Choosing to live life lightly, And how that looked throughout the month of August.


If you read my blog regularly (thank you if you do!) you'll know I chose "Live Lightly" as my Word(s) Of The Year for 2023. I've made a pledge to myself to chill out a little this year and to take things as they come, rather than trying to push too hard or trying to control everything. I hope my year will reflect taking life at a gentler pace and stepping lightly and slowly.

So, on that note, to wrap up August, I'll be sharing quite a few little highlights (there's been more going on lately) that contributed towards a lovely month....


We've been having such beautiful Winter days here in Western Australia. We made the most of it on a Saturday in the middle of August - driving up to see our daughter and son-in-law's new home and then heading out for lunch and mini-golf at a garden centre near their place. It was a fun day and included celebrating two birthdays as an added bonus.

family get together at Wanneroo Botanical Gardens

family get together at Wanneroo Botanical Gardens mini-golf


In amongst the sunny weather, every year around the beginning of August we get a burst of heavy rain for a few days and it causes the river over the road from us to overflow its banks and give us some lovely waterfront views. This year it only took one day of solid rain, and it was enough to result in this:

Brunswick River 03/08/2023

Because the weather was so nice, and because I wasn't at work, and because I felt like saying "Yes"... I joined my husband in launching our canoe off the bank and heading downstream for a paddle - it was just gorgeous being out on the water in the sunshine.

Brunswick River 03/08/2023


After nearly three months' wait, our new corner couch arrived and it marks the end of our kitchen and living room updates (including replacing the rangehood over our stove a few weeks after re-installing it! The light/exhaust switch broke - so it was off with the old and on with the new - without breaking any of the new tiles - phew!) It's so nice to have it all behind us and to enjoy it being updated. The pic below shows our new couch, our new day/night blinds, and our freshly painted walls.

new corner couch


I'm an avid Pinterest-er and love looking at the pretty pins. I share my blog post images there but never expect much from it. Occasionally though, a pin catches on and gets a lot of attention. Lately I've seen a big jump in my Pinterest views and it's been from my pin about an Unbusy Retirement (which has also been my theme this month on the blog - the links are below...)

I took a screen shot from my Pinterest Analytics page just to show what happens when a pin gets shared a lot - it's had 162,000+ views and 5,720 people clicked through to read my post - just crazy!

Pinterest stats on Unbusy Retirement pin


My collaging continues and I've been doing some colouring-in too. I love having something a little bit creative to add balance to my life. Instead of sharing my collages this month, I thought I'd share a pic of Luna, our Scottish Fold cat, helping me with my colouring:

Luna - Scottish Fold cat


living lightly and wildly - Ullie-Kaye

Choosing to live life lightly, And how that looked throughout the month of August.


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Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive


  1. A fabulous August all round. I don't really use Pinterest, but can understand how that post generated so much interest. Congratulations...

    1. Hi Jo - I think it's my safe version of IG :D That pin is still climbing in numbers and it makes me realize that I'm not the only person who's looking for a gentler retirement - not a "I'm as busy as I was when I was working" retirement.

  2. Just started my retirement journey. Very much enjoying your blog.

    1. Hi - I'm so glad you're liking your visits here and I hope you find some encouragement to craft your retirement into something that's authentically you and feels really comfortable. It took me a while to get my head around being "retired" but now I think of it as a gift that keeps on giving. x

  3. Hi Leanne. The new coach looks cozy enough to curl up with a good book. I love Pinterest and had to share a couple of your pins this morning. Have a lovely weekend! xx Christina Daggett

    1. Hi Christina - thank you for the pin sharing - and yes, the couch is long enough for me to lie down on without my feet hanging off the edge - perfect for a nap here and there. x

  4. That sounds like a perfect and happy August for you, Leanne. Very glad for you, for all the joys that this life is giving you. Nothing like a family reunion and all the fun associated with it.
    Somehow, I didn't get hooked on to Pinterest or even Instagram, though I like photos, videos and images. Good that the pin did finally lead to a lot of people reading your blog post.

    1. Hi Pradeep - I've never had Instagram, but I do like Pinterest - I think for the quotes and the pretty dresses. Getting a big sharing of one of my pins was an unexpected bonus. And yes, family time is my favourite thing in all the world.

  5. Hi Leanne, your month looks light and joyful, with all the components of a happy life. Mini golf is always great choice for a family outing and you all seem to have picked the perfect day. The new sofa looks great and I love the pops of color in the pillows. Luna looks like she is contemplating a bold move. Congratulations on the post that is doing so well, and your new riverfront property! :-) Pinterest is a great space for curating and catagorizing specific interests. It is also one of the only social outlets that hasn't been corrupted with negativity. You look great btw, very happy.

    1. Hi Suzanne - I think that's why I like Pinterest - it's just pictures - no "look at how fabulous my life is!" stuff - and it's more random than IG - so I get a good mix of stuff to look at. And you're right about mini-golf, I hadn't played it for years, but it was such a fun time - with my daughter scoring everyone on very generous terms - it took the killer instinct away :) And thanks for the lovely compliment - I'm feeling really happy and it's nice that it shows. x

  6. Hi Leanne, congratulations on the Pinterest pin generating all the views on your blog. You have a lovely view from your house and the canoe looks great fun. I love cats and Luna's lovely - she looks like she is enjoying helping with the colouring in.

    1. Hi Elizabeth - the Pinterest share was a lovely bonus and I was really happy to see so many people interested in a more gentle retirement - rather than the 'busy, busy, busy' lifestyle that's usually so popular. The canoeing was lovely in the still water with the sun shining - a perfect day for the middle of winter.

  7. That family time sounds fabulous and what a perfect day for kayaking!

    1. Hi Joanne - it was soooo lovely catching up with our "kids" and grandgirls - I'd love to see more of them, so when we get the chance to spend some time together I soak up every moment of it. It's nice that they're happy to spend time with their parents too.

  8. A lovely month of living lightly Leanne, you managed to pack a fair bit in and your new house updates look great! So good to have family time and I couldn't help but notice that you're all in shirts in winter!! I must admit to not having looked at Pinterest for ages, well done on all your views, it's obviously a topic that many are looking for :). Keep it up!

    1. Hi Deb - I couldn't believe how warm the day was - we started out in long sleeves but the weather just kept getting warmer - especially out in the sunshine. I was very glad I had a tee shirt under my jumper, or I would have been sweating! I still enjoy Pinterest after several years - it's something easy to scroll through on my laptop - I just don't use my phone for internet stuff much at all - maybe that's why Pinterest works so well for me? The added views were a lovely surprise.

  9. Hi, Leanne - Your August looks fantastic. Congratulations on your 162,000+ views on your pinterest post. That's awesome!!

    1. Hi Donna - those views were a bit jaw dropping for me and my little blog - and to have 5,000+ people click through to read the post was awesome - it felt like I wasn't the only person in the world who wants to slow life down a little.

  10. What a lovely August you've had Leanne! The family catch up (gorgeous photos!), the canoeing, doing well with Pinterest and lovely Luna! I am terrible at Pinterest. I just don't have the interest or energy. I admire those that can do it well. If I can get a blog post done each week then I'm doing well. Well done to you though!! September is just around the corner. Let's hope it's a lovely one for us both! xo

    1. Hi Min - it was a lovely month and this winter we've had so many beautiful clear days to be out and about. As far as Pinterest goes, I just pin my posts each week and then ignore them and check out pretty pictures (like a lot of you do with IG on your phones). The fact that this one has caught on so much in the last month was a bonus - one I was very happy to accept - no work and lots of views!

  11. How lovely to get out on a canoe! We used to do it with the kids a bit when younger -I do plan to do a sunrise one but the early start is daunting.
    I'm not on Pinterest but you've clearly hit a nerve (that's not the right word? What's the positive one...?) with people, something that a lot of people are feeling out of step about, only to discover there's actually a lot of you wanting to live lightly.

    1. Hi Lydia - it was so nice to step in and out of the canoe without worrying about my hip and the pain - I hadn't been out for over a year, so it was extra special just floating in the sunshine (I probably didn't pull my weight with the paddling!) And yes, I think that there are more people these days who are leaving a stressful workplace and not wanting to jump straight into a different version of busy-ness......maybe my post gives them some validation that it's okay to have a slower approach until they want to do more?

  12. Hi Leanne - That pinterest pin was how I found you! I am recently retired and I am struggling with it. Being "un-busy" seems to be where God needs me to be right now and your post was so helpful and encouraging for this new stage of life. God bless! ~ Ellen

    1. Hi Ellen - I'm so happy that Pinterest brought us together. That pin has had a LOT of views this month (and a steady number in the months since I shared it). I'm so happy if I can make others feel that it's okay to take your time to find out what's next. I definitely struggled when I first retired, but realized that it was because I was trying to live other people's versions of retirement - or to prove I still had worth without being a "working woman". Now I'm much better at just doing "me" and resting in who I am as a child of God - rather than competing with others who are on a different journey to me. I hope you'll keep visiting. x

  13. I love your new couch, Leanne, and it looks just beautiful in that refreshed room. Nice work. It looks like you had a lovely August. Here's to a wonderful September!

    1. Hi Christie - the new couch is working well and I love looking around at my fresh, updated kitchen and living area. When you've been living somewhere for quite a while it's nice to give it a little update to keep things current.

  14. What a wonderful, family filled and relaxing post this was Leanne. Congratulations on all that your pinterest 'interest' is bringing you! Couldn't get over the river picture, because it obviously is close but being further down a hill means you are not (I hope) impacted by heavy rains etc....Enjoyed seeing you and your husband out on the water too. And phew for home renos and improvements done! Thank you for sharing your blog post this week at Denyse’s Words and Pics for #WWandPics. I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday if you choose to add a post. Warm wishes and appreciation from Denyse.

    1. Hi Denyse - I often get a bit tense when the river suddenly rises, but it's a few metres below us and there's a huge flood plain. I guess we never know what's in store for us (I remember a bushfire that was nearby that rattled my cage a few years ago!) but I'm also enjoying having such a lovely outlook from our home - with or without the extra water!

  15. Great family photographs. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

    I love using my colouring book. It's such a relaxing activity.

    1. Hi Shari - I love my colouring - it's relaxing and pretty, and is something I can stop and start at any time. I've recently been painting in it a little to try something new - a little challenge to stay between the lines on such small pictures!

  16. Replies
    1. Yes it was - just a beautiful month of sunshine with little bursts of rain in between - a lovely winter so far (but probably more stormy weather to come before Spring arrives).

  17. I'm not surprised your Unbusy Retirement pin is getting so much attention. I think COVID taught a lot of us that we were trying to do too much and sacrificing important things on the altar of busyness (like family time and rest). Your posts are helping me rethink what I want in retirement as well as how I want to manage the rest of my working years. Thanks for that!

    1. Hi Janet - I just read a post from someone who felt she wasn't packing enough into her retirement - and it made me a little sad to think that not being busy was causing her to feel like she wasn't "enough". We really do need to do a mind shift when we stop working - and decide what a pleasant retirement looks like. It's different for everyone, but I found the covid time of isolation an eye-opener as far as the time at home, and enjoying being in my own space without a million commitments to distract me. I'm glad I'm giving you a different perspective. :)

  18. So proud of your Pinterest statistics. Wow. That is amazing. And that folks followed the pin to read your blog post is even better.

    What a delightful winter?? day that would allow mini-golf in short sleeves. Our winters are fairly mild but that would be a stretch. Such a handsome family with lovely smiles around the restaurant table. Glad you could celebrate two birthdays together. We had family birthday celebrations for 3 in July with the whole gang together...and are going to be together again in January and can celebrate at least 2 more of the family then. Of course, the children get on birthday celebrations whether it's their birthday or not. I struggle to give gifts to just one without having something for the others.
    Love the kayaking photo. You look relaxed and in your element. I would like to try kayaking although sailing was disastrous for me about 45 years ago!!

    1. Hi Leslie - I just love it when the family gets together - it doesn't happen enough for me and when it does my heart is just so happy. I'm glad you have some opportunities to enjoy it too - thank goodness for birthdays and Christmas! Kayaking is much nicer than sailing - I didn't enjoy being on a little sailboat - too much ducking under the sail etc - and I like being on a quiet back river where the water is smooth and it's lovely and quiet without the wind etc.

  19. Hi Leanne, Thank you for your weekend coffee share. What a lovely August you’ve had. The huge number of views of your pinterest post sounds awesome.

    1. Hi Natalie - thanks for hosting another great party and for providing a great place of interaction and sharing. August was a lovely month indeed.

  20. HA! I'm one of those who just saw you on Pinterest, read and subscribed. Thank you!

    1. Yay! Hi Karen and welcome - I'm so glad you found me and I hope you find some encouragement and enjoyment as we figure all this out - Midlife and retirement are a whole new ballgame - but man I'm loving both!


Thanks so much for your comment - it's where the connection begins.