Choosing to live life lightly, And how that looked throughout the month of September..


If you read my blog regularly (thank you if you do!) you'll know I chose "Live Lightly" as my Word(s) Of The Year for 2023. I've made a pledge to myself to chill out a little this year and to take things as they come, rather than trying to push too hard or trying to control everything. I hope my year will reflect taking life at a gentler pace and stepping lightly and slowly.

So, on that note, to wrap up September, I'm sharing a few little highlights that contributed towards a lovely month....


Spring is slowly creeping in here in Western Australia - but there's a long way to go. We took a lovely drive down south to enjoy a farm planted with hundreds of deciduous trees - only to remember that last time we went it was Autumn and they were in all their glory. This time we settled for the green hills and blue sky - and the occasional blossom....still, it was a beautiful day for a drive and a cafe visit later.

Out and about in the Golden Tree Farm Balingup

And to finish the month off nicely we headed out for a belated Father's Day morning tea - per kind favour from our kids - another day of beautiful weather, so we followed it up with a walk along the waterfront.

Morning tea Dolphin Discover Centre Bunbury

Add in a weekend visit from our daughter and son-in-law, and it's been a lovely month that filled my tank with joy and gratitude.


It's been an interesting month on the blog - I've had a few thoughts that have wound their way through my head and I've shared them in a couple of posts this week - the idea of a Fertile Void (making the time between life phases a positive space rather than fretting over it) and also the stages of marriage - and knowing I'd hit them all!

Blogging is such a great arena to share my thoughts and to hear from others - I like that learning never stops - but we can choose what interests us and pursue those paths (more on that in October!)


I found our daughter's hoola hoop from long, long ago and gave it a whirl - only to find that it didn't whirl like I remembered. After trying several times and youtubing "how-to's" I realized I needed a bigger hoop if I had any hope of success. So, challenge accepted! I ordered a bigger, weighted hoop for adults and it arrived ready to assemble. And it worked! My inner 7 year old came to the surface and my core remembered to engage - and off I went (excuse the outfit - I was home and it was a quick video for the family).....


I've been continuing on with my collaging - cutting out background pieces and replacing them with different images, overlaying, painting, glitter gluing, and whatever else catches my fancy. It makes for an interesting change to colouring-in and my other dabblings. Below are a couple of the double page collages in my latest book:

Collage art

Oh.....and the jigsaw I finished last night - a really fun 1,000 piece caveman one:

prehistoric fun jigsaw


Maybe it's as simple as this: when you step into the thing you are, the world does not burn, but glows more brightly with the light you bring.

Choosing to live life lightly, And how that looked throughout the month of September.


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Cresting the Hill - a blog for Midlife (Middle Aged / 50+) women who want to thrive


  1. What a lovely month - and go you re the hula hoop. I don't reckon I was ever able to make one work.

    1. I was a little disheartened when I couldn't do the small hoop - and quite pleased with myself when the bigger, heavier one actually stayed up!

  2. Hi Leanne. The hula-hooping looks like such fun. I admire you for giving the fun things in life a whirl. Your collages are beautiful! I've moved my tree to the sunroom, where I'm finishing it off. I'll send you photos when it's finished. xx Christina Daggett

    1. Hi Christina - I can't wait to see the tree and the sunroom sounds like the perfect spot for a glass tree to live :) And thanks for the lovely compliment about my collages xx

  3. Hi Leanne - Living lightly is a wonderful idea. And I would say a necessity at our stage in life. We have lived a life to cater to other people's requirements during our younger days. And, it's high time to sit back and relax.
    That hula-hoop was a fabulous idea. We all have our younger days hiding within ourselves. And it's such a joyful thing to give expression to it. Glad you ordered one. It's a good exercise too, is it not?

    1. Hi Pradeep - I'm hoping that the hula hooping improves my flexibility and maybe even gives my core a bit of a boost if I can keep it up for a few minutes each day. And yes, this second stage of life is so nice - partly because I don't have to be running around after anyone else these days :)

  4. Oh so fun; I haven't hoola hooped in years! I used to be able to do all sorts of tricks with it too getting it to move from my neck to my ankles and back up to my neck... now I can hardly get it to just stay at my hips (but maybe I needed a bigger hoop?!).

    1. Hi Jo - I hadn't hula hooped in decades and the puny little hoop was not obeying me in any way, shape or form. The bigger hoop made all the difference and hopefully it'll inspire me to keep giving it a whirl on a regular basis - flexibility is so important!

  5. Leanne, the video of you is priceless. Even as a child I couldn't do that! Thank you for a reminder to live lightly.

    1. It was a quick, fun one to send to my daughter and DIL to show them that I'd finally mastered the hoop after failing so dismally with the smaller one. I felt a lot less "old" once I got that hoop spinning again :)

  6. As I read your post, it was a bit startling to realize how far along the year it's been with your "WOTY" phrase. I've really enjoyed how you kept with it. Your posts remind me to savor the little things. Oh, and I did try hula hoop at kids camp in June... very unsuccessfully. I'm now claiming it's because they were kid's sized hula hoops!

    1. Definitely go with the kid size as the excuse for the hooping Pat - once I got the bigger one it was an immediate success (phew!) the little one just needs to be spun much faster and I can't get my 60 year old hips to obey! And yes, for me it's definitely about all the little joys each week - life is small but it's very satisfying.

  7. Hi Leanne, I love the video of you hula hooping. I really like the jigsaw - it's ages since I have done one and I find it very therapeutic to sit quietly sorting out the pieces and creating the picture.

    1. Hi Elizabeth - I hadn't done a jigsaw for a while either and this one was really fun - I love puzzles that have a lot of interesting little bits in them rather than all sea, sky and forest - too much of the same colour is just plain boring for me.

  8. Love love love the hula hooping Leanne, a great month for you in so many ways - family, blogging and rediscovering the joys of a hula hoop :). Go you!

    1. Hi Deb - I was so proud of myself when I got that thing to twirl after failing dismally for a couple of weeks with the smaller hoop. Hence the video for the kids - and I just had to share it on the blog because it made me smile :)

  9. Hi Leanne, looks like you've had a wonderful month. Love the video of you with the hula hoop! It's been a long time between hula hooping for me! LOL I don't know if I'd still be able to do it but I did it with ease when I was a young girl! Lovely collages by the way. Great that you're still enjoying your art. I can't believe that September is coming to an end. This year is going by too quickly. I am not ready for the Christmas season to be upon us yet!! xo

    1. Hi Min - I've done zero in the way of Christmas prep - usually by now I'd have an idea of presents etc, but as times change and I'm only buying for the grandgirls, I seem to be getting later and later in the year. I saw on an American blog that people are already putting up their decorations in September! Good grief!
      I used to be a great hula hooper in my youth, which was why I felt so defeated when I tried the little hoop and couldn't get it to work - it was a relief when the bigger hoop did what I'd hoped for!

  10. Hi, Leanne - How fun is that Hoola Hoop??! I absolutely LOVE it!!

    1. It was such a relief to find my inner 7 year old Donna - and to discover I still had a core hiding in there somewhere :D

  11. It sounds like a wonderful month, Leanne, and I loved your hula hoop video. Good for you! I'm not sure I could do it. Here's to a fabulous October!

    1. Hi Christie - it's definitely been a lovely month and we have the grandgirls next week, so October will be off to a great start :)

  12. Another enjoyable month for your Leanne and I commend you on your hula hooping skills. I remember having a hot pink one as a kid. It certainly is a great core workout. !

    1. Hi Sue - my core could do with all the help it can get, so I figure I can have fun, feel like a kid, and hopefully get a stronger middle - all in one go!

  13. Hi Leanne, I always sponge in your words of wisdom. I greatly enjoy seeing the photos you post on FB. The Father’s Day comment throws me, since our Father’s Day is in June. Gift certificate to a restaurant is a wonderful suggestion from your thoughtful children. I get it on ‘filled my tank.’ I suspect the hula hoop continues to help with your hips and accessing your inner child. Nice to read your updates and see the photos, Leanne. Much love in your direction.xx Erica

    1. Hi Erica - I do sooo love it when you stop by (you're my little ray of sunshine!) And yes, the outing instead of another "thing" is a great gift idea for people like us who don't like clutter. We have the g/girls coming next week, so my tank will be overflowing! Hope your world is wonderful and the family are all going well. xxx

  14. I bought small hoola hoops for have here for the grandkids and I can do hoola hoop on my arms quite nicely! Good on you for your challenge to yourself. I think that's great. It was great to see link up your blog post this week at Denyse’s Words and Pics for #WWandPics. Thank you for being part of the community. Warm wishes and appreciation from Denyse.

    1. Hi Denyse - I think I was just disappointed that I'd lost the ability (a bit like when I tried to do a cartwheel many years ago and realized my body wasn't 7 years old any more!) Using the bigger weighted one has been fun and reminded me of the skill and that we can re-acquire things if we set our minds to it.


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