The very last letter of my A to Zen of Life (via the Dalai Lama) is Z for Zero in on your target, and go for it! This one definitely applies to tackling the A to Z Challenge - the target was to reach the end and write that final, elusive "Z" post and it's been my focus for the last few weeks. Zeroed in, narrowed down, nose to the grindstone, eye on the target.....and it's been worth it because here I am at the end of April and writing my last post for the Challenge!AIM BIG
When I first started thinking about doing the A to Z Challenge for another year, I balked at the idea - all those posts, all that writing, coming up with a theme, finding 26 topics to fit the theme, finding pictures, finding quotes.....the list was long and it would have been easy to toss it in the Too Hard basket and not bother.If we don't have something to aim for, if we keep doing the same old things in the same old way, then we never know what we're capable of, we never grow, and we never reach our potential. It's easy to quit, it's easy to not set our sights on a target, it's easy to not bother and to make excuses. The trouble with "easy" is that it doesn't push us to be our best - it keeps us small.
When you have a goal and you reach it, when you hit the bullseye of what you've aimed for, you bask in the sense of satisfaction of having achieved what you set out to do. You've ticked a box, you've reached your destination, you've arrived. Right now I've arrived - at the end of the Challenge, still breathing, still all intact, and giving myself a pat on the back.The thing with life is that it's made up of lots of goals, you finish one and a new one appears. Life doesn't stand still, it lures you on to the next discovery, the next step in growing and changing, getting older and wiser. It's lovely to zero in and hit your target, but don't stop there - move on to what's waiting for you, keep growing, there is always something new to discover. The A to Z Challenge is almost done and dusted, the end of the road is in sight, but that's not it for those of us who blog, it's a goal kicked, a target hit, and time to move on to the next thing on our blogging list.
Have you been sticking with me through the Challenge? Are you as happy as I am to reach the end and to know that the target has been hit? Will you be happy to move onto the next challenge life has in store for you?
This post was shared at some of these great link parties
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Leanne I've loved reading your posts every day of the challenge. They have been really thought provoking. I'm glad you decided to zero in on this goal again this year. It has been a challenge for me to get to Z. But feeling quite happy with myself today. Time now for me to think about what to zero in on next.
ReplyDeleteI wondered what word you'd pick for Z, Leanne! I've heard it said that if you aim for nothing, you'll be sure to hit it, so we definitely need targets. For me, right now, one target is improving my strength and fitness at the gym (uuggghhh, but a necessary midlife goal).
ReplyDeleteLike you, I'm happy to have reached the end of the A-Z challenge xx
Hari Om
ReplyDeleteNo doubt there is a sense of relief to have completed the run for, despite having a good discipline in place, this has undoubtedly 'upped the ante'! Right now am not at all sure I would do it again... yet there is something strangely addictive about an alphabet's grip... &*> See you on the other side of Z, Leanne, as have added you to my blogroll. Rest well now. YAM xx
Yay we made it Leanne! I love your thoughts on aiming for the target and going for it. With the AtoZ I nearly didn't do it without your encouragement or was that pressure? LOL:) I feel so much satisfaction now that I have completed it and am ready to take on the next target in May - whatever that is!
ReplyDeleteYou Made It to Z. A for Amazing. Enjoyed reading the series and looking forward to what comes next. JIll x
ReplyDeleteThe best thing I get out of this challenge is a renewed consistency in writing. I love making new connections (including you, Leanne!) but really it's the consistency that eludes me during the other 11 months. I may have to choose some other challenges to join to keep me on track for a while.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a theme per month or something!
Your posts have been amazing Leanne - so thoughtfully written and spurring us on to make connections we wouldn't otherwise make.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad and sad that the challenge is over although I know I don't need to be sad - I can maintain the same rhythm of visiting blogs and being in touch with lovely people like you. I guess that is my next challenge - to build on what April put us through. Congratulations on completing the challenge.
It has been a pleasure to read and comment on your posts every day, Leanne. I appreciate how openly you share. I'm aware every day that I am talking with a real person, one who understands life's challenges and is just as willing, often even excited, to embrace them. I hope that today you allow lots of opportunity for basking in the glow of a goal well achieved.
ReplyDeleteThis is great advice for me. I often aim low, but when I aim high I don't stop until I'm done (which is why I often just choose to aim low!) I have really enjoyed getting to know you through this challenge! Best of luck to you. Melanie's Stories
ReplyDeleteIt was good fun writing through the month, as well as reading what others have written, including yours. A wide variety of topics.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading my posts as well. Looking forward to your future posts.
Do check out my last post.
Congrats on completing! I might not have commented each time, but you were one of the series I followed each day. You've inspired me regularly and today is no exception. I've written into my journal (for continued contemplation) "What big goal have you recently set for yourself (or are you just doing the same old things, the same old way)?" I'll need to probe that more - getting out of my comfort zone, other changes I want to see in my life... some challenging goal setting is going to be happening I'm feeling! Thanks for the (continued) inspiration.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! It is a challenge and admire you for accepting it,completing it and growing from it! You rock!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing, Leanne! And congratulations on reaching this goal. And doing it So WELL!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Leanne. Job well done. I enjoyed the whole alphabet!
ReplyDeleteHow fitting this final post sums up the entire challenge journey. Congratulations on a successful series. And how perfectly true, as one thing completes, something else always shows up. How fun is that?!
ReplyDeleteWhat a challenge you had and you accomplished it so successfully, Leanne! Growth is important and watching others grow in their talents is so very inspiring. Keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent post for Z! I am a terrible goal setter and an even worse follow-througher! Thank you for your visits to my page, it was a little bit of fear in disappointing my fellow contestants that kept me going!! Looking forward to more of your work!
ReplyDeleteI'm goal oriented so always love having a target at which to aim. But, it's also quite nice to reach to goal too. Looking forward to some down time now that the challenge is done and then it will be time to gear up and set the next set of goals. Weekends In Maine
ReplyDeleteWell done for making it through and hitting the bulls eye Leanne, I've thoroughly enjoyed the month. Your posts have been insightful, inspiring, informative and interesting - I didn't mean to just use words starting with I! I hope you can relax a bit now and enjoy basking in the month that was!!
ReplyDeleteHi, Leanne - It is so nice to meet you at the Finish Line. It's been a wild, thrilling ride. If I run and hide next February/March when you mention the 2019 Challenge, don't be surprised! :) But I will definitely remain a loyal reader of your posts then and now. Well done!
ReplyDeleteAnother great post, Leanne and congrats for making it all the way to the end. I'll be following along with you for more insights.
ReplyDeleteJanet’s Smiles
Congratulations on hitting the 2018's bullseye, Leanne, that was an awesome series, I've enjoyed following you throughout April!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I don't do well *defining* goals, but I am result oriented. May sound confusing, but I guess what it means is I do achieve a lot, just is it what ultimately takes me to where I am supposed to be..?
Congratulations Leanne for meeting your goal. I think I have read most of the challenge posts and enjoyed them. I am not good at setting goals but once I decide I am doing something I don't stop till I get it done.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You did it! I admire you for even attempting it. Good job! Thank you for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 27! I shared your post x 4 ♥
ReplyDeleteLove it! Zero in on your target! That is my plan! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing the challenge, Leanne. I enjoyed reading your posts. The Dalai Lama sure has a way with letters... ;)
ReplyDelete"If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time!"
ReplyDeleteThanks for this encouragement today!
I agree, Leanne. If you focus on the end goal you are more likely to succeed.
ReplyDeleteVisiting as I make my way to the other 13 "no longer stranger" blogs from Karen's Profound Journey blog.
Congrats, this is inspiring, Leanne, hope this weekend treats you kindly. Dropped by from #BloggersPitStop
ReplyDeleteI love this post! I'm sitting here procrastinating my actually writing by commenting on AtoZChallenge posts, and what does this post do? - kicks me in the butt and says, 'get back to writing! Zero in on your goal!'