I spent a lot of time trying to drill down to one all-encompassing Word for
2024 that included being more calm, centred, and at peace with myself and
the world. As I mentioned in my January post, I chose Equanimity
(with a bit of help from my daughter). Because it's a complex word, it seems
to have made me think harder, and in the process it's attracted me to other
words that have begun to resonate.
I thought today I'd share a little bit of what's been going through my head
in regard to all I've been processing....
Equanimity is definitely a tricky word - it's not commonly found in our day
to day language, and every time I mention it on the blog, I feel like I need
to add a definition, or at least a few words as to it's application and why
it resonates with me. So.... here I go again.... Equanimity (for me) evokes
a sense of being grounded and centred within myself, and that centredness
allows me to interact with the world around me in a calmer and more
intentional way.
I try not to be overly religious here on the blog but, as a Christian, I'm
drawn to the idea that my life is centred around God and being his child. I
want to be the type of person who responds to others with a warmth and
kindness that comes from a faith based life - one where I see the best in
people, where I want to engage warmly with them, and where I respond to them
rather than reacting or choosing to be offended or upset. It's so easy to
take something the wrong way, to view something from a place of tiredness or
self-interest. I don't want to be that person; I really want to become the
best possible version of me (and I need all the help I can get to achieve
As I approach 2024 with a heart-centred viewpoint, I notice myself zeroing
in on ideas that I can add into the mix to help me achieve what I'm hoping to attain. The first word/concept that started to appear in my reading and
listening was "Yield" - another old fashioned word and one I always
associated with jousting or sword fighting knights of olde. It also pops up
in my love of fantasy novels (there's always plenty of sword fighting in
that genre).
But Yield also reminds me to step back, to stop pushing so hard, to accept
when something isn't for me. It comes with a sense of realizing when I'm
reaching the end of my coping ability and saying "enough" before I overstep
myself. It reminds me that I don't always have to be right, I don't always
have to have the last say, I won't always have things work out my way - and
that's okay. I can get so worked up over small issues at times, and letting
those go,
letting things be as they will be, letting people be who they are, all helps with that first goal of
centredness, calm and being at peace inwardly and outwardly.
More recently another word has slipped into my reading and listening, and
that word is "Pause". I watched an excellent teaching video on "Simplicity Of Speech" by John Mark Comer that was about learning to speak less, to allow for
silences, to give others space to speak, and to pause before responding. All
that is so new to me and such a great reminder that I can be
interested in others rather than worrying about whether or not
I'm being interesting. And that takes so much pressure off me in
That was followed by some thoughts from Donna Cameron in her "A Year of Living Kindly" book:
A timely pause can prevent me from saying or doing something I'll later regret. It maintains harmony. It allows me to adjust course and be the person I want to be.
Sometimes when we hit pause, we recognize that we should make that pause permanent and simply do nothing, say nothing. The pause gives us the gift of grace.
And finally...
A pause is not a vacant space. It's a place of enormous potential and growth. It's where we choose who we will be in this moment, and the next.
And that was another Yes!! moment for me because I really like that we get
to choose who we will be - it's not written in stone, we might have lived,
or thought, or acted in a certain way for decades, but we aren't locked into
that, we always have the opportunity to change and to become better versions
of ourselves. Taking a moment to remind myself of that is so centring and
encouraging - and gives me hope.
Equanimity, Yield, Pause - I love that I'm a work in progress. I once would
have found all this to be daunting or disheartening, but now I find it
inspiring, and it spurs me on towards reminding myself that I can grow into
the person God sees me to be - I can be so much warmer, more patient
(another word that has begun to pop up and will probably earn a blog post of
its own soon!), more aware, more observant, less reactive, less
self-absorbed, simpler, deeper, and wiser. What a great challenge to invest
in over the years ahead.
Is your Word of the Year inspiring you? Are you growing into a deeper,
wiser, and more mature version of yourself as you age? I love the idea
of becoming a
Wise Woman
(rather than a Grumpy Old Woman) - I know who'd I'd rather spend my time
around, so why not aim to be that person?

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me at
leanne.crestingthehill@gmail.com - I'd love to hear from you.
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I love the evolution of the words and how it’s a little bit of a collection or curation of words that sit right with you. Love it! (I resonate with the principles that you are trying to follow, I feel that as well.)
ReplyDeleteHi Mika - I'm loving this journey and how a WOTY can inspire new directions and reinforce ideas that I feel I want to explore more. We'll figure it out together :)
DeleteHi, Leanne - I love how your WOTY continues to evolve and expand. That makes complete sentence to me. Once again, I have gone with a pocket WOTY which is working well for me. Without effort, it truly is a daily mantra.
ReplyDeleteHi Donna - your secret squirrel pocket WOTY always intrigues me, I think any iteration of having a word can work if we allow it to guide us (we don't choose a word unless it already resonates with us, so it's always going to be a win).
DeleteI love seeing the evolution of your word! I also found it rather fitting that you have 3 words and we're in the 3rd month.
ReplyDeleteWell spotted Jo - I hadn't thought of that! Who knows how many other variations are still waiting to be discovered!
DeleteLoved reading this and the story of the word...and how it's growing and changing some of your ways of thinking...I came to say I see you 'evolving' as Joanne has said too. I remember getting myself caught up in 'must stay with the word/s' and then realising "I" was the only one making that rule. Rules, hey! What do they say...about them being broken but we eldest daughters find that notion hard. I am so glad you popped over and commented on my Substack tonight. I feel cared for and loved... Denyse. x
ReplyDeleteHi Denyse - I find Substack quite intriguing - it's full of people who remind me of what the blogging community was like ten years ago (all so keen and unjaded!) I'm pleased that you moved over there and inspired me to create a profile so I could comment. I've met a few lovely people already and there's new ideas to read every day.
DeleteAnd yes, it's tempting to play safe and stick with my word, but I think it's even better to allow it to bloom and grow and draw me down different side paths of ideas to explore as the year unfolds.
Look after yourself and remember to breathe and keep your inner self nurtured. x
You have just described the process I have been going through also. And indeed the word pause can be my most important word to adopt right now. Thank you Leanne for being the person you are, the person you are becoming, and the person who shares so beautifully with all of us.
ReplyDeleteOh Judith - that was such a lovely thing to say - thank you so much. After spending the first half of my life believing I had very little value, and not even really knowing who I was, hearing your words just made my heart smile. And yes, finding words that synthesize our feelings and desires and journey is more meaningful than I ever expected it to be. xx
DeleteYou know I love words! I had read the bits on Pause before, and it's a really good one to help with reacting, or over-reacting! That is an area I too am working on (and getting a bit better).
ReplyDeleteYield to me was totally different... we have yield signs everywhere on streets for driving and it means basically - you do NOT have the right of way! Many people ignore them. Makes driving a defensive thing.
While I did not pick a WOTY, I am continuing to work on acceptance (it is what it is) and celebration (love your life).
I enjoyed hearing how equanimity is coming to life for you.
Hi Pat - I hadn't thought of how Americans interpret Yield - it's not a road usage thing here in Australia (we use Give Way signs - that are also open to interpretation by a lot of people!) I really like the concept of yielding to life rather than trying to force it into the direction I want it to go - it's so much less tiring and tiresome when we go with the flow a little. I have deeper things to focus on than all the petty issues life brings my way - and that's what equanimity is gifting me. :) x
DeleteHi Leanne, I do like how your WOTY is growing and inspiring you. It seems the steps you have taken to get to this stage are now gathering pace and that you are moving towards the person you want to be at a greater speed than before.
ReplyDeleteHi Elizabeth - I truly hope that's the case. I have such a desire to be a deeper, wiser, kinder, gentler.... person, and it's not something I'll achieve overnight. It's a journey and a process that I'm willing to undertake if I finally reach that "wise woman" milestone. x
DeleteHi Leanne, My latest meditation through Dr. Richard Miller (yoga nidra) he uses the word “equanimity.” The first time I have heard/read this word, and I now hear it twice in 2024. You greatly inspire me when you share your journey…”best possible version of me.” Now, I will mull on “Yield” for the next while. I love everything about the concept of “pause.” To me, “pause” also indicates ‘rest’ in music…. And, Leanne, I have always considered you a “Wise Woman.” xx Erica
ReplyDeleteHi Erica - I wish I could fully take on the wise woman mantle, but I'd like to think that I'm closer to getting there than I was a few years ago. When I chose Equanimity a few people referenced hearing it used in meditation or yoga practices - I guess it's to do with that Zen/calm space that those ideals want to achieve. I really do want to find that inner calm and groundedness that wise and deep people seem to dwell in - it may take me a few more years (or decades) but it's a worthy pursuit IMHO. xxx
DeleteHi Leanne, your explanation and the evolving of your WOTY/s is really interesting. Yield is an interesting word and it took me a few minutes to get my head around it but I can see how it works. I really like pause and we can all do with pausing and thinking more before we do or say things. I like how you are using your words and how they fit your lifestyle, thanks for the ideas and inspo!
ReplyDeleteHi Deb - Yield was an interesting one for me too - but I like the idea that yielding to the universe or to God's will takes some of the pressure off. It has a bit of a "what will be, will be" vibe to it, which (if we use it correctly) can help remind us that not everything is within our control and we can stop trying to force something that isn't ready for us yet. I've been such a controlled person all my life, it's nice to back off a little and let life surprise me at times. x
DeleteLeanne, I think you were reading my mail when you wrote this!
ReplyDelete"It's so easy to take something the wrong way, to view something from a place of tiredness or self-interest." This is what I need to caution myself against. I can be a victim of tiredness & need to clamp my lips shut. Just like a toddler, when I manage the feeding & sleeping, I can have a better day. Then "pause" comes into play, the gift of grace. Not everything needs to be said. "..we always have the opportunity to change and to become better versions of ourselves" and in the words of Maya Angelou, when we know better we can do better. Thank you for this.
Hi Mona - I think we are all works in progress throughout our lives - and as we get older we begin to see what triggers certain responses, and how to manage those so we do better and become better. I am still figuring out the "pause" - especially when it comes to listening and not leaping in. I'm also working on not assuming things based on my insecurities. I truly believe that the second half of life is when we deepen and grow the most - and put the lessons from the first half into practice.
DeleteI can see how this works, Leanne. Choosing a word like 'intentional' too has led me to look at many other words like rest, joy, lightheartedness, etc. Isn't it amazing how 'our word' challenges us to go deeper and deeper? Thank you for sharing your journey so far with 'equanimity'!
ReplyDeleteHi Corinne - when we choose all-encompassing words for the year, they do tend to take us on a journey. I really do try to choose a word each year that speaks into where I want to grow. It works so much better for me than resolutions and bucket lists - I feel like it's a gentler way to grow and it doesn't feed into my fear of failure.