harder for our ego to bear and of course the ego being the master of self importance is a formidable opponent. thank you for these pearls.

  8. Good one, Leanne! I tend to wait for life to come to me instead of getting out there and making it happen. This post is for me. It is exactly what I'm doing at the moment! Just doing it! Journal to Improve Your Life

  9. Lots of wisdom in this post Leanne. It can be hard to make necessary changes, the short term pain often doesn't seem worth the long term gain, but experience tells us that it probably will be once we stop procrastinating. As you say, sometimes the only thing to do is to bite the bullet and "just do it"!!

  10. I say JFDI to myself every morning when the alarm goes off at 5.30 and I have to drag my sleepybsorry self to the gym. Great post Leanne

  11. Great advice and reminder, Leanne. Now I need to heed it re eating less and moving more. Oh, sigh. I like to keep putting off that particular Just Do It until tomorrow.

  12. In my 'umble opinion Just Do It is one of the best slogans of all time. It what I say to myself when I am trying to get in to regular exercise routine. Stop talking about it. Stop thinking about it. Just Do It! Thanks Jill from www.midlifesmarts.com

  13. I'm working on this! The pull of all my other habits is strong! <a href="http://melaniecrousesblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/j-is-for-josh-barro.html>Melanie's Stories</a>

  14. So simple a phrase and yet so hard to put into action for so many Including myself. To kick start my just do it, I remember another saying "A year from now you'll wish you started today." That usually gets me going.

  15. Yes, that was one of the things I would say before it even became a popular sports gear brand.
    It drives me crazy if people keep complaining but don't move one inch to actually change their situation. Take matters into your hands, guys, life is short, and it's up to you what you make it!

  16. Great point to drive home. I used to be such a big procrastinator, and then complain about the habit without making any headway. Now I just believe in taking the "just do it" plunge. Life started looking sunnier thereafter.

    Great post. Thank you.

  17. One never knows where starting off will lead. I started meeting with my doctor's weight loss group, that made me want to start back at the gym, which made me realize an old injury had not healed which took me to physical therapy... where I am now working on balance, that I did not even realize was a problem for me. All good. Eventually I will be able to get our on the hiking trails again. Just take that first step and see where it leads.

  18. Indeed, one needs to be proactive!


  19. Great advice although often difficult to take that first step. Weekends In Maine

  20. Great inspirational post! I need to do something about my diet and I'm going to JUST DO IT!

  21. Health and relationships work has started and you make some very valid points there Leanne. I got a wake up call in both to start working on. Job fornt is what I need to tackle next but I think it will take some time as I hev the other two as key priorties right now.

    J is for Djinni #atozchallenge

  22. Hi, Leanne - I am totally like-minded with you in terms of 'Just Do It.' I love how you have applied this concept to health, career and relationships. Great advice here!

  23. I have two friends who just this week started new jobs. One is utterly confident, the other was in the same job for several years, and is doing something quite different now. She needed to move away from her past job, because she was overworked and unappreciated, but she's not used to being back in the learning curve.

    Change can be scary, but it can be good too.

  24. I do need a kick in the pants so I can get going again. I feel like I am treading water right now and not sure what I am waiting on.

  25. So true. I definitely have postponed the 'getting healthier' for far too long, and this weekend my husband and I are meeting up with friends that we haven't seen in 10 years. We had drifted to the 'annual Christmas card, as life got in the way, but this year we decided to do something about it.


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.